
327 Infantry Veterans

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333 entries.
Michael Bertell Michael Bertell wrote on July 12, 2021 at 1:27 pm
Maybe the old site is down temporarily. I hope that it is not gone forever. That is how many of us found each other. No matter how many years it went back. It was part of our history.
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Jesse Flores “squeak” Jesse Flores “squeak” wrote on July 12, 2021 at 1:25 pm
I miss the old site, I feel like I’ve been brushed aside, bring back the old site.
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Jack Thomas Jack Thomas wrote on July 12, 2021 at 1:24 pm
Are all of the contacts gone from the old site?
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admin admin wrote on October 14, 2016 at 4:15 pm
Hometown: key west, fl
Date: October 14, 2016 - 08:00 PM (pacific)

be sure to get your you know whats out and vote it don't matter who for just vote thats the main reason most of us went thru hell==== as always GOD BLESS AND ABOVE THE REST CO C 1/327 JAN 68 TO JAN 69
Name: .amanda hughes
Hometown: sanger, texas
Date: October 14, 2016 - 11:58 AM (pacific)

I'm looking for information on Adan Figueroa, for my fiance. he died in vietnam in 1962 never knowing he had a son on the way. Please anything will be greatly appreciated.
Name: Rupert Burridge
Hometown: London, UK,
Date: October 10, 2016 - 02:02 AM (pacific)

I am a retired British Army officer now undertaking a PhD at the University of Oxford. I am seeking to contact Colonel (Rtd) Andrew Irzyk, with whom I served on the Kosovo Verification Mission in 1998-9, to request an interview in support of my research. If my e-mail address could be passed to him I would be grateful. Subsequent to Kosovo I proudly served alongside US forces in Freetown, Basrah and Kabul. Thank-you.
Name: Donna Dye
Hometown: Prospect, Kentucky
Date: October 07, 2016 - 10:47 PM (pacific)

I am looking for anyone who knew Kenny Rush from Louisville, KY. As a member of the 101st, he was gunned down in Vietnam on February 7, 1966. His tombstone lists Tuy Hoa. Is there anyone out their who served with Kenny?
Name: Tom Guglielmo
Hometown: ,
Date: October 05, 2016 - 03:30 PM (pacific)

Soldiers, Veterans, family and friends of the 327th,
I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. I am CSM(R) Tom Guglielmo and I am the new Honorary Regimental Command Sergeant Major, a position I am both extremely humbled and honored to have been selected for. I served in the 101st from 1998-2012 and held leadership positions from Squad Leader to Brigade CSM of the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 327th IN RGT. I look forward to meeting and speaking with as many of you as I can and learning your story so that I can tell our story. Upon retirement I stayed in the Fort Campbell area which allows me to pay regular visits to the Brigade on Fort Campbell and interact with the Soldiers. I am excited about maintaining the link between the veterans of the Brigade and the currently serving Soldiers in order to perpetuate our history.

Always First!

Name: Tess Cortez
Hometown: , Texas
Date: October 03, 2016 - 09:35 PM (pacific)

I'm trying to locate any men who served in Vietnam 1971-1972 2/327 101st Airborne Div. Delta Co. with my dad. Out of Fort Ord. He can only remember a few last names and one who asked to be called Jack Sh*t. The others are: Ice (Ute Indian), Kowalski (from Utah), Ali and Wilson. They fought in the DMZ for approx 6 months.
Hometown: BOSTON,
Date: September 28, 2016 - 05:25 PM (pacific)

Name: GREGORY DeLaurentiis
Hometown: , New Jersey
Date: September 27, 2016 - 09:40 AM (pacific)

I am looking for men who served with D Co. 1/327 in August of 1968. Those of us who were on The Hill before it became famous in May of 1969. Anyone who remembers Blevins and Jose. Please contact me.
Name: Jon Arthur Every-Clayton
Hometown: Baltimore, MD
Date: September 25, 2016 - 09:27 AM (pacific)

I was platoon leader, 1st platoon, ABU Co, 1/327. Arrived in country 04 Jun 1966 and was inserted into ABU Co in the middle of the action in Dak To. On 17 Jun 1966, we engaged the NVA and my RTO, Jack Edward Seward, was wounded by a grenade fragment that pierced his helmet and tore up his forehead. It was the same day Lt Perry, the XO, was killed by "friendly" helicopter rockets.

