Troopers Category: Cobra Troops

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War

Mitchell, Pete

Vietnam 1st Battalion Pete Mitchell C, H & H, A Companies 1966 - 1967 As for my 1/327th assignments in Vietnam, I arrived in-country and reported to Phan Rang 1 May 66 and went thru "P" training, joining C Co 1/327th on the Cambodian border at Nhon Cho, as 1st Plt Ldr. We moved to [...]

Mears, Bill

Vietnam 1st Battalion Bill Mears C, H & H Companies 1969 - 1970 I served with C Co & HHC 1/327inf. June 1969 to June 1970. A Shau Valley, Fire Base Bastogne, FB Roy, LZ Saber among others. Back to the Troopers

Layne, Lonnie “Doc”

Vietnam 1st Battalion Lonnie ``Doc`` Layne H & H, C Companies 1967 Doc Layne passed away 3-15-21   Everyone just called me Doc Layne in C Co. 1st 327 . I was the Medic for the first platoon from May 67 until around Nov. or Dec. 67. After that I was medic for the TAC [...]

Irzyk, Andrew L.

Vietnam 1st Battalion Andrew L. Irzyk H & H, C Companies 1966 - 1967 Colonel Andrew Lech Irzyk was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School class 9-64 on 27 October 1964. His first duty assignment was as Commander Operational Detachment Alpha 27, Company C, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne). His [...]

Heyn, Charles

Vietnam 1st Battalion Charles Heyn H & H (TF), C Companies Chuck was a Medic assigned to "Cobra" Company from Headquarters Company. Chuck was also with the Tigers. Chuck is married to Andrea and has two daughters Melanie, and Emma. Carpenter/plumber/electrician Chuck Heyn Back to the Troopers

Ackerman, Don “Doc Magoo”

Vietnam 1st Battalion Don ``Doc Magoo`` Ackerman H & H, A, B, C, D, TF Companies 1968 - 1970 I was assigned to HHC in 5/68 to 1/70. Served with Tigers for about 6 wks (to 6/19 wounded), when I came back from the hospital went to ABU Company till sometime in June or [...]

Jackson, Walter

Vietnam 2nd battalion Walter Jackson C, E (TF) Companies 1967 - 1969 E 2/327 1969 I was in C Co 1/327 from July 67 thru July 68. Quite a Year. Tiger Force from November of 68 thru Feb 69 and with the Hawks from May of 69 thru August 1969. Superb units each! Went [...]