Troopers Category: Cobra Troops

327 Infantry Veterans

Dill, E. Wayne

Vietnam 1st Battalion E. Wayne Dill A, C Companies 1966 - 1967 Joined the battalion in Tuy Hoa March 1966 initially commanding ABU Company and then took command of COBRA Company in May 1966. The battalion/company conducted operations in Nhon Cao, Cheo Reo, Dak To, and Tuy Hoa. After command I went to the [...]

Walker, William “Bill”

Vietnam 1st Battalion William ``Bill`` Walker H & H, C Companies 1969 I served as a medic (91c) from Jan 69 - Dec 69 with 1/327th then went to 24th Evac in Long Bien for my second tour. Doc Magoo (Don Ackerman and I were together on both tours). I took the Florida State [...]

Stevenson, Harry C. “Steve”

Vietnam 1st Battalion Harry C. ``Steve`` Stevenson C, H & H, B Companies 1967 - 1968 I was commissioned through ROTC in 1966 and after training at Ft Benning I was assigned to the 3rd Bn 187 Infantry (Airborne) (Rakkasan) with the 101st at Ft Campbell. After five months, I was assigned to Vietnam [...]

Raymond, Fred

Vietnam 1st Battalion Fred Raymond C, H & H (TF), A Companies 1968 - 1969 I arrived in RVN as a 2LT in January 1968 and was assigned as the Platoon Leader for the 3rd Platoon of C Company. I served there from January through April 1968. I then served as the Platoon Leader [...]

Neely, John

Vietnam 1st Battalion John Neely H & H, C Companies 1968 - 1969 Joined the battalion in June '68. Assigned to Cobra Company, Second (Lt. Murphy's) Platoon. Ammo bearer and rifleman in an M-60 squad. WIA July 31 when Lt. Murphy's recon was ambushed on a ridgeline above the A Shau Valley. Spent three [...]

Murphy, Pat “Doc”

Vietnam 1st Battalion Pat ``Doc`` Murphy H & H, C Companies 1966 - 1967 I served as a medic with the weapons platoon and then the 1st platoon of "C" company. Arrived in Vietnam Oct 66 to Oct 67. Back to the Troopers
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