
327 Infantry Veterans

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333 entries.
Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on February 9, 2014 at 7:45 pm
Name: John Feistner
Hometown: ,
Date: February 09, 2014 - 04:57 PM (pacific)
This is a follow up to my post of January 27. I am still interested in anyone who may have some memories of SP4 Stephen Feistner. SP4 Feistner served in the 2nd Platoon, A Company, 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry, 101st Airborne from mid 1966-October, 1967. SP4 Feistner was KIA on October 8, 1967.
I am also trying to contact COL(R) John P. Lawton, Company Commander. The current email, is bouncing back undelivered.

I can most easily be reached at

Thanks to those that have already helped me determine some of the activity that surrounded SP4 Feistner's death. It is very much appreciated.

Thank you all too for the sacrifices you have made during your lives. We live in a dangerous world and your efforts have helped keep us free and safe.


John Feistner
Name: earl william mallicoat
Hometown: ,
Date: February 09, 2014 - 01:37 PM (pacific)
James Smith I served with Co. A from Oct 68 Oct 69 1St. platoon with LT. Lee. We had a few smith's if you were 1 of them please contact me'
Name: Robert Hodierne
Hometown: ,
Date: February 09, 2014 - 10:04 AM (pacific)
I am a journalist who covered the Vietnam War. I am looking for anyone who served with D 1/327 during the summer of 1968. You can see who I am at and look at photos I took during the war at Best to reach me via email at Thanks for your help.
Name: Ray Gallagher
Hometown: Blooming Grove, N.Y.
Date: February 07, 2014 - 01:42 PM (pacific)
Looking for anyone who served with Luis Colon KIA in Viet Nam on 24Feb.68. He served with Alpha Co 2ndBn.327Inf. Luis and I were classmates in H.S. I served in Viet Nam '67-68 with USMC. Looking for any photo's of Luis. God Bless you all.
Name: timothy a woodburn
Hometown: santa fe, new mexico
Date: February 06, 2014 - 03:17 PM (pacific)
my dd214 shows my purple heart, bronze w/v cib but i have never recievied orders for the PH or the CIB does any one know how i can gat these or a copy of these?
Name: Ronald Stephen Deal
Hometown: Cleveland, TN
Date: February 04, 2014 - 07:26 PM (pacific)
Name: Winston Chapman
Hometown: Pensacola, FL
Date: February 04, 2014 - 11:56 AM (pacific)
Reposting Castelli's invitiation:

Looking for guys who served with B co. 1/327 in May '67 - April '68. Meyers, McGowan, Acred, Forte, Ratty, Lopez, Rodriguez, Egan, Doc Kimbell, Doc Anselmi, Bowman, Manning, La Porte, Romo, Phelps, Smith, Allen, Cheathan, and anyone else that is in the '67 platoon photos
Jim Uphouse, Roger Greene and myself (aka Sunshine) have been meeting up in Washington D.C. in April every year for the last few years and would like to see some of the rest of you guys. Last year Winston Chapman showed up, this year Henry (aka Groovy) is coming. Contact me at I have all the info including dates and motels.
Name: roger thomas
Hometown: , georgia
Date: February 03, 2014 - 09:31 AM (pacific)
When i first returned from Vietnam spend many years as a addict and useless adult but with the grace of God and the love of a great woman I returned to life.looked for many years and finally found Derle Walter and Jerry Cohen served with them in Tiger Force got to spend some time with them and that helped with many issues.
God Bless the men and women who defend our rights and freedoms.
I was young and didn't know the trust placed in our hands I only hope more people will wake up and defend our way of life and not let this disappear from the earth. the struggle is here and not half way around the world
Name: John Feistner
Hometown: Springfield, MO
Date: January 27, 2014 - 04:52 PM (pacific)
First of all, I would like to thank each of you for the sacrifices that you have made, both during war and in peacetime. The efforts of your unit and units like yours are not really appreciated as they need to be. So...THANKS.

I am working on some family history that includes SP4 Stephen Feistner. Stephen served in Vietnam, although I am not absolutely certain of the time frame. I understand that he re-enlisted in August, 1967. His date of death was 10-8-67, which would have been the battle that is discussed in the "Radioman" story.

I would be interested in hearing from anyone that might have some personal memories of Stephen. I want to keep him alive in our family's memory. He deserves at least that. If you would like to share, please email me at Any thoughts at all would be deeply appreciated. Prior to using anything, I will be sure to run it back past the contributor for their approval.

Thanks for considering this request and thank you for everything you have done.


John Feistner
Name: Daryl lee Krone
Hometown: cotton, mn
Date: January 24, 2014 - 10:07 AM (pacific)
I have some pictures of firebase bastion beam idrove 6/6 hauled rounds power 2/11 arty suv battery 1970/1971
Name: Bob Yeager
Hometown: ,
Date: January 21, 2014 - 07:53 AM (pacific)
Mr. Bissi,

Here is a possible source of info. on your father:!/
Name: Ted McCormick
Hometown: Glennie, MI
Date: January 20, 2014 - 05:47 AM (pacific)
Thanks Sam, this action is still classified, if you need any information concerning this battle, contact me and I will send along...all the best.

Ted McCormick
Name: Samuel J Bisssi
Hometown: Camillus, NY
Date: January 19, 2014 - 07:09 PM (pacific)
I'm writing for my dad who was in the 327th GIR that landed on Utah Beach on D Day. He is 92 now. I think he was in Holland and I think he said he missd the Battle of the Bulge because he got to go home on leave when his name was pulled from a hat from someone to get leave. I think he was in from 1942 to 1945. I am trying to get his records from St. Louis so I can verify some of his history. I think he said he was in Co. F, not sure which batallion. Any places I should look for information?
Name: Chris Vida
Hometown: Dothan, Al
Date: January 19, 2014 - 03:37 PM (pacific)
I was with B co 3/327th in Desert Storm/Desert Shield. I am looking for anyone who may have some photographs from then I could get copies of. Thanks
Name: Dale M Grabb
Hometown: ,
Date: January 14, 2014 - 01:49 PM (pacific)
Doc Spriggs, I remember when you first came out to the field and hooked up w/2nd platoon. I think it was right after call sign platoon leader Tinkerbell, I believe Lt. Fulcher succeeded him.I do remember the lightning strike and Dong Ap Bia,we were providing security for that mech unit. Dan Carr has been looking for you.
Name: Ron Chafe
Hometown: Cheshire, CT
Date: January 11, 2014 - 06:13 PM (pacific)
515 Trans. Camp Eagle- spent many nights at FB Bastogne.
Name: Dale Michael Grabb
Hometown: Camas, Washington
Date: January 09, 2014 - 04:08 PM (pacific)
Doc Spriggs, Dong Ap Bia July-Aug 1969
Name: James Smith
Hometown: Pensacola, FL
Date: January 05, 2014 - 03:58 PM (pacific)
With Co. A & HHC, 2/327 "No Slack" PIR, 1967-68 & 1968-69. Received my university acceptance letter soon after being wounded in the A Shau. That letter was the first time mail from home actually made me happy.
Name: Robert Meyers
Hometown: Chicago,
Date: January 02, 2014 - 04:33 PM (pacific)
I was in the 2nd platoon of B company 1st/327th from January 1971-December 1971. Lt. Gary Gaber's RTO
Name: James Paul Wainscoat
Hometown: Viborg, South Dakota
Date: January 01, 2014 - 12:32 PM (pacific)
Looking for RTO Riggs. Say Darrell, I have been looking for an RTO named Riggs. We were thrown together in a very difficult situation that bonded us for life. It was during the Battle of My Phu, Southwest of Tuy Hoa. We were in a stand-off shoot out with seven NVA before I stashed Riggs in a spider hole, and made my way back to the CP to get help. Riggs was nailed twice in the left knee, and in all probability lost his leg. I never saw him after we put him on a gun-ship that came in when no Medi-Vacs were allowed to. I only heard from him (by letter through a Congressman from California) when he exposed the Sgt. who ran out on us during the melee. It's been forty-seven years, and I would sure like to see him again before I DEROS from this earthly life.
Name: John [ Hans] Lang E Lang
Hometown: Warm Springs, GA
Date: January 01, 2014 - 11:47 AM (pacific)
looking for Baily had chest wound 7 Feb 1966 My Canh
Hometown: carlsbad, ca
Date: December 31, 2013 - 06:43 AM (pacific)
I was a medic with 2/327 infantry from '68-'70 mostly Bravo Company. I remember Captain Piel. We did go to Hamburger Hill- Dong Ap Bia in '69 sometime after May, but I see no mention of this in the records at all. I still have the field maps for the record. Anybody remember this? I sure do. We were opcom to an armored group from the 1st Cav. There was a bulldozer knocking everything down on the way. Quite an operation! Left under fire. Hit by lightening near there.
Name: Don ( Doc Magoo) Ackerman
Hometown: , Illinois
Date: December 29, 2013 - 07:40 AM (pacific)
Both Mike's remember you both.. this my current e-mail also get in touch by friend request don ackerman FaceBook the one with the 101 hat.... ABU !!!
Name: John Bressler
Hometown: Eugene, Oregon
Date: December 29, 2013 - 06:03 AM (pacific)
Please include me as one of the troopers that served
in Bco 237
Name: Mike Steele
Hometown: San Marcos, California
Date: December 27, 2013 - 04:04 PM (pacific)
Mike Cariglio, I know you. How could anybody forget you.
Also Doc Magoo do you remember the guy with bad jungle rot on his arms, you used to shoot penicillian right on it?
... Toggle this metabox.
Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on December 13, 2013 at 7:47 pm
Name: Mike Steele
Hometown: San Marcos, California
Date: December 27, 2013 - 04:04 PM (pacific)
Mike Cariglio, I know you. How could anybody forget you.
Also Doc Magoo do you remember the guy with bad jungle rot on his arms, you used to shoot penicillian right on it?
Name: chuck peterson
Hometown: lake bronson, mn
Date: December 24, 2013 - 10:23 AM (pacific)
I am on a quest to locate Richard Chischilly, C - 1/327 '67-68, or next of Kin. As hard as it is to believe, I believe I have his Dog Tag, and wish to return it. No cost, no lie, no scam.
Thank You Troopers for Your service and sacrifices !! We owe You a tremendous debt !!
Name: Erick W. Miller
Hometown: Apache Junction, Arizona
Date: December 23, 2013 - 08:41 AM (pacific)
Hey, Welcome home Gary. Yes, 882 was a scary place. I was very glad to learn that you lived. It takes weeks to find out anything when one of our brothers gets dusted off. Merry Christmas to you and ALL the 101st Troops. I wish you could all be home for Christmas. Thanks to all who still serve. God be with you.
Name: Bob Stevens
Hometown: Buckfield, ME
Date: December 22, 2013 - 07:50 PM (pacific)
Trying to figure out how to be part of this. Jan '68 to Mar ' 70 2/327 A Co. and HQ company.
Name: Don Lovell
Hometown: Kansas City , Mo
Date: December 22, 2013 - 06:22 PM (pacific)
101st 37th Infantry Trung Luong survivor and Silver Star recipient Sgt Richard Snyder died Thursday evening 12-19-2013 in Arizona. He was one of my best friends and spent many hours talking to me about you guys and the time he served with you all. He was proud to serve with you guys.
Name: Sgm Ret Charlie Lee Fraley
Hometown: Radcliff, KY
Date: December 22, 2013 - 03:45 PM (pacific)
CO A 2ND Bn.327 inf May 1965 -June 1966. Looking for anyone who served with me .one special request looking for David McDonald
Name: Gary P Berry
Hometown: , Ok
Date: December 21, 2013 - 05:58 PM (pacific)
Wanting to wish everyone of the 101st a very merry Christmas and a happy new year B co. 1/327 '69 - 70. w i a hill 882 memorial day 1970. Oak
Name: David Stilwell
Hometown: , alabama
Date: December 16, 2013 - 08:53 PM (pacific)
was one of the medics from 92-94, would love to catch up with some of the guys from that time frame.
Hometown: LAVEEN, AZ
Date: December 16, 2013 - 09:00 AM (pacific)
Iwas a sgt.and SL of 2nd.sq in 68-69 C.2/327th 101st abn.inf. ANYONE IN THAT OUTFIT PLEASE CONTACK ME. A BROTHER TO ALL
Name: Darrell Curtis Ness
Hometown: ,
Date: December 07, 2013 - 06:08 PM (pacific)
Sorry Dan Sullivan, I served in B Co. 1 st 327 from Sept. 66 to Sept 67. Guess I'm getting old, just screwed up the dates.
Darrell Ness
Name: Darrell Curtis Ness
Hometown: ,
Date: December 07, 2013 - 06:05 PM (pacific)
Regarding Dan Sullivan's request for anyone serving in B Co. 1st. 327. I served from March 66 to March 67 as a rifleman in 3rd. Squad, Second Platoon in R.V.N. Would be glad to help if I can.
Best regards,