On 09 Sep 2016, I met Jack Seward again, 50 years later at the dedication of the 327th memorial at Ft Campbell. I learned he was never awarded the Purple Heart medal he richly deserves. I am seeking members of the first platoon who remember and can testify as to the facts and circumstances of that action. I need witness statements to help convince the Army to finally award this long overdue medal.

If you were there or know someone who was, please contact me ASAP.

"Above the Rest"
Name: terry lee whitetree
Hometown: tulsa , Oklahoma
Date: September 21, 2016 - 01:23 PM (pacific)

Checking in were are the members of "A" company 1/327 vietnam
Name: robert n/a gallardo
Hometown: santa ana, calif
Date: September 20, 2016 - 08:37 PM (pacific)

Looking for anyone who was in A co 1/327 from Aug 1969 to Apr 1970 to share some memories

Name: Billie J Coleman
Hometown: ,
Date: September 20, 2016 - 08:59 AM (pacific)

I am looking for pictures or any remembrance of Alan Dean Whitlock. He was in the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne and was killed on January 10, 1967 We had been married just a few weeks before he left for Vietnam.
Name: Tom Hagen
Hometown: ,
Date: September 11, 2016 - 10:41 AM (pacific)

Do any of you remember Ron Egan... 1/327 B co 1967-68. I was a good friend of his and have a few questions. Thank you Tom
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admin admin wrote on September 2, 2016 at 4:19 pm
Name: Larry R. Pretzer
Hometown: Macomb, MI
Date: September 02, 2016 - 06:59 PM (pacific)

I was with 2nd Plt. D Co. 327th Inf. from July '69 - July '70. I was WIA in the A Shau 10 Aug.'69 and was hospitalized for 6 weeks before being sent back to Delta Co. I walked point for the remainder of my tour. The little yellow guys, aka NVA, did their best to put the hurt on me again, but failed. I escaped some near brushes with death, God had other plans for my life.
I have committed my life to helping and serving Vets and their families. I am currently the Chaplain of VFW Old Settlers Post 4659 in Shelby Twp. MI., and Commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 1818 in Fraser, MI.
I also am a life member of the VVA Chapter 9 in Detroit, the DAV, AMVETS, VVW- Veterans of the Vietnam War Chapter 7,the Catholic War Veterans of the United States, the K OF C 4th degree, and the 101st Airborne Association. But my heart will always be with Delta Co., my brothers in arms and for the 30 Delta Co. Hero's who gave all. '68-'71
Name: Chris Seate
Hometown: , TN
Date: August 29, 2016 - 04:52 PM (pacific)

DCo 3rdPlt

HHC BN S3 08-11
Name: Michael Young
Hometown: ,
Date: August 28, 2016 - 06:17 PM (pacific)

In doing some research on the Gulf War came across your page.
Name: Thomas Sunken
Hometown: Ventura, California
Date: August 27, 2016 - 01:43 AM (pacific)

I served with A Company 2/327th Infantry Regiment in Kosovo in year 2000. We were in charge of enforcing the peace agreement in the city of Vitina, Kosovo. It was a tough mission and we saw a lot more than can ever be told. I respect all who served in the 327th past and present.
Name: Matthew Smith
Hometown: Jacksonville, Ar.
Date: August 26, 2016 - 05:18 AM (pacific)

