Troopers Category: Cobra Troops

327 Infantry Veterans

Dorland, John

Vietnam 1st Battalion John Dorland C Company 1965 - 1966 Joined 1/327th in January 1964, with ABU Company, as a Platoon Leader, jumping in Operation Delawar, in Iran, followed by Desert Strike. Became Bn Asst S-3 (Air) before and going to Vietnam, on the USNS Eltinge, in 1965. Wanted to be in the “war [...]

De Graw, Allen Charles

Vietnam 1st Battalion Allen Charles De Graw C Company 1965 Born 6 August 1934, Morristown, New Jersey. ENTERED SERVICE, from ROTC, Florida State University, 1957. Basic and Advanced Infantry Officer courses, Ranger, Pathfinder and Airborne training at Fort Benning, Georgia, Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Defense Language Institute, Monterey, California. SERVED, [...]

Deardorff, James

Vietnam 1st Battalion James Deardorff C Company 1965 Jim was one of the original boat people that went to Vietnam with the 1st Brigade Separate in '65 on the General Leroy Eltinge     PFC James Deardorff receives a cold drink upon returning from the battle of Dak To 1/101st Brigade Commander Willard Pearson and [...]

De Long, Earl Reginald

Vietnam 1st Battalion Earl Reginald De Long C Company 1966 - 1967 I served in the Army as a volunteer from 28 Dec. 65 to 28 Dec. 68. I was trained as a 11C (mortarman) at Ft. Gordon GA., but I never worked in that capacity. I became a rifleman as soon as I [...]

Cousins, Paul

Vietnam 1st Battalion Paul Cousins C Company 1968 I retired from the U.S. Army, October 1993 as a SGM with 27 years of services. I was wounded three (3) times in Vietnam. Some of my awards & decorations are Purple Heart 2nd Oak Leaf Clusters, Meritorious Service Medal w/2nd Oak Leaf Cluster. Army Commendation [...]

Cook, David S.

Vietnam 1st Battalion David S. Cook C Company 1965 - 1966 I enlisted in the US Army 16 Sept., 1963 for training and duty as a US paratrooper. I went to Ft. Dix, NJ for Basic and Advanced Infantry Training and was qualified as a "heavy weapons infantryman" (MOS 112). For some reason when [...]

Collins, Michael

Vietnam 1st Battalion Michael Collins C Company 1970 I was a Lt in A Battery, 2/320 Arty and was in the boonies with C, 1/327 from January 1970 until I became battalion fire direction officer at Camp Eagle in September. I was injured on March 26, 1970 with Capt. Ghode and 11 others. Our [...]
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