B-2/327 2002

327 Infantry Veterans

327th Infantry “Bastogne”

B-2/327 Reunion, Sacramento, California 2002

B-2/327 Vietnam Veterans Reunion Photos
May 25, 2003
Sacremento, CA

B/2/327 had a small gathering at the California Viet Nam Veterans Memorial on Sunday May 25th. The Memorial is on the capitol grounds and is really a beautiful structure, I would reccommend anyone visiting Sacramento or the area to go see it. In attendance were, Ray Millard, Lou McDonald, Don Bowers, Ken Claypoole, Wade Hansen, Bill Porter. Adam Dunnway, and Jim Wilson. The wives in attendance were, Carolyn Millard, Lista McDonald, Vonnie Hansen, and Judy Wilson. Wade Hansen flew in from Minnesota to be with us and it was quite a treat for us as we had not seen Wade since 67. After spending some time at the memorial, we proceeded across the street to the Hyatt for a brunch fit for Kings, the food was excellent, as well as the service. Ray Millard led the brunch off with a memorial champagne toast to our fallen brothers, and to those who couldn’t be with us. After the brunch, we retired to a room provided by the Hyatt, to view some slides, and continue our fellowship. It is of course always a special time when we can get together and remember old times, but this year was very special as we also were thinking about the kids in Iraq, and hoping for their safe return. We had a great time as usual, when the boys from Company B get together. —

No Slack for now Jim Wilson.

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