Troopers Category: H&HC

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War

Vallely, Paul E.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Paul E. Vallely H & H, A Companies 1966 Military Biography -Major General Paul E. Vallely (Ret) Paul E. Vallely retired in 1991 from the US Army as Deputy Commanding General, US Army, and Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii. General Vallely graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point in 1961 [...]

Valentine, Bob

Vietnam 2nd battalion Bob Valentine H & H Company 1971 - 1972 In early 71 I was attached to the 101st to start them on bugging out of Nam. I was with a Hq Company and I do believe it was the 2/327th but can not be for sure. I would like to give [...]

Thorburn, John

Vietnam 2nd battalion John Thorburn H & H Company 1966 - 1967 Fell upon the web page and was surprise to see some photos of some of my old second to none and no slack team members. I served from the end of 1966 to Feb 25, 1967 when a sniper round took me [...]

Stock, Walt

Vietnam 2nd battalion Walt Stock H & H Company 1966 - 1967 I was one of the Patrol Leaders in the Hawks. The Hawks were a Reconnaissance Platoon, so we operated in a variety of configurations, sometimes 6 men, sometimes 40. It all depended on what our mission was. There weren't many units that [...]

Stiles, John Richard

Vietnam 2nd battalion John Richard Stiles H & H Company 1965 - 1966 I returned from Viet Nam in July 1966 and was then assigned to the 82nd at Ft. Bragg. After the Army, I got out in 1967, I went to college, Western Illinois University and got a degree in political science and [...]

Stephens, James F. “Doc”

Vietnam 2nd battalion James F. ``Doc`` Stephens H & H, B Companies 1967 - 1968 I graduated from the Fort Benning, Georgia Airborne Course on 30 June 1967. After Benning I was stationed at Fort Bragg, NC with the 82nd Airborne. Went to the Detroit Race Riots in July of that year with the [...]

Scott, Larry A.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Larry A. Scott H & H Company 1970 - 1971 Served in the toc at camp eagle and on bastone from oct 70 - oct 71. Never received the CIB or any wings or anything like that. Was drafted. After nam I spent time with the army reserve, 104th inf training [...]