Valentine, Bob

327 Infantry Veterans
Project Name
Valentine, Bob
2nd Battalion,H&HC

Vietnam 2nd battalion

Bob Valentine

H & H Company 1971 – 1972

In early 71 I was attached to the 101st to start them on bugging out of Nam. I was with a Hq Company and I do believe it was the 2/327th but can not be for sure. I would like to give claim to that unit since you are good folks. For sure I was attached to the Big Red One, !st Cav, 11th Armour, The 25th, and briefly with 101st. I was assigned to the 604th CS Maint Co. and went to Nam under presidential orders to help combat units to go home, this unit was in USARV.

I have been taught by you all that we all had a mission to do and AT TIMES SOME WERE CLOSER TO CHARLES than they wanted to be. Hopes this helps but it means that I liked playing with those who gave their all for this country and for the most part it has rubbed off on me.

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