Troopers Category: H&HC Troops

327 Infantry Veterans

Gearing, Ted W. “Doc”

Vietnam 1st Battalion Ted W. ``Doc`` Gearing H & H, B Companies 1970 - 1971 I was drafted on my birthday, August 25, 1969. Went to Medics school at Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio, TX. Next thing I knew it was February, 1970 and I Hueyed into the jungle to B Company......facing Capt. [...]

Funderburg, Ronald D.

Vietnam 1st Battalion Ronald D. Funderburg B, H & H, A Companies 1967 - 1968 I came in country 5-67 to B Co. was then transferred to HHC as an RTO. After Mothers Day (big Loss) I volunteered to be a medic with A Co. I was eventually Co. medic until I was shot [...]

Foster, Tom

Vietnam 1st Battalion Tom Foster H & H, A Companies 1968 - 1969 I was in HHC attached to A Co as the 2nd platoon medic and then later the senior aidman. After about 8 1/2 months I went to the rear BN aid station as the A&D clerk. I was there from Oct [...]

Fletcher, Leon

Vietnam 1st Battalion Leon Fletcher H & H Company 1966 - 1967 I was the head of Fire Direction Control of the Mortar Platoon, Headquarters & Headquarters Company, 1/327th Infantry, December 1966 - December 1967, RVN. I was promoted to the rank of Sgt. E-5 shortly after arriving in RVN. After leaving RVN, I [...]
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