I served in the 3/327 from 85 to 88. We did a tour in the MFO-Sinai. I really didn't know how awesome our division was while I served (dumb kid) and even though I saw no combat during my enlistment, I am proud to have been a part of this unit. An achievement that I am proud of (other than my air assault badge) was the EIB, to be perfectly honest I shot expert but just barely, damn if I didn't miss every 300 yd target but if you got within 250 yds, you were toast! Peace to those who went before. A shout out to my buddies - Rodney Wintz, Jim Coutriaux, Paul Shaffer, and Scott Hedden - Shaffer - give us a call, dude
Name: Michael Lee Cook
Hometown: TYRONE, Georgia
Date: August 24, 2016 - 09:07 PM (pacific)

I served as Col. Gary John Bridges driver when he commanded the 3/327th. I have fond memories of my time of service and refer to him in my stories and life very often. It is only fitting that he would be selected as the Honorary Colonel of the 327th Regiment. I would like to see him again someday. Thank you sir for all the ways you inspired me. Hooah!
Name: joseph e genereux
Hometown: ormond beach, Florida
Date: August 22, 2016 - 08:59 AM (pacific)

Name: Tim Hepler
Hometown: Pardeeville, WI
Date: August 17, 2016 - 08:04 PM (pacific)

Bco 3/327
Name: Melvin Bailey
Hometown: Sterling, Alaska
Date: August 16, 2016 - 06:21 PM (pacific)

Jerry Baxley, call me 907-394-4606 for contact info on several more in Co B at same time as you.
Name: Phil Goode
Hometown: Prescott, ARIZONA
Date: August 14, 2016 - 08:43 PM (pacific)

Served with C 2/327 70-71. I didn't arrive in Camp Eagle AO until October '70 so we probably missed each other, Jerry. But I believe your company CO was Cpt. David Fletcher. He is my neighbor here in Prescott, AZ if you'd want to reach out. Welcome home, brother
Name: Michael Joseph Bertell
Hometown: ,
Date: August 14, 2016 - 03:50 PM (pacific)

Hello everyone, just checking in after being off the hook for so many years. I was with the 1/327th 101st Abn. 1st Platoon. looking forward to the memorial unveiling at Ft. Campbell. I have been going through letters from Warrant officers, to medics to grunts. All pertaining to the accident 12/24/70 and the Chinook crash in 71. What a time, I can still see and hear it all like yesterday. The stories are filling in things I never knew or forgot. Nine on my right wounded 12 on the left died. We were young. We were soldiers. We will never forget our brothers.
Name: joseph genereux
Hometown: ormond beach, Florida
Date: August 14, 2016 - 06:15 AM (pacific)

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admin admin wrote on July 3, 2016 at 4:23 pm
Hometown: ,
Date: July 03, 2016 - 06:13 AM (pacific)

Jon Doolittle was in the 101st Airborne. As we celebrate the 4th, I think of my brother and others that have given the ultimate sacrifice so we all can have the freedoms we have today. And thank you to all the men who served. God bless you.
Sincerely, Sue Anne Doolittle-Cubr
Name: Mary B Smith
Hometown: Alabaster, Alabama
Date: June 28, 2016 - 12:42 PM (pacific)

My grandfather Irving E. Carroll served WWI IN THE 327th Infantry rank of Private
Born April 28,1896 Elmore county Alabama.Service outside the US October6,1918. From July9,1918 until July 22,1919. Honorably discharged Spartanburg, South Carolina. My grand father reluctantly talked about France and loosing many friends in hand to hand. He supposedly was found with many dead hanging in trees. He suffered from TB contracted due to exposure. Suffered with major lung disease. He lived with my family in the 1960's. Ralph Jones was my father
he served WWII Navy . I would love to know more about my grandfather's unit and service. He was greatly loved by his grandchildren.
Name: Dawes Dwain Qualls
Hometown: Goodyear, AZ
Date: June 27, 2016 - 05:42 PM (pacific)

