Curtis, Donald L.

327 Infantry Veterans
Project Name
Curtis, Donald L.
2nd Battalion,C Company

Vietnam 2nd battalion

Donald L. Curtis

C Company 1966 – 1967

Thanks for the reply..! Yea I was your standard Airborne, (T-10 toten) CIB wearing grunt…Wounded several times by small scrapnel, short round W/P & once in the calf by a punji stake. (Damned three cornered cut took forever to heal). Received no Purple Heart until my second tour as a helicopter pilot when I took a hit in the leg.

I got all of the usual been there, done that, awards. MSM, BS, PCHT Badge, PH, Arcoms, Air Medals & Master Flight Wings. Somehow, I was lucky enough to avoid most of the PTDS problems. I was very young during my tour as a 101st Grunt & not the sharpest tack in the box. I hope I made up for it as a pilot by saving a lot of grunts in my wonderful old “Slick” on my second tour in 69-70.

As I get older I wonder even more about the wonderful guys that looked out for me & acted like my big brother. I am missing some early Army memory & of the time between R&R & DEROS. I must have done ok because they promoted me to E-5 my last month there.

I’ve been blessed with a good life! For anyone who wonders, I flew for a while with Petroleum Helicopters Inc. (PHI) after retiring from the Army in 1984.
I then went on to a career as a Ghetto Cop in Dallas, Texas, retiring in 2000 & will retire again in Jan. 2008 from my current job as safety Director for a Construction Co.

I will forever hold in honor & respect the memory of being part of the greatest group of Americans there is….. Each & every one of you!

Sincerely, Donald L Curtis CW3 USA (Ret)

Don in the back, 3 from the right
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