Darrell Ness
Name: Jeroen Aarsen
Hometown: ,
Date: December 06, 2013 - 02:30 PM (pacific)
I am searching for information about:
Joseph G. Kuchinskas:33464850
327th Glider Infantry,101st Abn Div
KIA 9 Oct, 1944.
Maybe there is family or relatives from him,who can help me?
Name: Dan Sullivan
Hometown: Fort Campbell, KY
Date: December 03, 2013 - 12:12 PM (pacific)
I am searching for information about 3/B/1-327. Anyone serve in that PLT or know someone who did? Any and all help is greatly appreciated!
Name: david kolhoff
Hometown: ALLEGAN, MI.
Date: December 01, 2013 - 09:17 PM (pacific)
Name: Vernon Dale Cox
Hometown: Groveland, Il.
Date: November 25, 2013 - 09:04 PM (pacific)
Looking for anyone who served with Eddie Vencil-B Co.2nd of 327th. i believe he was KIA in Mar. 1971. Eddie was my platoon leader at Ft. Polk during our AIT training. contact me at 309-840-2650. i served with D Co. 3rd/506th and C Co. 2nd/502nd
Name: ricky wayne McGonigal
Hometown: Houston, tx
Date: November 23, 2013 - 04:38 PM (pacific)
co B-2-327 inf 1970 1971
Name: clinton Edward Greer
Hometown: ,
Date: November 20, 2013 - 01:54 PM (pacific)
Delta Co. Redeye gunner 1976-1978.
Name: doc don ackerman
Hometown: ,
Date: November 19, 2013 - 09:13 AM (pacific)
Great visit with Gen. Raymond he will be in Vegas for ABU Stand down along With Sgt. Gage LT.Steve & Linda.. Hoping to get current info on Cpt R. Hopkins ABU CO 3/68-7/68 for invite also all Gold Star Blue Star Family that want to come you are welcome may find some answers. My honor to escort around help you....... ABU always...
Name: Larry Anderson
Hometown: ,
Date: November 18, 2013 - 09:23 PM (pacific)
1/327...I was with A Company inf and E company mortars. I cannot remember my platoon. Feb 1771 through Jan 1972. My nick name was "E-5 Type". Some of the locations I remember...FB Bastogne, Op Blood, Hill 642, Op Vel, FB Barbara. I did go into the Ashau Valley. Do not remember the time. We did not stay long. I may have information on a friendly fire accident that Mil Thornton was talking about. Contact me at
Name: brian russell ostenson
Hometown: tomah, wi
Date: November 18, 2013 - 03:51 PM (pacific)
I was 101 st airborne from 1978 to 1982 looking for a few of my old army buddies
Name: doc magoo ackerman
Hometown: ,
Date: November 17, 2013 - 09:41 PM (pacific)
Gen Raymond coming up to see two old ABU medics in Brooksville Monday the 18th Be advised I now am official snowbird live near speedy ..and only 45 minutes from Lt. Raymond..... ATR....
Date: November 17, 2013 - 07:07 PM (pacific)
SERVED W/ C CO, HHC, B CO 1/327 1960-1968
Name: Julie Spencer
Hometown: SACRAMENTO, Ca
Date: November 16, 2013 - 08:24 AM (pacific)
I wrote a poem that was posted on your original web site, called: IF I HAD BUT ONE MORE FRIEND
For: GENE B SPENCER, 327TH 2ND, B Co KIA 6/1966
Name: Don (Doc Magoo) Ackerman
Hometown: ,
Date: November 14, 2013 - 08:38 PM (pacific)
In Florida with ABU Doc Speedy..... If anyone I served near Brooksville my honor to have a visit....
Hometown: LOUDON, TN.
Date: November 14, 2013 - 05:40 AM (pacific)
... Toggle this metabox.
Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on November 11, 2013 at 7:49 pm
Name: Teresa Burke
Hometown: ,
Date: November 11, 2013 - 10:29 AM (pacific)
I am looking for anyone who may remember my father PFC Harvey J McSwain ,B company 1st Battalion 327 infantry regiment with 101st airborne. KIA Aug 15 1967
Name: David Markham
Hometown: ,
Date: November 07, 2013 - 09:44 AM (pacific)
Here is another shout out for help. Please email me if you have any info..
I called you last week about a claim for a fellow veteran, & I've got a buddy of Richard Walker that was there in Vietnam the same time. If you could track a guy named: Lyle Wiggins, believed to live in Davenport, Iowa, this could be a great thing for Richard in filing his claim. Thanks again for your help. David Stuart VFW service officer, Camp Verde, Arizona, Post 6739, 86322. Veterans helping Veterans
Name: William ( Bill ) V Larsen
Hometown: WESTFIELD, N.J.
Date: November 04, 2013 - 07:54 AM (pacific)
B CO 2nd BN 327th INF ELTINGE VN july 1965 - 1966
Still alive & kicking .
Name: David J Markham
Hometown: ,
Date: November 03, 2013 - 12:34 PM (pacific)
Just got a call from a VA service officer looking for anyone that remembers or served with Richard Lee Walker. He is trying to get a claim through for Richard and needs a buddy statement. It seems that Richard Lee Walker was with COBRA 1 327th and I think he said 67-68 time frame. We don't have him listed on our roster so I'm hoping if someone may remember him.
Contact me so I can relay the info for Richard.
Thank you
David J.
Name: Harold Glenn Rodman
Hometown: ,
Date: November 02, 2013 - 03:16 PM (pacific)
Another great site dedicated to Vietnam Veterans and the 101st! I praise all of those Vietnam vets who raised me from a 17 year old kid, to a leader of men in the U.S. Army starting in 1976. Thank you!
Name: Allen Bross
Hometown: ,
Date: November 01, 2013 - 02:09 PM (pacific)
B 1/327 1966-67
Name: samuel anthony Jimenez
Hometown: roanoke, va
Date: October 30, 2013 - 12:39 AM (pacific)
was with bco 1/327th inf from 88/91, 2plt sgt deckers squad
Name: SFC (RET) Eddie L. Tolbert
Hometown: CHICAGO, Illinois
Date: October 28, 2013 - 07:52 PM (pacific)
CSC 2/327th Inf 10/74 - 07/77 GS Mortar Platoon(1SG was James W. Edwards);C 1/327th Inf 07/80 - 07/81 81mm Mortar Platoon (1SG Mullin); HHC 1/327th Inf 07/82 - 07/86 Battalion Mortar Platoon / Battalion Re-Up NCO, 1SG Somers.
Name: Rodney D. Powell
Hometown: ,
Date: October 28, 2013 - 01:41 PM (pacific)
87-88 Hoping to hear from anybody that was there. NO SLACK!!! Hope we meet one day to reminisce about Charlie Company. NO SLACK!!!

Name: Barry (BARNEY Barnes
Hometown: Hanover, In.
Date: October 24, 2013 - 06:05 PM (pacific)
1st. Platoon 2/327 A co. 69-70 served with Roy, Beasly, Mouse, and was RTO for Lt. Pappas, also team leader. Would like to hear from anyone who was with us. Barney
Name: Ted Rupel
Hometown: fort wayne, IN
Date: October 18, 2013 - 12:41 PM (pacific)
I have a camo boonie hat from Vietnam says inside..Rogers 415-86-1670 B-3-2 101st Airborne 2 Batt 502nd WFT

This is written in ink inside the hat ,,,,very salty sweat worn hat...has a metal badge on front crossed swords, wreath, and star

Any ideas on who this Vet is ...please let me know....I can send pics to anyone who asks
Name: Rick Smith
Hometown: Glendale, AZ
Date: October 18, 2013 - 11:11 AM (pacific)
Hey Jack Rose , saw your recent post on the site here. See you were a "SERTS' Instructor also. When were you there ? Was SERTS still in Bein Hoa when you were there. I was a "SERTS" Patroling an Live Fire Instructor at Bien Hoa 68-69 on my second tour ! Hey Doug Larabel, I too have Wondered All of These Years , as well as have Searched an tried to make contact with Sgt Runsvold, Sgt Richard Kirk, Binkowitz, SSG J.Patterson , Honsford and many others that seem to have just dropped of the Face of the Earth ?? Would appreciate hearing from Anyone who know's if any of these "ABU" 1/327th Brothers are Still Out There and With us !! Thanks Wild Bill ABU Co 1/327th 67-68. SERTS 68-69 .
Name: Rick Smith
Hometown: Glendale, AZ
Date: October 18, 2013 - 11:03 AM (pacific)
Well I haven't been on the Site for quiet some time now. Just returned from Fort Campbell where I attended 1st Lt. Steve Pattersons Induction into the 1/327th Regiment, as a DMOR ! Spent three great days with ABU Brothers of 66-68 , Roy Agosta, Mike Hall, Bill Bennett, Bill Whitmore, Bruce Fredricks,Gregg Granado,Bill (Doc) Tay, Charles Tripplet. We All also witnessed Charles Triplett finally after 40 plus years recieve his CIB, Bronze Star, and Purple Heart. Congrats to Lt. Steve Patterson and Charles Tripplet ! Alwyas a great Time when I can be with my ABU Brothers!
Wild Bill, ABU Co 1967-1968. "SERTS" ( Bien Hoa) Patroling Instructor 1968-1969. ABU / ATR , Forever !
Name: Rick Smith
Hometown: Glendale, AZ
Date: October 18, 2013 - 10:48 AM (pacific)
ABU's 1/327th can send Oct 22nd Birthday Well Wishes to Mrs. Linda Patterson at : Thanks Wild Bill
Name: Rick Smith
Hometown: Glendale, AZ
Date: October 18, 2013 - 10:36 AM (pacific)
Hey All You ABU Brothers from 1/327th . Just want to Alert Y'all to the Upcoming Oct 22,2013 Birthday of our ABU Sister Mrs. Linda Patterson. Hope Y'all will join me in wishing her Happy Birtday and Well Wishes ! She's done soooo much, for soooo many , for soooo long ! Wild Bill , ABU, 1/327th 67-69.
Name: Chuck Buttweiler
Hometown: ,
Date: October 18, 2013 - 10:26 AM (pacific)
Broadway Joe,give me a sit rep its been a few years since we talked.
Name: Terry Vraniak
Hometown: Anchorage, AK
Date: October 18, 2013 - 08:39 AM (pacific)
I flew for 3rd Bde Aviation as a White Team pilot, call sign Thunder 33. On January 25, 1971 we were asked to cover a medivac, just south of Rakaasan. We periodically would cover medivacs during the monsoon period. I think that it was a 327 unit on the ground? The medivac couldn't get in due to the clouds,rain and the recent enemy contact. My wingman, Thunder 27 (Donald Bruce) and I stripped off our guns and door gunners at Jack and went back to take out the wounded. I think we took out a total of 15 men. I made three trips in and my wingman made two trips. We took the men back to Jack where they were medivaced to Evans. We never did find out about the men and if they all made it or not. Like I stated in the beginning, I do not know for sure if it was the 327 or not, however; that was your normal A.O. I would really like to know before I leave this world. If possible, could you find out if any of your units were involved and if so how the men made out? I received a DFC a year after I had left the Army for this action, and my wingman did also, but it didn't state the unit that put us in for it? Your group is that last avenue I can think of. Thank you for any assistance you can be. Terry Vraniak
Name: Lawrence Masi
Hometown: ,
Date: October 14, 2013 - 10:01 PM (pacific)
Went over with 2/138 C battery..on Hill 88 and Tomahawk...transferred to 2/327.No Slack....haven't talked to anyone from Bardstown in a long time...Ronnie Simpson was my rto.
Name: Steve Robinson
Hometown: Boston , Ky
Date: October 10, 2013 - 08:52 PM (pacific)
Posting for my Grandfather here. PFC Steve Robinson C Battery, 2/138th in country 68/69, FB TOMAHAWK and FB HILL 88. I have some photos he has recently given me from before and after the attack at FB TOMAHAWK 19 June 1969 that I will be sending to the web master to post shortly.
Name: Doug Larabel
Hometown: ,
Date: October 07, 2013 - 03:31 PM (pacific)
Well I guess there are no more buddys out there that are left,from ABU 1967 but Wild Bill and Paul Ferante. I have all but given up on guys like Runsvold, J.Patterson, Binkelwitz Honsford and others.
May not be correct spelling,but nothing. "Aint nothing but a thing"
Name: Kurt M Stevens
Hometown: Johnson City , TN
Date: October 01, 2013 - 12:12 PM (pacific)
SGT. 357 En. Co. 2010-present. Good to see vets out and about.
Name: james david parrish
Hometown: tipton, in
Date: September 26, 2013 - 09:39 AM (pacific)
Met with a old friend, and his wife last month. Was so happy just seeing him! We had a three hour talk and it seemed to fly by, Brent Bowen, it was good to see you after 46- 47 years! And, we plan on coming out to see you soon! Thank you for bringing the good memories back!!!
Name: Angela Erickson
Hometown: North Charleston, SC
Date: September 26, 2013 - 08:48 AM (pacific)
I'm Bob Graves youngest sister nad would like any picture of him from Vietnam, thanks
Name: Jeffrey A Swisher
Hometown: Ashland, Ohio
Date: September 21, 2013 - 07:18 PM (pacific)
I was the operations Sgt with TOC of the 1/327th on Thanksgiving Day, 1971 when we lost Alpha Company. I counted Capt Niskanen as a friend.

