Charlie Company

327 Infantry Veterans

C-2/327th Infantry “No Slack” Vietnam

Charlie Company

2nd Platoon in Kontum Jan. or Feb. 1967

Top row Left to right: Moses (from La ?) Tony Dean, Lyle Scott Dye, Kirk (Calif) Jeff Nichols, Smith ,?,? Evans (Philly), Hosteter (NJ)Carson (Cincinatti)

Second Row left to right: Johnny Albritton (La.), Grady, Sam Greer (Chicago), Thomas (Moose) Hoeniges (Bloomington, IL), Scott Rapier, Ken Potts, Stafford (only guy to catch Phubonic plague), Campbell, Frenchy

Bottom row left to right: ? , Sgt. Harvey, Sgt. Pryor,?, Sgt. Campbell (our first sniper) ,? , Sgt Lovett.

Col. Wassco and Cpt Moody (“C” Co. C.O.) taken at Kontum

Same Mud. Same Blood.

Click on YouTube link below:


This film footage was shot when they did Same Mud Same Blood.
Thanks Bulldog!


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