Troopers Category: H&HC

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War

Geiselhofer, Stephen “Doc”

Vietnam 2nd battalion Stephen ``Doc`` Geiselhofer H&HC & D Company 1968 - 1969 I was the 3rd platoon medic of D company when we first walked out of Camp Eagle on our way to fbs Birmingham, then fbs Bastogne. My platoon Sargent was SSG Steven Guess, Robert Bolger was our RTO. Capt.Dietz was the [...]

Croxton, Benjamin

Vietnam 2nd battalion Benjamin Croxton H & H (Hawks), A, B, C, D Companies 1967 - 1968 Combat Photographer 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne I got to 1st Brigade 101st HQ PIO office in August 1967... My first assignment's were both 1st & 2nd 327th line companies in Chu Lai...I meet with the CO of [...]

Page, Jon

Vietnam 2nd battalion Jon Page D, H & H Companies 1968 - 1969 I was in Delta Co. 1st Plt. for 3 weeks as a cherry RTO in May 68, Charger (Beckwith) read that I was Teletype & Crypto trained and took me to be his personal 'slack man'. But I didn't mind the [...]

Mc Clellan, Hugh

Vietnam 2nd battalion Hugh Mc Clellan A , H & H Companies 1965 - 1967 Broke my hand in a helliborne assualt but no medal. Sgt. Cheny said there has to be blood to get the medal. I was in "A" Company, in the beginning, then I was Col. Joseph Wasco's bodyguard. After he [...]