Troopers Category: 2nd Battalion

327 Infantry Veterans

Dean, Anthony

Vietnam 2nd battalion Anthony Dean C Company 1967 - 1968 Anthony passed away May 21, 2005. God Bless our brother.   Anthony is the second from the left, top row in the Kontum photo below. According to those that knew him, he was one hellava RTO! Top row Left to right; Moses (from La ?) [...]

Davis, John C.

Vietnam 2nd battalion John C. Davis C Company 1967 - 1968 I remember arriving in country July 1, 1967 and going through Repo Depo at LBJ, flying to Phan Rang for P Training, transferring to base camp at Duc Pho where as the new NCO I had the privilege of cleaning the Officer and [...]

Daggett, Ben

Vietnam 2nd battalion Ben Daggett C Company 1965 - 1966 I entered the Army in September 1964 and took basic and AIT at Fort Gordon. I then went to Fort Benning for Jump School. I arrived at Fort Campbell in May of 1965, just in time to help with the preparation for the movement [...]

Curtis, Donald L.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Donald L. Curtis C Company 1966 - 1967 Thanks for the reply..! Yea I was your standard Airborne, (T-10 toten) CIB wearing grunt...Wounded several times by small scrapnel, short round W/P & once in the calf by a punji stake. (Damned three cornered cut took forever to heal). Received no Purple [...]

Crabtree, Thomas L.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Thomas L. Crabtree C Company 1967 My name is Thomas Lon Crabtree; served in Viet Nam w 1st Cav, C 1/12 (Airborne) 8/66-5/67 and was assigned to 101st C 2/327th from the Cav May '67 and derosed back to 'The World' 9/67. Came to C 2/327th about the time of the [...]

Cochran, William J (Jack)

Vietnam 2nd battalion William J (jack) Cochran C Company 1966 - 1967 I served in Vietnam from 25 Aug 1966 to 25 Aug 1967. I was a platoon leader for most of my time spent in country. My unit was the 2nd Platoon, C Company, 2/327 Infantry, 1st Brigade. Back to the Troopers
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