Troopers Category: B Company

327 Infantry Veterans

Willett, David Lynn

Vietnam 2nd battalion David Lynn Willett B Company 1967 - 1968 David Lynn Willett was in the 2/327 B Co in Vietnam Oct 67 - Feb 68. He passed away in '98. David Lynn Willett. He is in the back row and the tallest. Back to the Troopers

Croxton, Benjamin

Vietnam 2nd battalion Benjamin Croxton H & H (Hawks), A, B, C, D Companies 1967 - 1968 Combat Photographer 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne I got to 1st Brigade 101st HQ PIO office in August 1967... My first assignment's were both 1st & 2nd 327th line companies in Chu Lai...I meet with the CO of [...]

Harper, Bill “Doc”

Vietnam 1st Battalion Bill ``Doc`` Harper H & H (TF), B Companies 1968 I was assigned to "HHC" Company as a Medic from Jan. to Nov. of 1968, prior to that I was down south with the Third Herd out of Phouc Vinh, C/326th Med Bn. During my tenure at Phu Bia, Camp Eagle [...]

Fox, Charles A.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Charles A. Fox B, D Companies 1971 - 1972 I was a 1LT platoon leader while with the 101st. I was assigned to 2-327 IN 18 Oct 1971-14 April 1972. In Feb 1972 I was transferred from B Company to D Company, 2-327 IN. Back to the Troopers

Wolfe, John D.

Vietnam 2nd battalion John D. Wolfe B Company 1968 - 1969 Served with B Co. 2nd 327 in 68-69. I'd like to hear from Dick Wolletz who was injured in same explosion as myself in March 69 or from any of the other guys with whom I was friends. Back to the Troopers

Wilson, Jim

Vietnam 2nd battalion Jim Wilson B Company 1966 - 1967 When Capt. Ron Davis took command of B company in early 67, I don't remember the exact month, he saw a need for a company recon team, he chose several men from different platoons, who had several months of in country experience, most of [...]
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