Troopers Category: H&HC Troops

327 Infantry Veterans

Heyn, Charles

Vietnam 1st Battalion Charles Heyn H & H (TF), C Companies Chuck was a Medic assigned to "Cobra" Company from Headquarters Company. Chuck was also with the Tigers. Chuck is married to Andrea and has two daughters Melanie, and Emma. Carpenter/plumber/electrician Chuck Heyn Back to the Troopers

Hayes, Frank

Vietnam 1st Battalion Frank Hayes H & H (TF) Company 1966 - 1967 I served from September 1966 till June 1967. I was Cpt. Ackerton's RTO in the Central Highlands when he was shot. My last 3 months incountry I was Ghost Riders driver and I am still in contact with him. I don't [...]

Harper, Bill “Doc”

Vietnam 1st Battalion Bill ``Doc`` Harper H & H (TF), B Companies 1968 I was assigned to "HHC" Company as a Medic from Jan. to Nov. of 1968, prior to that I was down south with the Third Herd out of Phouc Vinh, C/326th Med Bn. During my tenure at Phu Bia, Camp Eagle [...]

Hansen, Steve

Vietnam 1st Battalion Steve Hansen H & H Company 1970 - 1971 I was an S-2 with the 1/327 from around September 1970 until April or may of 71. I was on FB Vehgel and Bastogne. Then I was in the S-3 shop at Brigade HHQ at Camp Eagle for the rest of the [...]

Hackworth, David H.

Vietnam 1st Battalion David H. Hackworth H & H Company Colonel David H. Hackworth (U.S. ARMY, RET.) 1st Battalion Commander Vietnam Hack's military career as a sailor, soldier and military reporter/analyst has spanned nearly a dozen wars and conflicts, from the end of World War II to the present. He enlisted in the Merchant Marine [...]

Gonsalves-Cardona, Jose M. “Doc Speedy”

Vietnam 1st Battalion Jose M. ``Doc Speedy`` Gonsalves-Cardona H & H, A Companies 1968 - 1969 My name is Jose M. Gonsalves-Cardona, I served in Nam from April/68 till December 23, 68 the day I was wounded. I was a platoon medic with A CO.-Later I was Senior Medic. I was known as Doc [...]
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