Troopers Category: Delta Troops

327 Infantry Veterans

Watson, James

Vietnam 1st Battalion James Watson D Company 1970 - 1971 I was with 1/327 Delta Company, '71 to somewhere around January or February '72. Then the unit stood down and was sent to 501 or 502, not sure. Some time around late March or early April, DMZ moved down to damn near Phu Bai. Would [...]

Standridge, Steve

Vietnam 1st Battalion Steve Standridge D, E (TF) Companies 1968 The picture below was taken in the Ashau Valley sometime in August of 1968. It had rained all night. We had walked into the valley the day prior. Just after this picture was taken we climbed on Hueys for an assault further up the [...]

Smith, Wayne

Vietnam 1st Battalion Wayne Smith D Company 1971 First of all I just want to say thank you all for welcoming me. I have received emails from several of the guys, almost immediately after signing the guestbook. From the emails that I have gotten, I feel like part of a large family!!!! I thank [...]

Shade, David Austin

Vietnam 1st Battalion David Austin Shade D Company 1969 I was 21 when I landed in RVN on Easter Morning 1969, that in its self is a good story, but I'll tell that one later. I first went to Camp Ray....where the H_ LL that is I still don't know to this day! In [...]

Sevem, Ted R.

Vietnam 1st Battalion Ted R. Sevem D Company 1969 - 1970 Commanded D-1/327th from November 1969-June 1970 Spent 28 ½ years in the Army; retired in 1996; commanded through Brigade level; have spent the time since as a program manager for United Defense, Alion Science and Technology and BAE Systems; have been married 40 [...]

Roy, Antoine

Vietnam 1st Battalion Antoine Roy D Company 1969 I graduated from the U.S. Military High School in Nuremburg, Germany, Class of 1966. I was in Germany as an army brat. My Father and Stepfather were both 1st Sgt.'s. My Stepfather was stationed outside of Nuremburg. My 18th birthday came around just before I graduated [...]

Peterson, Mark

Vietnam 1st Battalion Mark Peterson D Company 1969 - 1970 I am proud to have served my Country with such a great bunch of guys. No where else, in all my life, have I witnessed the courage, the grit, and the compassion, as I did in my fellow Grunts. HONOR and COUNTRY Back to [...]
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