Vietnam 1st Battalion
Louis Broussard
C Company 1965 – 1966

Louis Broussard “C” Co 1/237 101st ’65-’66. During early 1966 my platoon – 3rd, was sent in the night of the crash. The area was ablaze and there was no survivors. The crash site was on a hill side. Everyone on that chinook died instantly. Many pictures were taken by some journalist or photographer carrying side arms.
We provided permiter security for two or three days before the crash was policed for bodies and wreckage. Never knew what caused the crash. Some speculated that the engine was hit.
Myself and my brothers – about 18 of us were photographed. Haven’t seen any of them since.
I was WIA by a trip wire with a mortar round attached. Killed company Medic and wounded me and “Chief”. I was sent home – million dollar wound – but Chief returned. I’m now on 100% disability. The wound – lost a lot of muscle and the resulting Hep C Virus associated with the blood transfusions for that wound (end stage liver disease).
Living on a small spread in the Texas Hill Country. Married with a couple of grown girls. Worst food in the world is powdered eggs. Best beer in the world is cold beer. Best cig in the world is a dry one. Best woman in the world is a easy one.
Above the Rest
Louis Broussard