Troopers Category: B Company

327 Infantry Veterans

Sheridan, Dennis

Vietnam 2nd battalion Dennis Sheridan B, A, H & H Companies 1969 - 1970 Nam Oct '69 to December 14th '70 - 2/327th. Oct '69 to Dec '69 3d platoon leader B Co. and Dec '69 to Mar '70 2nd platoon leader A Co. Co A CO (a story in itself) and XO, Bn [...]

Ramsey, Dean “Doc” Willard

Vietnam 2nd battalion Dean ``Doc`` Willard Ramsey A, B, C, D, E Companies 1967 - 1969 I was Hawks Recon Medic 1967-69 along with A, B, C, D Companies. Any Hawks out there who can remember the lighting strike at the relay station? Back to the Troopers

Ramirez, Cruz

Vietnam 2nd battalion Cruz Ramirez A, B Companies 1968 - 1969 I arrived in Bien Hoa, Viet Nam Oct 1968. I had to take two weeks of jungle training before being placed with a unit. Then my orders came and I was placed with the 101st Airborne unit. We flew from Bien Hoa to [...]

Lee, Eugene S.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Eugene S. Lee B & A Companies 1968 - 1969 I was commissioned from Infantry OCS on 13 Dec l967. I was then assigned to Ft. Campbell, Ky and was part of the 6th Inf Div which was activated after the rest of the 101st Abn was sent to RVN. I [...]

Stephens, James F. “Doc”

Vietnam 2nd battalion James F. ``Doc`` Stephens H & H, B Companies 1967 - 1968 I graduated from the Fort Benning, Georgia Airborne Course on 30 June 1967. After Benning I was stationed at Fort Bragg, NC with the 82nd Airborne. Went to the Detroit Race Riots in July of that year with the [...]
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