I am looking for any information on Sgt Ronald Wilson, forward observer assigned to the 1/327th. He was critically wounded just before I came home in late December 1971 by friendly mortar fire. His name is not on the wall in Washington DC.
Name: Daniel Cassel Thomas
Hometown: Mechanicsburg, PA
Date: September 16, 2013 - 04:08 PM (pacific)
I served with C Co 1st Bat 327 Abn Inf, 1st Bde, 101st Airborne 1967-1968, and participated in several operations, including "Wheeler, in Chu Lai. Looking for any brothers.
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Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on September 14, 2013 at 6:51 pm
Name: Joann Murano
Hometown: Jackson, NJ
Date: September 14, 2013 - 09:46 PM (pacific)
I came across this site while doing a little research for my family history. Thanks to all the brave 327th men and women for your service over the years. My grandfather was a WWI veteran. PFC Emilio Aballo, Co D 327th Infantry. He was involved in the battle of St. Mihiel and the Meuse-Argonne offensive. He was wounded and gassed and unfortunately experienced health issues the rest of his life. He also exemplified the bravery of the 327th as indicated in a citation from Headquarters 164th Infantry Brigade, American E.F. France (4 May 1919) which reads in part "Assisted by a comrade he captured a machine gun nest and in a hand to hand fight bayonetted the crew of five men". I have a photo of him in his uniform, the original citation (although difficult to read after years of wear) and some other documentation. If you would like copies of anything for your archive I would be more than happy to provide them.
Name: Paul Viator Guhin
Hometown: Sioux Falls, S.D.
Date: September 12, 2013 - 04:58 PM (pacific)
I didn't hear about Frank's passing until he was long gone.
My fault for ghosting a few years. I miss our late night calls we used to have when one of us was drifting back.
May he find peace.
Name: ronald Stephen deal
Hometown: Cleveland, tenn.
Date: September 11, 2013 - 10:11 PM (pacific)
Does anyone remember Wildman or Denny Miller1 1st 327th A co. 71/72 went back too San Mateo that was the good times Ashaw Valley was the bad times lost some good friends over there it sure don't seem like its been 40 years ago
Name: Henry F. Beck Jr.
Hometown: Deltona, Fla
Date: September 05, 2013 - 11:07 PM (pacific)
Looking for the for the following Hawks: Pfc/SP4 Thonburg,wounded on 02-25-67, SSG Smith Hawk Plt Sgt, and Steve Childs, somewhere in Colorado. Please contact me @407-323-8898,need eyewitness to Upgrade to DSC Recommendation.
Name: Kenneth Eugene Gillingham
Hometown: Ashtabula, Ohio
Date: September 05, 2013 - 08:01 AM (pacific)
Was with 327th a short while in mid 68. My 1st operation into the Ashau I was evacuated. Hoping to find someone who remembers me, as all my records were destroyed in a fire at records center. Will post more as I'm in the process of moving from Ft Campbell area to Ohio.
Name: Jack Rose
Hometown: ,
Date: September 04, 2013 - 12:58 PM (pacific)
Was with 1/327 and SERTS as an Instructor on my third extension. Returned to the States with 173rd which was deactivated, then reactivated 3rd Brigade, 101st. Miss all the guys in 1/327, 326Engineers. And Cpt. Fredrick Raymond my old Boss. Call sign Freddy the Freeloader on Tiger Net. Taken from the TV series Red Skelton character, Freddy the Freeloader. One of the best Officers in the Army. Above the Rest;
Name: Gabriel Gillingham
Hometown: Clarksville, TN
Date: September 02, 2013 - 04:03 AM (pacific)
I have never been assigned to 327 Inf, but I have been stationed at Fort Campbell and I'm a OIF Veteran. The reason I'm posting on here, is for my father. Kenneth Gillingham, He was attached to B co. 3/327 during July 1968 for another push through the A Shau. He was W.I.A. and sent from there to Japan. Of course all of his records were "burned" in the VA fire in the 70's and this is to include his purple heart his DD 214, everything. Does anyone on this site know my father, or know how I can back track all of his records, or get a hold of the casualty feeder reports from that time period?
Name: Dodie Gaines
Hometown: Los Gatos, California
Date: September 01, 2013 - 08:35 PM (pacific)
In the section of this website that is the 2nd/327, "No Slack" is the famous photo titled "With Help from Above". The caption underneath the photo states that the central figure is Lt. Sewell. Can anyone with direct knowledge of this photo direct me to the specific individual in the photo that is Lt. Sewell. Your help is appreciated.
Name: Dodie Gaines
Hometown: Los Gatos, California
Date: September 01, 2013 - 08:01 PM (pacific)
I was in A Co., 2nd/327, No Slack, from May 68 to May 69.
It has been a life long honor to have served shoulder to shoulder for 365 days with the boonie rats of the No Slack. I have been back to Viet Nam numerous times and look forward to communicating with any of my fellow boonie rats. May life continue to be good to all who were fortunate to have returned.
Name: Darlynne Sandstead
Hometown: Weston, CO
Date: August 29, 2013 - 03:11 PM (pacific)
Just learned my Grandfather was part of the 327th Infantry Regiment during the Meuse-Argonne. Does ANYONE have a roster of ALL members or know where I could find one. The National Archives states 80% of the Army records were destroyed in a 1973 fire. Thank you very much.
Name: Bill Lee Tubby
Hometown: Howe, OK
Date: August 28, 2013 - 10:07 AM (pacific)
Anyone that remembers me. I am looking for guys in B Co. 1st 502 101st Airborne Ft, Campbell, KY looking for group photo of class 6 1966 and especially Bill Bogel, Bill Lavender, Pete Lesh, Pete Krek. To Christine Crabtree knew a Crabtree but do not know what his 1st name was, so sorry for your loss.
Name: Christine Crabtree Crabtree-Stegeman
Hometown: Green Lane, Pennsylvania
Date: August 22, 2013 - 04:18 PM (pacific)
I'm looking for stories, memories, photo's of my father Michael A Crabtree. He served in the 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment (Airborne) in 1966, the 4th Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment (Airborne) in 1967 and in Nov 1967 he died serving in the 173rd Airborne Brigade.
Thank you all for your service-
The Proud daughter of
CAPT Michael Crabtree

Name: CSM Ret Chris Fields
Hometown: ,
Date: August 22, 2013 - 08:43 AM (pacific)
NFS Reunion for No Slack Veterans brought to you by NO SLACK VETERANS
When 14 September 2013, 12:00
WHERE: 3712 Flewellyn Rd Springfield TN
What you need to bring: Liquor if you choose (mixers will be provided), Camping Chairs
What will be provided: Water, soda, light snacks, $5 Bottomless Cup for Keg Beer, Live Music provided by "Black Velvette, Karaoke, AND A PRIVATE OUTDOOR TRIBUTE SCREENING of The Hornets Nest
Food will be available for purchase prepared by Steve's Famous Bar-B-Qamo(prices will vary#. No Slack Merchandise will be available for purchase #Shirts, Lapel Pins etc.#
Hotel Information: Hampton Inn Springfield TN 620 22nd Ave Springfield TN #615# 384-1166
Camping is also available, you must provide tent.
This Reunion is open to ANY and ALL No Slack Veterans and their immediate Family. See you at the Reunion, NFS!!
IN ORDER TO ATTEND THE NFS REUNION, YOU MUST RSVP to, #770)654-0605, (615)717-5725
Name: Melvin L Bailey
Hometown: Sterling, Alaska
Date: August 20, 2013 - 02:48 PM (pacific)
B Co,2/327 (1968) Will miss the Gathering of Eagles in a NFS gathering 9/14 in Springfield. Tenn and the one in Branson, Mo the next week because of the logistics. They are both off the beaten path andexpensive to travel to. I will again gather with Buzzard, Rock & California in Las Vegas in October. Just a word to those who may be planning a reunion: please consider the distance from a major airport and ease of access for attendees.
Above the Rest;
No Slack,
Name: Lloyd D Reagan
Hometown: Union, Oregon
Date: August 17, 2013 - 05:04 PM (pacific)
A/2/327inf 101st airborn Vietnam April 1966-may 1967

Name: James wesley etchison
Hometown: Queens Village, New York
Date: August 13, 2013 - 11:15 PM (pacific)
In early "66, I was a gunner on Huey that landed at Phan Rang bringing some troops back from field. We shutdown and walking back to ship, came within ten-fifteen yards of college buddy that lived across hall from me at University of Arkansas in "62. We were the best of friends at college, but yet at Phan Rang encounter, could only stare at each other. I still feel that moment today, almost 50 years later. I left college after first semester and didn't see him anymore until Phan Rang day. I believe he had LT bars sewn in fatigues and was with four or five troops appearing to either just be coming in or going out on mission. As our Huey took-off with myself in gunner position, our stares were locked on each other until out of sight.

Above being the reason, is there anyway I can get a rooster of the guys stationed there (February -July "66) in an attempt to find his name. The only name I have to go by is "Roy" and believe he was a first Lt.

I really appreciate your time, for I have spent years trying to put this to rest.

