CATTLE DRIVE Jack Martin asks if any of the brothers remember anything about a cattle drive, sometime in 1967. If any of you subscibe to The First Screaming Eagles in Viet Nam look at Vol5 #4 pg2&3 there are two pictures of said cattle drive. I was with 1st plt Cobra during drive. Luckily […]
Ammo box used as a “personal box”
AMMO BOX USED AS A “PERSONAL BOX” Judging from the seemingly endless stream of photos emerging on the net, I am not at all surprised that we nailed so few of the bad guys … we were too engrossed in taking snapshots of each other! Just kidding. There were really too few of the […]
Battle for ABU Hill
I don’t see any information regarding the battle for ABU hill on this web site. It occurred in June l966 and we lost several KIA’s and a host of wounded. We were en-route to assist Capt. Carpenter (retired Major General Carpenter now) when we got ambushed. We lost over half of the Company. I recall […]