Troopers Category: D Company

327 Infantry Veterans

Gray, John W.

Vietnam 2nd battalion John W. Gray D Company 1968 - 1969 I was with Delta Co. 1st Platoon, 2nd Squad Leader July 68 - July 69 Back to the Troopers

Grandy, Paul

Vietnam 2nd battalion Paul Grandy D Company 1971 I was with D Company 2/327th from Feb 71 through Dec 71 at which time our unit stood down in preparation for transferring stateside. The last month was spent guarding the beach at Cam Rahn Bay. I had been with the 1st Cav Division in 1969 [...]

Gaskins, Wayne

Vietnam 2nd battalion Wayne Gaskins D Company 1969 - 1970 Wayne passed away 4-9-16. We'll miss you brother. Wayne Gaskins born in Florida but now lives in Tennessee. My wife's name is Sierra and she was born in California. I have two daughters by my first wife, and 6 grandchildren. Worked as a telephone cable [...]

Fox, Charles A.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Charles A. Fox B, D Companies 1971 - 1972 I was a 1LT platoon leader while with the 101st. I was assigned to 2-327 IN 18 Oct 1971-14 April 1972. In Feb 1972 I was transferred from B Company to D Company, 2-327 IN. Back to the Troopers

Farr, Richard S.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Richard S. Farr D Company 1968 - 1969 Just happened to run across the 2/327 and Delta Company web sites. I was the platoon leader for 2nd platoon, D/2/327 from roughly June '68 to Feb '69 and then company XO till DEROS in May 69. Was fascinating to see so many [...]

Erickson, Art “Doc”

Vietnam 2nd battalion Art ``Doc`` Erickson D Company 1969 - 1970 I arrived in country on Nov. 22, 1969 and was assigned to HHC 2/327. I was assigned D Co. 1st platoon as a medic in Dec. 1969 about a week after Lt. Piseno was KIA. I humped with 1st platoon until some time [...]
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