Jim Etchison
Hometown: ,
Date: August 12, 2013 - 04:23 PM (pacific)
Hometown: bostonMASS, MASS
Date: August 12, 2013 - 04:20 PM (pacific)
Name: james david parrish
Hometown: Tipton, Indiana
Date: August 12, 2013 - 01:44 PM (pacific)
I have not been on here for awhile, but glad this site is still here. Since I last was on here I have moved and have a new email address. Anyone from B/2/ 327 can reach me at the email or phone number
Name: Greg Whitlock
Hometown: ,
Date: August 11, 2013 - 04:35 PM (pacific)
Just wanted to let everybody know of the passing of one of our Brothers. Carl Coulthard B 1/327. I recieved an email yesterday from his wife Marla.
Carl has made his "Rendezvous With Destiny"
Name: Ronald Rankins
Hometown: ,
Date: August 09, 2013 - 01:55 PM (pacific)
Michael Oconnell - Do you remember a Brother named Clyde Hayslette?
Name: john brennan
Hometown: ,
Date: August 09, 2013 - 06:47 AM (pacific)
Pre-sale orders are now being taken by the author of VIETNAM WAR HELICOPTER ART, VOL 2 (Stackpole Books). The book is set for release on February 1st, 2014. Signed copies are available by check or PayPal for $24 which includes free shipping. PayPal however requires $1.00 additional fee.
Also available for sale are U.S. ARMY HELICOPTER NAMES IN VIETNAM ($28.00) and VIETNAM WAR HELICOPTER ART, VOL 1 ($25.00). Orders by check are to be made payable to: John Brennan @ 17355 Via Annette, San Lorenzo, CA 94580. Thank you, John Brennan, former SP5, 114th AHC, 1970-71, Vinh Long AAF, Mekong Delta
Name: Anthony Saucedo
Hometown: Amarillo, Tx
Date: August 06, 2013 - 12:17 PM (pacific)
Looking for Daniel K. Sullivan
Name: Roberta Lyn Olson
Hometown: Olympia , WA
Date: August 06, 2013 - 08:56 AM (pacific)
I am trying to help my father (LLOYD ROBERT OLSON) find a guy (Staff Sargent - JESSE WADE TAYLOR JR.) that he served with Vietnam. Between the years 1967-68. Both were in the 101st Airborne 1/327 Parachute Infantry. Company C. Any information would be very helpful.
Name: rene aries
Hometown: ,
Date: August 04, 2013 - 12:06 PM (pacific)
to Mike Cariglio...hey, aries here. send me an email. i've got the connects to the rest of the abu aries
... Toggle this metabox.
Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on July 31, 2013 at 6:53 pm
Name: Michael A Cariglio
Hometown: Fl, Florida
Date: July 31, 2013 - 10:18 PM (pacific)
Anyone remember me. Quang Tri, Province 68/69 , served with
Mike Steele, Danny Mahoney
Name: Phil Goode
Hometown: Huntington Beach, CA
Date: July 31, 2013 - 05:47 PM (pacific)
Thanks for the memories of FB Bastogne being shut down. I spent many nights on the bunker line there. When we weren't in the bush, FB Bastogne was our primary FB for some hot chow and a shower. Sp4 Phil Goode C/2/327th 3rd platoon RVN 70-71 11B
Name: Michael John Carlson
Hometown: Huntsville, Alabama
Date: July 29, 2013 - 02:11 PM (pacific)
Sometime around September 1971 myself and others were transferred from the departing 173rd Airborne to the 101st.

My MOS was parachute rigger so I was assigned to B/426, at that time the riggers for the 101st located at Camp Eagle. In September 1971 the 101st had cargo parachutes. I don't remember seeing any personnel chutes or T-10s.

We pack parachutes, rigged Foo-Gas and other stuff.

I remember a mission to Fire Base Bastogne to shut the place down for the 101st. The time frame had to be near October or November 1971. The 101st Airborne was standing down. Much of the equipment was already gone when we got there. Our mission was to get the guns and ammo off the Fire Base. While we were their, I watched a colonel fly into Bastogne on what looked like a OH-6 Loach helicopter. The Loach landed and with the blades turning this colonel got out, went to the flag pool and brought down the American flag. That moment has never left me. I felt very proud ...... I believe there was only 6 of us on the Fire Base when the colonel flew in and took the flag down. The 101st provided many aircraft above while we were there. In maybe 20 or 30 minutes it was all over. The last 105 gun with ammo was gone and we loaded on I think a Huey and flew back to Eagle. Sp/4 Carlson B/426 101st Airborne
Name: joe genereux
Hometown: ormond beach, florida
Date: July 27, 2013 - 01:18 PM (pacific)
Name: Don Miller
Hometown: , Florida
Date: July 27, 2013 - 10:33 AM (pacific)
Served 101st, C2/327 from July 65 to July 66.
Not many of us left...
Name: calvin dowdy
Hometown: ,
Date: July 26, 2013 - 07:06 AM (pacific)
anyone with Hawks Recon 2/327 eco 68/69
Name: Larry Bezemer
Hometown: Meridian, Idaho
Date: July 25, 2013 - 09:34 PM (pacific)
Served with the B 1/327 1973 - 1974 and was the first one in the barracks and became the RTO before being shipped to the Berlin Brigade. Looking for John Thomas from Cincinnati, OH or Douglas who I believed stayed in KY.
Name: Kevin Farrell
Hometown: , New Hampshire
Date: July 25, 2013 - 11:51 AM (pacific)
My twin brother and I, both Vietnam Vets of the 101st Airborne Division (me with COA 1/327) are trying to raise funds to help restore a monument to veterans on the campus of Bronx Community College in NY City. This monument has a Civil War Dictator Mortar, 2 WW1 captured German artillery pieces, and a Brisitsh Naval deck gun on site which are in dire need of repair. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Donations are tax deductible and can be sent to the following address:

Bronx Community College
Attn: Fort No. 8/Monument Hill Restoration Fund
Bronx Community College
2155 University Avenue, PH 37
Bronx, NY 10453

You can email me with any questions, we also have a Facebook page with pictures of the cannons.

Moderator, please delete if this is not appropriate but it is for veterans.
Hometown: ,
Date: July 24, 2013 - 02:16 PM (pacific)
Name: M. Dee Denise (Sornson) Robinson
Hometown: Mesa, AZ
Date: July 23, 2013 - 08:19 PM (pacific)
I just came across this site today. I am in awe at what I have read and learned. I only wish I had found the site earlier. I am PFC Edwin 'Eddie' Sornson's sister. Eddie or Ed was killed 6-20 at Trung Luong. I am numb.
I was searching for info on Sgt. Carl Cuta, He was with Eddie and I have been searching for any info on him for a long time. I believe i discovered his death record but if anyone knew/knows of him I would appreciate any news,
For the 327 I have a photo taken of my brother. Its in a field with 4 of his friends. Behind them are 10-12 more soldiers. I would love to send the photo to you to help me identify any of the soldiers. I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me.
Thanks for reading this, God bless all of you. Sincerely, Dee (Sornson) Robinson
Name: Gordon Licon
Hometown: Sagle, ID
Date: July 22, 2013 - 12:49 PM (pacific)
Served in Echo Co. Hawk Recon 71-72
Name: Joseph Kelley
Hometown: SPRINGFIELD, Missouri
Date: July 20, 2013 - 12:07 PM (pacific)
HHC 2/372 1983- 1985.
Name: Ernest A Perry
Hometown: Indian Trail, North Carolina
Date: July 18, 2013 - 02:33 PM (pacific)
Wonderful site. I've been researching the details of a friends death in 67. Sp4 Elza "Mort" Brewer, C Co, 2/327th, was killed on Veteran's Day, during Operation Wheeler. One site shows him promoted Posthumously to SGT after he was KIA. Anyone with insight to the actions that day would be appreciated.
Name: David M Fetty
Hometown: South Point, OH
Date: July 15, 2013 - 12:16 PM (pacific)
HHC and A Co, 2/327th from Sep 1974 to Oct 1978. SGT &SSG;
Name: Jill Protzman
Hometown: Cincinnati, ohio
Date: July 12, 2013 - 11:24 PM (pacific)
My Father Martin D. Protzman Was in "327th inf 1st bde 101st abn Co B 2d bn" . He was Air evacuated out on May 10, 1968 from Ashau valley. He had his right foot shot off as he dove into his fox hole. The first helicopter that came for him was shot down. He had to stay the night until the 2nd helicopter could come in the Morning. He heard the medic say if he didn't make it on that trip he would bleed to death. He made that Chopper. On his way up his helmet was shot off his head. My father is dying of lung cancer and the one thing he was known for as a teacher was his Vietnam speech he gave every senior class for 25 years. However, I cannot find a tape or his notes to that. I know Pieces of his experiences, but would love to find someone who served with him. I have posted the few pictures I have found of him on a facebook page along with the telegrams that were sent to his parents. My father helped to make sure that all of your experiences were never forgotten with each generation.
You can also contact me though the facebook page.
Name: Kathy Nace
Hometown: ,
Date: July 11, 2013 - 03:35 PM (pacific)
Husband John Nace was in 101st Airborne 502nd C Company in 1966-1967. Anyone know him?
Name: Thomas Blaine
Hometown: ,
Date: July 11, 2013 - 08:43 AM (pacific)
I was the battery executive officer for "C" Battery 2/320th 1969-1970..also an FO for A Co 2/327. Spent time in the AO and on FSB's B'Ham, Bastogne, Normandy, Rakkasan, Rendezvous
Name: Kenneth L. Taylor
Hometown: Kennewick, Washington
Date: July 10, 2013 - 10:03 AM (pacific)
My son Sean was assigned to the 327th IBCT and in 2010 deployed with his unit to Konar province Afghanistan in the Pech river valley. I met these men before they deployed and I'm very proud of them and their accomplishments. GODSPEED!
Name: Kathy Nace
Hometown: ,
Date: July 09, 2013 - 04:12 PM (pacific)
My husband served in the paratroops in 1967. His name is John Nace. Any body know him?
Name: Jon Macyle Lord
Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana
Date: July 09, 2013 - 10:25 AM (pacific)
I was a close friend of Don Stinebaugh and I noticed someone was looking for him some years back. Don was in Vietnam 67-68, I believe. We were in college and grad school together '75-'81, and rode motorcycles together. Don died in 1988 from injuries received in a m/c crash returning home from visiting the wall in D.C. I served US Navy '73-'75, and Don was my big brother and hero.
Name: Angelo's Angels
Hometown: ,
Date: July 06, 2013 - 09:22 PM (pacific)
I volunteer time researching and helping others return lost dog tags and other items to veterans /families. While researching a lost WWII dog tag for a man who wanted to give it back to the family, I came across the history of a very special veteran who served in the 327th Glider Infantry. He died 10 days after D-Day, and his brother had been killed in Germany a few months previously. It was their younger brother's dog tag being found that led me to learn about the 327th. The tag will soon be in the hands of his family. I see that a lot of people want to reunite with friends or need help researching their loved one's military service. I might be able to help with that, so please email me if you need help(free of charge). Thank you for your service to our country.
Name: Dave Perin
Hometown: Marion, IN
Date: June 29, 2013 - 06:41 PM (pacific)
C Co. 2/327th 71/72
Would be interested in contacting others I served with during that time out of Camp Eagle and Cam Rahn Bay.
Name: al hubbard
Hometown: palm bay, fla
Date: June 29, 2013 - 12:57 PM (pacific)
D company 75-76 ..11c10
Name: Vicky Wood-Teeters
Hometown: Salem, OR
Date: June 26, 2013 - 05:54 PM (pacific)
Doug (Doc) Teeters is the the VA Hospital in Vancouver WA with a shattered hip and broken shoulder from a bad fall in the driveway. He has his cell phone with 503 409 0906. If anyone wants to send a card, address is 1601 E Fourth Plain Blvd, Vancouver WA 98661.
Name: Terry Roy
Hometown: ,
Date: June 26, 2013 - 10:49 AM (pacific)
We are looking for fellow squad or platoon members from A co. 2nd/327 1968 no slack.
... Toggle this metabox.
Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on June 26, 2013 at 6:55 pm
Name: Terry Roy
Hometown: ,
Date: June 26, 2013 - 10:49 AM (pacific)
We are looking for fellow squad or platoon members from A co. 2nd/327 1968 no slack.
Name: Timothy John WintenburgLooking
Hometown: San Tan Valley, AZ
Date: June 26, 2013 - 10:44 AM (pacific)
Looking for Fellow soldiers from A co. 2nd/327 1968
Name: David J Markham
Hometown: ,
Date: June 26, 2013 - 06:48 AM (pacific)
I just posted a sign in from Jenna, she was looking for Doc Heyn. I just got home from the Crossville Reunion and saw Doc there. I told him how Jenna was looking for Doc Teeters and he said he would look up the first guestbook sign in. Now I will give him a call and tell him the latest.
Name: Jeanna Carlene Foster
Hometown: Clyde, NC
Date: June 25, 2013 - 04:02 PM (pacific)
I signed the guestbook a few weeks ago. I was searching for anyone that knew my cousin Lonnie Butts, KIA, and Douglas (Doc) Teeters, both served in Vietnam. I received several e-mails in regards to my posting for both of them. With the info that I received, I was able to contact Doc Teeters and speak with him. Actually, I have spoke with Doc Teeters a couple of times and plan to stay in contact with him. Doc T asked me if I knew anyone with the 327 Inf, because he was wanting to speak with Doc Heyn. But, I do not know Doc Heyn. So, if anyone knows how to contact Doc Heyn, please let him know that Doc T is wanting to speak to him. Or I will try to contact Doc Heyn if I can find contact info for him. Thanks to all that responded to my posting. I deeply appreciate all of the men and women that have made sacrifices and are making sacrifices to protect us and to protect our freedom!! God Bless you all!!
Name: Connie Patton
Hometown: Cowpens, SC
Date: June 23, 2013 - 06:30 PM (pacific)
We lost one of ours Friday June 21. He was Kenny Lloyd. He was from Shelby NC. He served with Co C. 1st 327 from Sept.69 -Jan.70 when he was wounded in action. He served with a Gozlack, Gould, Evans. He will be missed.
Name: Ronald S Deal
Hometown: Cleveland, tennessee
Date: June 20, 2013 - 11:56 PM (pacific)
I went to San Matio with Aco. 1st 327th
Name: don ackerman
Hometown: ,
Date: June 19, 2013 - 11:16 PM (pacific)
To Jenna Foster Doc Teeters phone number is 503 409 0906 he has been in and out of the VA on the west coast last 8 months also any medics who served with rick walker 1/327 69 give him or me a shout
Name: Bart Welter
Hometown: Shreveport, Louisiana
Date: June 19, 2013 - 07:33 AM (pacific)
Hey Ya'll
STILL Looking for members of Medical Platoon at Ft C
As well as folks who took sea Cruise.
48'years next month; any of you guys still around?
Name: Douglass Tate
Hometown: St Louis, MO
Date: June 17, 2013 - 05:15 PM (pacific)
I was in C 1/327 3rd plat from early 1964 to 8/1966
Name: Billy D Drumm
Hometown: ELIZABETHTOWN, IL Illinois
Date: June 15, 2013 - 09:29 PM (pacific)
I just watched the DVD, City With A Heart. I was wondering: how many of the troops at the San Mateo Welcome Home in January 1972 actually served with ABU in the Nam? I served with ABU second platoon from January to December 1971.
Name: Chuck Cusumano
Hometown: ,
Date: June 14, 2013 - 12:00 PM (pacific)
Dear Thomas Dixon,

