Troopers Category: Brave Rifle Troops

327 Infantry Veterans

Winkeljohn, Jim

Vietnam 1st Battalion Jim Winkeljohn B, C Companies 1969 - 1970 Forward Observer B Company July 25, to August 30, 1969 C Company November 2, 1969 to February 16, 1970 My Army service began June, 4, 1967, when I was commissioned through the ROTC program at Mississippi State University. In late March 1968, I [...]

Whitfield, Roy D.

Vietnam 1st Battalion Roy D. Whitfield B Company 1969 I recognized a photo of Wallace Berry. I was his AG until I was wounded up in the A Shau Valley. I was in country from Jan.-Aug. 1969. I'm just trying to make contacts and see if any are still around. Daniel Bivins is one [...]

Wainscoat, James

Vietnam 1st Battalion James Wainscoat B Company 1966 Born May 8, 1941 (President Give them hell Harry's birthday) in San Francisco bay area. High school at Balboa High and then Truckee High at lake Tahoe Ca. Then three years Catholic Seminary for the Arch Diocese of Sacramento Ca. Wanted to be a warrior for [...]

Trent, George William (Gomer)

Vietnam 1st Battalion George William (Gomer) Trent B, E (TF) Companies 1969 - 1970 George William Trent (Gomer), I live in Lafayette, TN I served with B Company, Sept.'69-Oct.'70 and also with the Tigers. I was with Garry Berry, Ed White, Travis Shattle, Erick Miller, Michael Birmingham, "Mississippi", Dave Kulman,and other names that escape [...]

Thorton, Leslie “Sonny”

Vietnam 1st Battalion Leslie ``Sonny`` Thorton B Company 1967 - 1968 Home town is Washington D.C. I was with the Pathfinders & Screaming Eagles, 214th Combat Aviation, Vietnam 1967-1968 jumper-gunner, reserves, Medic, etc. L Thornton (Sonny) Back to the Troopers

Thibault, Ken

Vietnam 1st Battalion Ken Thibault B Company 1965 - 1966 I was the squad leader 3rd sqd. 3rd Plt. B 1/327 when we departed Ft Campbell for Vietnam. I was on board the Gen. Leroy Eltinge, and served my year in that same company. I would like to find my old platoon sgt. John [...]

Southerland, Jobe Kert

Vietnam 1st Battalion Jobe Kert Southerland B Company 1968 I was with "B" Company 1/327th from March 1968 to December 1968. I was on fire bases Birmingham, Bastonge, Veghel and in the beautiful A-Shau Valley. Here are some "Barbarians" that I remember, Lew Legat, Tyrone Hobbs, Larry Roach, Hoke, Budy. I returned home from [...]
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