Troopers Category: Cobra Troops

327 Infantry Veterans

Berry, Wes “Buck”

Vietnam 1st Battalion Wes ``Buck`` Berry C, E (TF) Companies My name is Wes Berry but was known as Buck. Served with C Co. 2nd platoon for 6 Mos and then E Co. mortars for 3 mos then the Tiger Force my last 3 mos. I was from Geneva, IL but now Batavia, IL [...]

Gerber, Alan

Vietnam 1st Battalion Alan Gerber C Company 1965 Alan was one of the original boat people that went to Vietnam with the 1st Brigade Separate in 65' on the General Leroy Eltinge. Back to the Troopers

Bayless, Chris

Vietnam 1st Battalion Chris Bayless C Company 1966 - 1967 I was drafted into the Army December 7th 1966. I went to Fort Gordon for AIT then Fort Benning to jump school. I went to Viet Nam to Duc To to the 1st Platoon, C Company, 1st of the 327th, 1st Brigade 101st Airborne [...]

Aguero, Roy

Vietnam 1st Battalion Roy Aguero C Company 1967 - 1968 Basic Entry Date: 15 June 67 BCT: Ft. Bliss, TX AIT: Infantry AIT at Ft. Gordon followed by jump school C 1/327 from Dec 67 - Dec 68 82nd Abn, 2/504 INF Jan 69 - July 69. Drill Sgt. school at Ft. Jackson followed [...]

Adam, Phil

Vietnam 1st Battalion Phil Adam C Company 1970 I was with C, 1/327 until May of 1970. I was wounded on the 20th and med evac'd. A couple of weeks later, Capt. G and the company HQ was claymoor'd. I was a semi lifer for 6 and a half years (65-72). Back to the [...]

Akerson, Gene

Vietnam 1st Battalion Gene Akerson C, H & H (TF) Companies 1966 - 1968 I was in C Co 1/327 Sept 66 to June 67. S-4 Headquarters Co June 67 to Nov 67, LRRP Platoon Headquarters Co 1st Brigade Nov 67 to Feb 68. I'm also looking for a guy named Mitchell, don't know [...]

Winkeljohn, Jim

Vietnam 1st Battalion Jim Winkeljohn B, C Companies 1969 - 1970 Forward Observer B Company July 25, to August 30, 1969 C Company November 2, 1969 to February 16, 1970 My Army service began June, 4, 1967, when I was commissioned through the ROTC program at Mississippi State University. In late March 1968, I [...]

Roy, Leland A.

Vietnam 1st Battalion Leland A. Roy B, C Companies 1966 - 1967 I came from Bravo Company to Cobra Company as the XO. Worked for Wayne Dill, Allan Ensign, Dean Darling and returned from the hospital in December when Bill Northquest was the Company Commander. Left in January 1967. Back to the Troopers

Lindsey, Johnnie C.

Vietnam 1st Battalion Johnnie C. Lindsey H & H (TF), A, C Companies 1966 - 1967 Freefall parachutist with 2134 Jumps I served as a combat medic with the 1/327 from 66-67. I was in A Company for a few months and transferred to C Company, on two separate occasions I was sent to [...]
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