I was new to the outfit In June, 1966, having been transferred in from the 82nd. I got to C company around the end of May and although John was my platoon Sgt, being new I did not get a chance to know him well. The highland engagement around Dak To was my first action.
I was next to John when he was wounded. John was wounded trying to help another wounded soldier. He was hit in the feral artery and Doc Dollinger did all he could but we were stuck on a hill all night and could not get out until the next morning.
Doc Dollinger was a fine medic and he left our platoon later on that summer. I also lost track of him but I do remember that he came from Kansas City MO and loved the town.

Sorry I could give you any more info. Perhaps some of the other Ist platoon guys who new John better will see your inquiry and respond.

Chuck Cusumano
Name: albert chiola
Hometown: ,
Date: June 10, 2013 - 07:25 AM (pacific)
just a note to all my bros of delta co. on the 43rd anniversiry of the battle on fsb tomahawk. no slack
Name: Jeanna Foster
Hometown: Clyde, NC
Date: June 08, 2013 - 05:28 PM (pacific)
I am trying to locate a Vietnam Veteran, Douglas Teeters(Doc). He was with the 101st Airborne Tiger Force in 1967 - 1968. He was a friend of my cousin's and they served together. My cousin, SP5 Lonnie R Butts, was a Medic B CO, 1B, 327 INF REG, 101st Airborne. He was killed in May of 1967 in Vietnam. No words can express the deepest appreciation for all of you! God Bless Ya'll and your families!!
Name: thomas carl dixon
Hometown: wilkes-barre, pa.
Date: June 08, 2013 - 03:58 PM (pacific)
would like to make contact with anyone who served with my brother,sfc john dixon who was k.i.a. june 9th.with c co. 1st. bn.on ABU HILL. pfc Jim Dolinger attended to him when he was hit. could not get address on Mr. Dolinger. Thank You.
Name: Robert Earl Franklin
Hometown: Allen, Ky.
Date: June 08, 2013 - 09:51 AM (pacific)
Was in alpha co. 2/327th. 1st. platoon 3rd. squad in 1974. Would like to find my friends. Has anyone seen or heard from Tunce or Speed?
Name: Bear James Thompson
Hometown: Yukon, Oklahoma
Date: June 06, 2013 - 03:45 PM (pacific)
Served 68/69 with 1st Cav. 11th Aviation Group based out of Phouc Vihn South Viet Nam. III Corps
Name: Gerard Paul Husson
Hometown: Martinsburg, WV
Date: June 06, 2013 - 02:33 PM (pacific)
Today marks the 47th anniversary of the day we lost Mike and others in Vietnam. Mike meant a great deal to my brother and I and we miss him dearly. We think of him often and strive to never let him be forgotten. Mike left us a boy we all knew but returned a man we will never forget! Rest in peace my friend and thank you and all the others for you service to this Great Nation. You are gone but not forgotten.
Name: James (Jim) Wright
Hometown: Garden City, Kansas
Date: June 05, 2013 - 04:12 PM (pacific)
Served 6/71--2/72 in Phu Bai HHQ 1/327

Looking for Tom Lang from NY 2/327

Jim (OKIE) Wright
Name: Jeanna Carlene Foster
Hometown: Clyde, NC
Date: May 31, 2013 - 05:32 PM (pacific)

My name is Jeanna Carlene Foster. I am a 2nd cousin of SP5 Lonnie R Butts. Thank you for the wonderful memorial for SP5 Lonnie Butts.
At the time of SP5 Lonnie Butts' death I was only 4 1/2 years old. I do not remember him. I have always wished I had been old enough to know him. My memory of his funeral has never faded over the past 46 years. But, this past Memorial Day, I felt a need to find out more about Lonnie. So, while everyone else was at cookouts, I stayed at home and began to search. I found his name and more than I expected on the Vietnam Memorial Wall. I did not know,until Memorial Day 2013, the great extent of his unselfish dedication and bravery and at such a young age. I felt a connection with him as I read the Presidential Citation in awe and tears. He has touched my heart in such a way that I can not put it in words. I feel that I know something about the person Lonnie was, but I have a desire to know more. I hope that someone will share with me anything that they knew about SP5 Lonnie R Butts. I just feel that I need to make a connection with someone that he served with.
I Thank You with all My Heart for all that you have done for this country and the people!! No words can ever explain the deepest gratitude that I have for the Fallen, those who Have Served and are Serving! I know Freedom is not free, because all of you have paid the price for everyone else and some have paid the ultimate sacrifice!
I look forward to receiving a response from anyone. God Bless you all!

Jeanna Carlene Foster
Name: Vanessa Lichty
Hometown: ,
Date: May 30, 2013 - 03:05 PM (pacific)
Hi Dad,
Giving a shout out to my hero! Looking pretty good there in the jungle.

Love you much,
Name: FRANK H DeVincenzo
Hometown: west roxbury, mass
Date: May 28, 2013 - 09:30 AM (pacific)
Name: Phil Goode
Hometown: ,
Date: May 27, 2013 - 05:53 PM (pacific)
Remembering my fallen brothers this day (Rocky DeFillipo, Bryan Wilken, my "No Slack" brothers I served with and all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice defending our freedom and fighting for the right of oppressed people everywhere that have asked for America's help to find theirs. Spc 4, Phil Goode Co. C 70-71
Name: Ronald lee johnson
Hometown: Rose city, michigan
Date: May 27, 2013 - 05:53 PM (pacific)
I WAS WITH THE1/327 A CO. I was with Jordan when he wrote boonie rat some names larry jones, sgt miles ,ranger rank ,dobelley doc. mcgoo ,I have a lot of picture, I would like to maybe here from them I just got this computer and not sure what I am doing
Name: Paul Hendrickx Hendrickx
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nv
Date: May 27, 2013 - 05:01 PM (pacific)
Still kicking

Name: raymond Wynn
Hometown: Barbeau, mi
Date: May 27, 2013 - 11:10 AM (pacific)
I am looking for anyone that servered with me in Ashau Valley that might remember the name of the Doc that was there Oct 5,1968 when a B40 rocket went off behind me 3feet away and treated me for shrapnel in my back I was in 101st Company B 1/327
... Toggle this metabox.
Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on May 26, 2013 at 6:56 pm
Name: Jim Snyder
Hometown: ,
Date: May 26, 2013 - 07:24 PM (pacific)
GS Mortars D Co. 1-327 Inf 1972-1974
Hometown: BOSTON, MA
Date: May 26, 2013 - 05:10 PM (pacific)


