Troopers Category: D Company

327 Infantry Veterans

Alapai, Paul

Vietnam 2nd battalion Paul Alapai D Company 1969 - 1970 September '58 - June '62: Company "E" 1st A.B.G., 327th Airborne Infantry, Fort Campbell. 1962 - '64, civilian. 1964 - 1968 RVN. 1969 - 1970 Company D, 2/327th 1st and 3rd platoons, RVN. 1970 - 1972 HHC, 101st Admin. Company, 101st Airborne Division RVN. Jump [...]

Adams, James E.

Vietnam 2nd battalion James E. Adams D Company 1968 - 1969 James E. Adams was the Supply Sergeant for Delta Company and was/is a wonderful individual. What happened to you after we talked on the phone James? How about a sitrep?? NS! Dale Sgt. Clarence Wilson with the knife. And with his fist on his [...]

Solis, Jesse F.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Jesse F. Solis B, D Companies 1967 - 1968 Arrived in country October of 1967. Spent Tet of '68 at the Tan Son Nhut Airfield defending it. When Delta Company was formed I was transferred to them and left Vietnam in October of '68. You might remember me as, "The Bean [...]

Smith, Mike “Doc”

Vietnam 2nd battalion Mike ``Doc`` Smith B, C, D Companies 1970 Served with B Co 326 Med from Sept 69 to May 70. I was transferred to 2/327 in May of 70. Was platoon Medic with B Co May 70 then went to D Co. Promoted to Spec 5 in July. Became company Medic [...]

Hess, Jimmy

Vietnam 2nd battalion Jimmy Hess B, D Companies 1968 Jimmy, a.k.a. as "The Jolly Green Giant," humped the 90mm Recoilless Rifle (with two rounds) into the A Shau Valley. Suppose it was because I'm 6'-8"? Lots of reinforced concrete bunkers there that an M-72 LAW couldn't penetrate. Was hit in the August air strike and [...]

Burton, Charles “Doc”

Vietnam 2nd battalion Charles ``Doc`` Burton B, C, D Companies 1969 - 1970 Born 12/05/49, Nashville, Tn. Drafted 6/12/69 at Centerville, Tn. Basic Training Ft. Campbell, Ky. AIT Medical Training Ft. Sam Houston, Tx. HHC 2nd BN 327th Inf. (Medic) 1st BDE 101st ABN Div, Viet Nam. 2nd Armored Division "Hell On Wheels" Ft. [...]
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