Name: John warhank
Hometown: torrance, ca
Date: May 24, 2013 - 09:28 PM (pacific)
Feb 1966 to Feb 1967 1/327 11b2p medivac out may 66 returned aug 66 assigned to headquarters as a spoon due to injuries.
Name: FRANK H DeVincenzo
Hometown: boston, mass
Date: May 24, 2013 - 12:20 PM (pacific)
Name: Paul David Keiser
Hometown: Puyallup, Wa
Date: May 23, 2013 - 07:37 PM (pacific)
Served w/Hq. & A Co 1/327 Inf in Viet Nam in 1969
Name: Bill Goodwin
Hometown: VA Greater Los Angeles,
Date: May 17, 2013 - 10:45 AM (pacific)
1st platoon B/1/327 Vietnam/bowling alley/A Shau Valley 1969. Got plenty of nice (photoshoped) photos. contact me. Walked point for 8 mos, was in 1st squad with sgt Kret, Mooney, Gomer, Howie and a few others...
Name: Sandra Webster
Hometown: ,
Date: May 16, 2013 - 09:21 PM (pacific)
I just read Ronald Stephen Deal's post 4/19/2013. This website is beyond words when reading everyone's post. How sad that many will never know that vets and families are out there trying desperatley to find any tiny bit of information. I thank all envolved to get this site up and running. Ronald Deal should contact John Lescher (3/19/13 post) as we have made contact and making plans to meet. Any information regarding your experience and information about my late husband Richard A.Webster would be so appreciated. My son's miss their father and would love to know (as I )more about his time in Vietnam. God Bless to all. Sandy
Name: Vivian Wynn
Hometown: barbeau, mi
Date: May 14, 2013 - 09:38 AM (pacific)
I am Ray Wynn's wife he was in 1/327 b company in ashaw valley in Vietnam in 1968-69. He is in Chicago at the James Lovell Va hospital for some help he will be there 6 weeks starting on May 13 2013 any way I am looking for anyone that might remmber when that rocket exploded behind him and what he was doing and where he got injured and where he was taken for treatment I need this for his records that no one can find so he never recieved a purple heart and that really discourages him so I looking for anyone that can write a letter to verify the explosion and him being injured. Thanks everyone.Vivian
Name: Arlyss Rude
Hometown: ,
Date: May 13, 2013 - 02:51 PM (pacific)
Sorry I didn't give you his unit he was in
1st regiment I know you guys know what all that means ha-ha I know some I hope to get in contact with some of you that knew my Donald Jean Soby.
Name: Arlyss Rude
Hometown: Rugby, North Dakota
Date: May 13, 2013 - 02:48 PM (pacific)
Hello everyone out there. I am searching for anyone who knew my Uncle. His name was Donald J Soby. He was killed in action in Vietnam. I would like any information that anyone can give me. His tour started November 9th 1966 and was shot in Quang Ngai, South Vietnam. One of his buddies while he was there was Steve Turner. Can you please help me. Thank you for your assistance and Thank you all for serving in the military I appreciate all of you for what you have done. Hugs to ALL vets
Name: Hugh s McClellan
Hometown: San Antonio, TX
Date: May 10, 2013 - 12:48 AM (pacific)
I was in the 2/327 from April 1965 to July 1967, but don't see any familiar faces or events. When you guys start keeping records.???
Name: Lindsey Duncan
Hometown: Brookport, Illinois
Date: May 09, 2013 - 12:52 PM (pacific)
I am looking for anyone who knew my father, John Phillip Duncan. He went by Phillip. He was with 101st Airborne in Co-B 1st battalion 1/327. He served from late 1969-January 1972. He passed away last month due to Prostate Cancer from Agent Orange. I am wanting to speak to anyone who knew him and if anyone has pictures that is even better. I miss him dearly and would like to hear any stories that he was involved in. Thank you all very much...God Bless
Name: earl mallicoat
Hometown: ,
Date: May 06, 2013 - 11:10 PM (pacific)
Hometown: Englewood, Fl
Date: May 05, 2013 - 10:58 AM (pacific)
served with a2/327 oct 68- oct 69. with Ron Mare. shortround. bernie schaeffer, joe Hernandez (kia), Mcdanials,lt lee, lt mac. cpt little,miller, was on fb toahawk lanco bridge fb tac.
Name: Paul Feci
Hometown: ,
Date: May 05, 2013 - 07:51 AM (pacific)
Still looking for anyone who served with Aco. 2/502, 101st airborne, Viet Nam 1970.
Name: Bernie Schaefer
Hometown: scottsdale, arizona
Date: May 03, 2013 - 09:19 AM (pacific)
New to this site.Served with A co.2/327 Oct.68/Oct.69.Platoon leaders I recall were Lts.Mac,Brunner,Lee.Note to Earl Mallicoat Re: your request of April 30,2012,I have remained in touch with John O'Day and can help you make contact with him.Send me your E-mail address.I have also talked with Ron Mare who was squad leader before me.Ron is well living in New York.Doug Hienzman replaced me and lives in Minneapolis area.Of course I'll always remember KIA's Hernandez,Mc Daniel,Sullivan,and Ward.Rest well brothers.
Name: Alvin W Peterson
Hometown: Edmore, Michigan
Date: April 27, 2013 - 10:31 PM (pacific)
Medic Sept. 1970 - June 71 C co. 2nd Plt. would like to find= Al Felner, Fitz, Woody, Cookie Man, Cisco, Rocky Redman, Tiny, Buffalo, Wet Back, Polock, Head medic Carpenter, and anyone in this Platoon near this time... No Slack
Name: Michael Rittel
Hometown: , CA
Date: April 25, 2013 - 11:24 AM (pacific)
CO A 2/327th 71-72
Name: Alva Shirley
Hometown: Columbus, GA
Date: April 22, 2013 - 11:40 AM (pacific)
Anyone who served in RVN with Alpha Company 2/327 missed a great time if they were not at the annual get-together in Branson, MO. We totally enjoyed the time we spent together, so if you were not there plan on attending next year.
Name: John C Davis
Hometown: ,
Date: April 20, 2013 - 05:25 PM (pacific)
I am looking for a trooper from A or C company that had a friend from Hawaii and went on R&R; to Hawaii in Jan 1968. He and I were the only single guys on the plane that I can recall and his friend's folks took us around the island and showed us the sites as well as had us over to their house for dinner.
Name: Alva Shirley
Hometown: Columbus, GA
Date: April 20, 2013 - 03:08 PM (pacific)
Anyone who served in RVN with Alpha Company 2/327 missed a great time if they were not at the annual get-together in Branson, MO. We totally enjoyed the time we spent together, so if you were not there plan on attending next year.
Name: Ronald Stephen Deal
Hometown: Cleveland, Tennessee
Date: April 19, 2013 - 09:36 PM (pacific)
Its been a long time but my health sucks i have parkisons they say it was agent orange also lost one kidney and my bladder doesn;t work well besides all that I;am OK ihave the same papers as MRS WEBSter I remember her husband
Name: Rick Christian
Hometown: Lv, NV
Date: April 13, 2013 - 12:47 AM (pacific)
I posted that I had read a book about nam.I forgot to mention the name &author; of the book.the name of the book is Transition To Duty by Leo flory. He was a medic with b 2nd 502.AsI said before this is a must read Rick Christian 2nd 327 co c 2nd platoon also a medic .p.s.this takes place in 68 & 69.
Name: Rickch Christian
Hometown: Lv, NV
Date: April 12, 2013 - 04:01 AM (pacific)
My name is Rick Christian I was a medic for 2nd 327 Co C 2nd platoon 1971.I just finished reading a book about the 101st in 1968 69 by a medic with the 2nd 502.I have read lot of books about nam but this is a must read.
Name: David J Markham
Hometown: Erie, PA
Date: April 11, 2013 - 08:46 AM (pacific)
I'm not sure how many keep track of what's being added to the site but I thought I would give this heads up. Recently a "B" company troop send me many photos taken by a U.S. Army photographer. They are not exclusive of the 327th but from the 101st in general. If you go to "B" photo page, and click on Howard L. Logsdon (1-8) pages (about 15 per page) you may see something or someone you remember. This has taken me awhile but very proud that Howard sent me these photos to post. He promise's a few more to come.
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Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on April 10, 2013 at 6:58 pm
Name: Robert Yeager
Hometown: ,
Date: April 10, 2013 - 07:45 AM (pacific)
Barbara McGinley,
Here is a good place for you to start:!/pages/327-Glider-Infantry-Screaming-Eagle/109600119062869
Name: Barbara (Bell )McGinley
Hometown: ,
Date: April 09, 2013 - 12:33 AM (pacific)
Located this site today, my Dad was in 101st, 327th GID. He was at Normandy, Bastogne, and Market Garden. My dad was Theodore R Bell, from SD. He served in the Army for 20 years before retiring. He passed away Sept. 1997. His wife, my Mom is still active and alert. I wonder if there are other 327th GID WWII Vets, wives, widows out there? If so please contact me by email. I think my Mom might enjoy sharing memories with other seniors. Thank you, Barbara
Name: David J. Markham
Hometown: ,
Date: April 05, 2013 - 07:38 AM (pacific)
Hi, It's your friendly 1/327 web guy. I'm posting here to let you know I have posted a site on "Our Favorites" for Leo "Doc" Flory. He has written a book entitled, "Transition to Duty". I have purchased this book and while I'm not done reading it yet what I have read is pretty darn good. I would recommend it to all. Here is a link directly to his site.
Name: Riick W Christian
Hometown: Lv, NV
Date: March 30, 2013 - 10:31 PM (pacific)
Served in 2nd 327th Co C 2nd platoon as a medic early 71 to early 72
Name: george H walker
Hometown: murph, n c
Date: March 30, 2013 - 07:35 PM (pacific)
I stop of there in 1972 in b company I was 101th rangers
Name: raymond don wynn
Hometown: barbeau, mi
Date: March 29, 2013 - 06:15 PM (pacific)
Name: Dan White
Hometown: ,
Date: March 29, 2013 - 10:18 AM (pacific)
Today is National Vietnam Veterans Day. The last Combat Troops were pulled out today in 1973. Welcome Home Brothers.
Name: David Fetty
Hometown: South Point, Oh
Date: March 26, 2013 - 05:07 AM (pacific)
HHC, A Co 2/327th, Sep 1974 to Oct 78
Name: Leo "Doc" Flory
Hometown: Decatur, MI
Date: March 24, 2013 - 02:59 PM (pacific)
I was a combat medic with B Co, 2/501 101st. 68-69
I have published a book "Transition to Duty" relative to my tour in Vietnam. The story is non fiction, with no specific heros, it is about all of us and what we had to do. I would love to have my website linked to yours, and I will send a complimentary copy to who ever would like to judge it's worth.
Welcome home brothers.
Leo "Doc" Flory
Name: Paul Feci
Hometown: San Jose, Calif.
Date: March 24, 2013 - 07:36 AM (pacific)
Was wounded on Bastogne 10-70. Made contact with my Sgt. who was wounded with me but can't locate Augie Valdez. If anyone has any info, please email me.
Name: ewing miller
Hometown: ,
Date: March 23, 2013 - 05:56 PM (pacific)
3/24/68 Abu 1/327 101st troy hayden, joe artavia, david wilkerson KIA may God rest their souls
Name: Dave Reinheimer
Hometown: ,
Date: March 23, 2013 - 08:14 AM (pacific)
Really great web-site, I served B 2/501 68-69 and our site many find from time to time, reunions now every 2 yrs. Visit us @ &
Name: John Lescher
Hometown: Grafton, Ohio
Date: March 19, 2013 - 07:31 PM (pacific)
SANDRA WEBSTER Call me immediately. I recognize all of those names & can help you. I knew "Trixie" which I think is the same person as your husband. I have photos of him. The photo is of Rick Webster-Oldpap-Spoon-New York-Knuckles-Skeeter Another of "Tricky" Dick Webster Cell: 440-213-5176
Dutch Lescher--RTO- with Danny Nye (KIA) Doc Walker
Name: Don Hensley
Hometown: ,
Date: March 19, 2013 - 09:15 AM (pacific)
I was in 2/320 arty and assigned to 1/327 in a FO team (1965-66). Trying to contact Charles Lostaunau, I understand he was with arty Lt. James Kelly when he was killed on 9/9/65. I have been in contact with Lt. Kelly's sister and she would like info about his death. Thanks
Name: sandra j Webster
Hometown: ,
Date: March 17, 2013 - 06:10 PM (pacific)
I am looking for vets who may have known my late husband Richard A. Webster. He served in the 327th from 1971-72. I have an award paper Dated Nov 16 1971 with names: Valeta,S., Morgan,W., Drumn,B., Deal,R., Lopez,M.J., Green,M., Weathers,W., Sharpe,F. I would like to know any information about my husband. What company, where they fought, etc. Please help with my search. There was a vet that visited us in the early 80's that lived on the east coast. I can't remember his name and we lost touch when we moved.
Thank you so much. My husband lived in the Detroit area. There are 2 R. Websters from the 101st but mine had middle inital A.
Name: John Lynn Shelton
Hometown: Blanchard, Oklahoma
Date: March 10, 2013 - 11:00 AM (pacific)
I served in B Company, 2/327th in Vietnam from Oct,1969 to May, 1970. I am hoping to hear back from David A.(DAM) Mays and any or all other members of our unit, I have contacted Joe Serna, Don Moon, Frank Knowles and (Doc)Ben Karan. Please contact me at or 405-640-5294
Name: Lyle R.A. King
Hometown: Warren, Oregon
Date: March 10, 2013 - 07:37 AM (pacific)
I was with Co.B 1/327 inf. 1st BDE 101abn Div 3ed plo. from Sept.1966 t0 Aug 1967 I went by DUKE I was Kontum Originals at that time Lawernce, Mc Nair, Nelson, Bernard, Gentle, Holman (DOC), Vagas, Corfrall, Werner, this was my SQUAD 66-67 on thankagiving day 1966 we were looking for a down airplane ( Staff Sergeant Charles Walker squad leader Above the rest) My Readjustment Counselor told me to do this to help me with the passed.
Name: Ted "Doc" Gearing
Hometown: ,
Date: March 09, 2013 - 01:39 PM (pacific)
The following is an online petition to the White House. If you would like to sign may do so at this site: "

"We petition the Obama administration to:
Lower the precedence of the new Distinguished Warfare Medal.

The Pentagon is introducing a new medal to recognize the service of pilots of unmanned drones during combat operations. This medal will be placed in precedence order just below the Distinguished Flying Cross and just above a Bronze Star Medal. Bronze Stars are commonly awarded with a Valor device in recognition of a soldier's service in the heat of combat while on the ground in the theater of operation. Under no circumstance should a medal that is designed to honor a pilot, that is controlling a drone via remote control, thousands of miles away from the theater of operation, rank above a medal that involves a soldier being in the line of fire on the ground. This is an injustice to those who have served and risked their lives and this should not be allowed to move forward as planned."
Name: michael oconnell
Hometown: ,
Date: March 07, 2013 - 09:21 PM (pacific)
Jesse Taylor, I was in second platoon Co C 1/327 when you led it . I was also there when McMurphy and Ahern were lost. A bad day. It was an honor to serve with you..........
Name: Thomas George Dougall
Hometown: Flagler Beach , Fla
Date: March 07, 2013 - 10:10 AM (pacific)
I am the wrecker driver 1969 I came to bastone from camp eagle and phu bai and brought the 175mm and 8 inch artilary tubes will never forget the brave friends that I met there I tell my wife all the stories of the guys and their antics all that humor while fighting a terrible war I brought angent orange back as a souvenier also
Name: albert chiola
Hometown: ,
Date: March 06, 2013 - 02:25 PM (pacific)
Name: Sueanne Doolittle Cubr
Hometown: Troy, MT
Date: March 04, 2013 - 11:29 AM (pacific)
I am the younger sister of Jon Doolittle and it was wonderful to see the picture of my brother, Jon Doolittle, thank you. I would love to see other pictures or other information any one may have concerning my brother, who died 6 May 1970 in Thua Thien Province.
Name: Dutchey Lee Lane
Hometown: Cleveland , GA
Date: February 27, 2013 - 10:01 AM (pacific)
I served with HHC at Camp Eagle Vietnam 1971-72. I worked as the CIF NCO. During the end of our time in Vietnam (1972) I brought the unit back to FT. Campbell, serving with B Co until I PCS to Alaska in 1974. Between Vietnam and Ft. Campbell, B Co was sent to San Mateo CA. We were adopted sons of that city and was showered with many plessings for the entire community for several days prior to being released to go home on leave and see our family and loved ones. I recall many events of that time but have forgotten many a name. I'd be interested to know where I could see a company roster for 1971-72. I have a few pictures of that time.
Name: Jesse Wade Taylor
Hometown: Anderson, South Carolina
Date: February 26, 2013 - 04:58 PM (pacific)
Cutthroat, .1/327, 1967-1968, Squad Leader, Platoon Sgt. 4th Platoon, Platoon Leader 2nd Platoon. Finding this site has brought a lot of closer to my life. For I served with some of the Bravest Warriors that has ever walked this earth. May God bless you all. ( Above The Rest ).
Name: Barry Barnes
Hometown: Hanover, In.
Date: February 25, 2013 - 05:23 PM (pacific)
A Co. 2/327 1st Plt. Dec.69-Dec.70 I was with Lt. Pappas,Roger Roy, Beasley, Mouse. Looking forward to reunion in Branson in April. Hope to see some new faces this time. Barney
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Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on February 24, 2013 at 8:00 pm
Name: Dan White
Hometown: ,
Date: February 24, 2013 - 07:39 AM (pacific)
It's the A Co, 35th Cbt Engr guy again. Just a couple of memories from 68. Anyone remember the Quad 50 on the deuce and a half at the bridge called "Respect"? The LRP's used to land their Hueys on our beach for a 24 hr stand down and swim, which we were not allowed to do. In Dec 68 I went onto a Firebase on QL1 to see the comedian Joey Bishop choppered in. He was there 10 minutes till incoming. Does anyone know which FB that was?
Name: Joseph A. Perry
Hometown: Avondale, Pa.
Date: February 23, 2013 - 07:15 PM (pacific)
Served in A company 1/327 May 70-April 71
Name: Dan White
Hometown: Columbia, Mo
Date: February 23, 2013 - 05:33 PM (pacific)
I was with A Co, 35th Cbt Engr Bn located on QL1 at Lang Co. We did mine sweep every day on QL1 and road security as well as day security on the bridge and ran the rock crusher. Dec 31 1968 We moved up to Phu Bai, then Hue, then down to Soc Trang in the Delta. Was up on the Los Banos a few times in 68, but never could remember the name until now. We also did some stuff with 2/502 in 68. Glad to see the photos
Name: Tracey Young
Hometown: ,
Date: February 22, 2013 - 01:57 PM (pacific)
My Dad, George G. Young served in the 101st Airborne 327th Infantry CO-B 2d bn. I don't know much about his time there because he never spoke much about it. He was in Vietnam somewhere around Fall of 66 to the summer of 67 from what I can dig up. He had passed away in 2001. I have recently begun a search for information on him during the war. I have some paper work and various things left behind from him but would like to know more.
Name: Jack Henry
Hometown: ,
Date: February 21, 2013 - 11:03 AM (pacific)
I was just checking out google maps and found out they made a national park out of our old ao in viet nam. It is called Bach Ma National Park and runs from about where tomahawk was back to the Ruang Ruang Valley. Check it out there are some great photos of what it all looks like now and a few from back then. Hope all is well with everyone things are good here.
Name: Robert Roy Papesh
Hometown: Ravenna, Ohio
Date: February 17, 2013 - 07:27 AM (pacific)
Served with Abu.Co.1/327th Abn. Inf. 1st Bridgade 101st Airborne Division Dec. 65 to June 66. Machine-gunner and squad leader 3rd Pla.
Welcome home to all my brave brothers and may God bless all our brave brothers no longer with us.
Attention to: Gerard Paul Husson ! Page #31
In response to your post about SP4 Michael Joseph Galbraith's death K.I.A. 6 June 1966. Please call me either at home or my cell. I've got some information for you and your brother. I didn't know Mike but I was one of the member's of the third platoon that came to their aid and extracted the wounded and KIA's. God Speed ABU.
Hm 330-297-0705
Cell 330-842-9261
Name: Megan Donald
Hometown: ,
Date: February 14, 2013 - 05:32 PM (pacific)
Great site, I posted the wrong email! Please feel free to email me at the following email addresses:
Name: Kimberley Marie Lyons
Hometown: ,
Date: February 13, 2013 - 05:05 PM (pacific)
As I was missing my dad today I came accross this website... It brought happy tears to my eyes seeing pictures of his posted that he and I used to look at when I was little.. Thanks so much for creating this site. God speed to you all.
Daughter of Stan Lyons
Name: Troy D Burton
Hometown: Fort Wayne, IN
Date: February 12, 2013 - 04:58 PM (pacific)
BattleForce, D Company 3/327th, April 1983 - October 1985
Name: Harry Jack Fletcher
Hometown: Flower Mound, Texas
Date: February 10, 2013 - 09:41 PM (pacific)
I served with HQ Co. 1/327 until February 1966 when I went to B Co. as a replacement for casualties suffered in the fight at My Cann II 2nd Feb, 1966. I was on a machinegun crew at My Phu on March 3, 1966 where Jack Lindsey, the gunner and Graham were killed. Also, Norman Buell the brave dedicated medic of 1st platoon was killed there too. I served in several fights until I was hospitalized with a fever at the 8th Field Hospital in Nha Trang around the first part of August and returned to Phan Rang the 1st Brigade Base camp for return to the states and discharge from the army on 18th August, 1966. I want to mention Knight the other machinegunner of weapons squad, Michael Hartness my assistant gunner and Wainscott a member of 1st platoon.
Name: Rick Christian
Hometown: Lv, NV
Date: February 08, 2013 - 01:12 AM (pacific)
Served 71 early72 medic C co2nd 327 101st
Name: Lee Hall
Hometown: Republic, WA
Date: February 07, 2013 - 12:23 PM (pacific)
I was transferred to MASS-3, on Freedom (327) Hill, Danang, when the Marine Air Traffic Control Unit(MATCU)at Chu Lai rotated to CONUS about August, 1970. I was a fish out of water at MASS-3. I was a young radar thech barely out of radar school when I got orders to RVN. I knew nothing about what a MASS was or did. I later found out that we used a type of radar system to provide CAS suoort units in the field. Given the appropriate coordinates, we could direct suitably-equipped fighter-bombers to give precise CAS as needed.

The powers in charge I was best suited at FSB Birmingham and the ASRT located there, as p/o the 13 man detachment. I wound up being the designated grunt because there basically was nothing else there I could do.

The day I arrived @ B'ham, I was greeted by a 1st Lt. who was the det. OIC. He told me that "we have everything up to and including 8" self-propelled howitzers." He then informed me that everyone in the det. carried 2 weapons. What did I want? I asked him what was available, and he showed me a large wooden crate full of various weapons. I found a functional M-79 in there, and requested double 00 buckshot rounds. When asked why I wanted that type of round, my response was that I wanted something effective up close and personal in case everything "up to and including 8" self-propelled howitzers" didn't work.

We didn't have much interaction w/US Army personnel, 'tho I was also periodically designated to brief the Army Col. about our radar missions. We did have a running difference w/him about military customs (saluting)between the Army & Marines.

I rotated home in Dec., 1970. I left B'ham on 22 Dec., and stepped off the commercial NW Orient flight in Seattle, WA @ 2230, 24 Dec.

I have some B'ham pix if anyone is interested.

Semper Fi!
Name: Tommy M Martinez
Hometown: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Date: February 06, 2013 - 02:47 PM (pacific)
Hello, I'm the cousin/nephew of Paul D. Rodriguez he was KIA on April 5,1966. I have searched for years for anyone who served with him, for any info regarding Paul and that day. I am so grateful to have found Bruce Masters and Rick Salazar. They have provided me with needed information. I Thank you all for your service. I am glad you all made it home. May God bless you all.
Name: Alice Herla
Hometown: ,
Date: February 06, 2013 - 11:38 AM (pacific)
Terrific site! Alice Herla
Name: Tommy Michael Keller
Hometown: Burke, Virginia
Date: February 05, 2013 - 08:42 AM (pacific)
Seeking correspondence with Members of First Platoon, 1/327Bn, who participated in search & destroy mission following "Mother's Day Hill" . Above the Rest
Name: JB Vowell
Hometown: Menlo Park, CA
Date: February 05, 2013 - 08:31 AM (pacific)
Just an update on our SITREP. Having left Fort Campbell as No Slack 6 and Eagle 3 for the 101st, we are at Stanford University for my War College year and will return to Fort Campbell summer '13 to take command of the Rakkasans, 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne. Proud of No Slack and Bastogne on their current missions in Afghanistan!
Name: Cecilia Morett
Hometown: ,
Date: February 04, 2013 - 04:55 PM (pacific)
My uncle Ralph W. Harter was killed 6 years before I was born and is buried in the Normandy American Cemetery in France. He was awarded the Purple Heart, do not know how to find out why. Just wanted to remember an uncle I never knew...
Hometown: La Quinta, CA
Date: January 30, 2013 - 09:52 AM (pacific)
Co. B 1/327 4/69 to 5/20/70. I was a pointman then squadleader. Just thinking about the Ashua valley, Aug 10th thru 18th, '69. Wondering what my buddies are doing & where they are. My memory for names is not great, however, the faces and nicknames are still there.
If anyone might have info on my following squad, please send an Email:
Hillbily - Pointman from West Va.
San Fran. - Slackman from SF
Big John - Navajo - M-60
Cadman - Navajo - A.G.
Whistles - M-79
Sgt (General) Lee from Texas
"Say" - A.G. from minneota, minn.
Purple Hayes - True Friend - M-60

I still think of you guys, Alot..
Name: Jesse Robert Salazer
Hometown: Taft, CA
Date: January 28, 2013 - 10:59 AM (pacific)
it's been so long now . and i am forgetting every thing and everybody . I talk with no one in so many years . I don't even know my family .
God know's I haven't seen them in years.nor do I care to see them . I live in a little dusty town
in central Calif.a few years a go I was medavac
from Taft, Ca to Bakersfield, Ca by chopper and
I though I'd never get on one them thing's again.
I've looked for the men I served with for three or four years but I got no luck, so I gave up .
A buddy of mine died last year in Navada. I was
in the hospital with my dam heart again. He died alone no family or friend's. I tried to go but
they had to put a stent in my heart. Now I have seven plus the bypass. Give me a email address and I'll send you guy's a few pictures.
Salazer over and out.
Name: clinton e. greer
Hometown: ,
Date: January 26, 2013 - 11:16 PM (pacific)
I was in D company 2/327Inf. between 1975 thru 1978
Name: Dawn Richmond
Hometown: ,
Date: January 26, 2013 - 07:59 AM (pacific)
Im searching for anyone that may have served with my dad Raymond E Richmond .fort campbell,fort collins camp zama japan ,vitenam fort bragg korea fort rucker from 1969 to 1977 .anyone with information please email me at thank you
Name: Rick Wallace Christian
Hometown: Lv, NV
Date: January 24, 2013 - 02:45 AM (pacific)
I was medic with 2nd platoon Co in 71 served with the best guys I if you your out thear let me know.that goes for anybody.For your info I was the medic who treated SP4 Wilkens & 3 others July 10th when we had the fragging after the show.If any of the guys read this would like to hear your doing.No Slack
Name: George Thomas (Tom) Miller
Hometown: Elkhart, il.
Date: January 23, 2013 - 08:21 PM (pacific)
B company 2nd 327th inf. Oct69-Oct70 Last 30 days in country I was assigned to guard duty at Eagle Beach.
Name: Jesse Wade Taylor
Hometown: Anderson, SC
Date: January 19, 2013 - 05:50 PM (pacific)
I was with C.Company.1st327abn.inf. 1967-1968.Served with some great troopers.Would like to hear from you guys.
Name: debra kay walters/walters
Hometown: san pedro, ca.
Date: January 18, 2013 - 08:35 AM (pacific)
Hello, I'm hoping to find my father Richard Torres or any of his service records. He was a paratrooper 101st Airborne Div.
Fort Campbell 1960 -1964 is my guess. I was born the same year he graduated from high school 1960 and I think it was Dec.of 64 that crowds of people waited for the soldiers to land. I started school and never saw him again. Well that's my story and l'm sticking to it but I would like to at least be able to see his name or a photo the littlest bit of info means a great deal to me
Debra Torres Walters
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Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on January 14, 2013 at 8:02 pm
Name: Gary Pool
Hometown: ,
Date: January 14, 2013 - 10:18 AM (pacific)
I was the S-2 for 1-327 2001-2003. I remember lots of folks and still stay in touch with many. I want leave my email out here in case someone was looking for me from the OIF1 time period.
Name: Lonnie Ashton
Hometown: Montross, Virginia
Date: January 11, 2013 - 09:35 PM (pacific)
I transferred from the Big Red One to B Co. 2/327 2nd platoon in Jun 67. Started out in Alvarado's squad and started carrying one of the M60s when the gunner went back to rear for R&R; or something. Names I remember SGT Johnson, SGT Dolby, SGT Jacobs and a guy called Levering. McAfee and Cutler carried ammo for me until I was MedEvaced (to Camp Zama and to the states) during the CA in Aug 67. Ran into Dolby in An Khe in 68. Served with SSG Thompson in Germany early 80s.Sorry I didn;t stay long enough for anyone to know me.
Name: Larry Dennis Guynn
Hometown: ,
Date: January 10, 2013 - 11:49 PM (pacific)
Viet Nam 2/327/b/2plt-67,68
M60 gunner, to many bad contacts. Thanks for this site. Tried to contact Patrick K Brady from the listing but could not. Pat I rember you turnning down the Purple Hart, and I could alwase tell from the rear of the hump when you or Alvarado was walking point. My handle was 'Little Brother' given by Pat. I still dream about VN most weeks, especially when it rains.
Name: D Fields
Hometown: , TN
Date: January 10, 2013 - 03:31 PM (pacific)
The No Slack Battalion is on facebook,
they were looking for No Slack Nam Vets
Name: Donald Cole
Hometown: ,
Date: January 08, 2013 - 03:08 PM (pacific)
HHC 1/327 66-67
HHC 1BDE 68-69
Name: jim richardson
Hometown: Elizabethton, TN
Date: January 08, 2013 - 11:21 AM (pacific)
Having never served myself, not a day goes by that I do not think of those that did. Meeting people like Yankee Jim and so many others in my daily activities, makes me truly aware of the sacrifices you guys have made to enable the rest of us to go simply enjoy what this country provides. We didn't earn it and we take it for granted. You guys paid a price in some way, shape, or form, and I thank you for it.
Name: David Gray McCue
Hometown: San Diego, California
Date: January 07, 2013 - 03:45 PM (pacific)
B Co 1-327-July&August; 1969.WIA Ashau Valley 8-11-69
Name: Billy R Robbins
Hometown: Sharpsburg , N C
Date: January 07, 2013 - 10:08 AM (pacific)
To Jessicia Weaver: I knew your grandfather, Jesse Louis Harrison in Germany -- 1961- 62 in the 504 ABN BTL GRP, Lee Barracks, Mainz West Germany ; he came to ABU (A) Co 1-327 in South VN as First Sergeant in July 1966. I was in ABU Co 1-327, 101 Abn Div in S VN Jul -65 Aug 66. 7 Jan 2013. P O BOX A 1327, Sharpsburg, NC 27878,, ph 252-382-2300
Name: Carl R Jackson
Hometown: Cumming, GA
Date: January 04, 2013 - 01:28 AM (pacific)
Aco 95-99 and Cco 04-06 LOVE this Battalion! Thanks to all the Vets before me, thank you for your inspiration to take the fight to the enemy!! God Bless see you on the "Much Higher" ground!
Name: David A. Mays
Hometown: Piqua, Ohio
Date: January 03, 2013 - 02:11 PM (pacific)
Sgt. Co. B 2/327 101st 1969 - 1970
Name: Frank Odom
Hometown: Castle Rock, Colorado
Date: January 02, 2013 - 07:42 PM (pacific)
In memory of my dad, 1Sgt Ralph F. Odom, 101st Airborne, who jumped in Normandy, 6 June. Was shot down, (parachute damaged from fire), and captured. Finally escaped with help of French resistance, and made his way back to friendly lines. Passed away 13 May 98. He is my Hero.
Name: chuck castelli
Hometown: ,
Date: January 02, 2013 - 03:34 PM (pacific)
looking for guys who served with B co. 1/327 in may 1967 to april 68. meyers, Mc gowan, acred, forte, ratty, lopez, rodriguez, egan, doc kimbell, doc anselmi, bowman, manning, la porte, romo, phelps, smith, allen, cheathan, and anyone else that is in the 67' platoon pictures.
jim uphouse, roger greene, and myself (aka sunshine) have been getting together in washington D.C. in april every year for the last few years and would like to see some of the rest of you guys. last year winston chapman showed up, this year henry (aka groovy) is coming.
contact me at my e-mail listed here. I have all the info- dates & hotel.
Name: David O Williamson
Hometown: Hot Springs, Arkansas
Date: December 31, 2012 - 08:34 PM (pacific)
Happy New Year to all Present and past 327th Veterans. I am David Williamson. Was with C company 2/327 in Vietnam 1-1-69 to 1-8-71. Long time ago for me but our brothers carry the torch onward. "DULCE BELLUM INEXPERTIS" (War is delightful to those who have no experience of it)- Erasmus
Name: Donald Charles Ward
Hometown: Mesa, AZ
Date: December 31, 2012 - 03:53 PM (pacific)
A CO 101st abn 2/327 Viet Nam 1966-1967
Name: Gary W Lies
Hometown: Moyie springs, ID
Date: December 30, 2012 - 08:33 PM (pacific)
I am looking for somebody who was in vietnam when i was.1965 to march 1966 when i got shot up in Tuy Hua valley.You can contact my daughter at GOD BLESS US ALL
Hometown: ,
Date: December 30, 2012 - 10:00 AM (pacific)
I was in from jan 1966 to dec 1966. C2/327. 1st platoon . HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Name: Donald Charles Ward
Hometown: Mesa, AZ
Date: December 29, 2012 - 11:33 AM (pacific)
A Co 2/327 aug 66 to aug 67
Name: David Wheeler
Hometown: Florence, Ky
Date: December 28, 2012 - 08:52 PM (pacific)
3rd Plt (Weapons Squad), A Co. 2/327 Inf No Slack 1989-1990.
Looking for my Blue Cord Brothers.
Name: Phillip Cleon Wade
Hometown: Ozark, Alabama
Date: December 27, 2012 - 04:19 PM (pacific)
2/501 Echo company Bastogne, Rifle 1971
Name: Frank Dennis Jimenez
Hometown: Central Point, OR
Date: December 27, 2012 - 09:31 AM (pacific)
3rd Platoon, A Co. 2/327 RVN 69-70
Name: bob ream
Hometown: grove city, OH
Date: December 26, 2012 - 04:09 PM (pacific)
Marry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my Airborne brothers HQ. 1/327 1967-1969
Name: Casper Eurlings
Hometown: Maastricht,
Date: December 26, 2012 - 02:23 PM (pacific)
As a honor to one of the fallen heroes of this regiment in WWII I adopted the grave of T/4 Raymond L Miller about twentyfive years ago, he found his last resting plave on the Netherlands Memorial and Cemetary in Margraten, Holland. He was awarded a Silver Star in 1944 by General Orders no 15. Is there any information about that Silver Star please let me know !
Name: gary scheidemantle
Hometown: ,
Date: December 24, 2012 - 08:58 PM (pacific)
I would like to honor the men of Co A 1st/327th Inf 101st Airborne, Steve Pohancek,Michael Ray Nugent,Vern Eric Odom Jr,Wesley L Phillips,Paul J D'Amato,Gregory W Falker,Larry Heen,Thomas G Noble,Anthony A Brese,Kenneth Griffin,James Laboy,Calvin D Mack who died Dec 24, 1970 from a friendly fire accident,who I proudly served with.
Name: Ted "Doc" Gearing
Hometown: ,
Date: December 24, 2012 - 11:35 AM (pacific)
Let us not forget our A Company brothers who died or were wounded Christmas Eve, 1970...and a prayer for those who survived.
Name: george meese
Hometown: ,
Date: December 21, 2012 - 06:16 PM (pacific)
My name is george meese iii aka goose was in bco 1/327 from 93 to 97 with only an eight month break when i was stationed in panama miss alot of guys i served with if any of u out there
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