"DQ" is looking for any of you guys I served with.
Name: ronald gallant
Hometown: cocoa, Florida
Date: June 27, 2016 - 12:56 PM (pacific)

Just want to thank Wendy and Pete Chambers and the
entire Cobra crew for making the first standown in Duffield a new welcome home. Always Above The Rest
Ron G
Name: joseph e genereux
Hometown: ormond beach, Florida
Date: June 24, 2016 - 08:26 AM (pacific)

who was co. cdr. a/co 2/327 in march 1966..
Name: Ron Garver
Hometown: ,
Date: June 23, 2016 - 12:08 PM (pacific)

Served in 9th Div. (Binh Phuoc) & 1st Div. (Lai Kha) '67-'68. I'll not knowingly accept a "Thank You For Your Service" from those that chose not to follow their country's orders. But for all those who did....."Thank You & Welcome Home Brother".
Name: Jerry G Childress
Hometown: Carterville, ill
Date: June 18, 2016 - 08:04 PM (pacific)

1/327 Delta company 70/71
Name: john bunting
Hometown: ,
Date: June 16, 2016 - 08:15 AM (pacific)

My grandfather, Henry C. Phillips, served with the 327 infantry company C during world war 1 . I am looking to find out more about his service during this time. I unfortunately did not ever get to know him as he passed before I was born. If anyone on here could assist me with this task I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance for your help
Name: Gerard Paul Husson
Hometown: Martinsburg, West Virginia
Date: June 06, 2016 - 08:05 AM (pacific)

50 years ago today Michael Joseph Galbraith lost his life in Kontum Province at the age of 19. Michael was one of my brothers best friends and like a big brother to me. I think of him often and as long as I live he will never be forgotten, Rest In Peace Michael you left us a boy we all knew and returned a Man we must never forget. God Bless you and God Bless America.
Name: stephen geiselhofer
Hometown: 3rd plt. medic,
Date: May 30, 2016 - 06:16 AM (pacific)

48 years ago this month 1968.The newly formed D co.2/327 walked out of Camp Eagle toward Fsb Birmingham. R.I.P [CP]Doc Stewart 8/10/68; R.I.P 1st plt.Doc Harbaugh 7/27/15; R.I.P 2nd plt.Doc Trimbur 2/21/12. Reflecting back this Memorial Day and a silent pray for our fallen
Name: Jim Wilson
Hometown: ,
Date: May 29, 2016 - 02:28 PM (pacific)

Here's wishing all you grunts of past and present wars, s happy and safe Memorial Day for 2016. Travel safe and NO SLACK.
Name: Janel Carbone
Hometown: , NC
Date: May 28, 2016 - 07:44 PM (pacific)

In honor and memory of my Uncle Paul Freeman Daniels, jr - 101st Airborne Division, 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry, A Company. He was a field wireman that was killed in action near Fsb Veghel, South Vietnam Thua Thien province.
Name: stephen f geiselhofer
Hometown: san antonio, tx
Date: May 28, 2016 - 01:59 PM (pacific)

may68-69 D 2/327
Name: Ronald Wayne Tressel
Hometown: ,
Date: May 26, 2016 - 11:51 AM (pacific)

Bruce was one of my best friends 1961 through 1967. I was in VN from July 65 through December 65.
Name: Cheryl Kircher Barbera
Hometown: Wakefield, RHODE ISLAND
Date: May 25, 2016 - 08:11 AM (pacific)

In memory of my father Ssg. Alfred G. Kircher, who was KIA on this day May 25, 1967 in Vietnam. Rest In Peace Dad.
Name: Jacqueline Rael
Hometown: ,
Date: May 24, 2016 - 11:40 PM (pacific)

My father Henry Rael left me six years ago and I miss him. I wanted to say how proud I was when some men in the military or so were bragging ( lol) so I mentioned my daddy had full
Honors at his service. They thought I was insane until I told them about daddy's medals and had his discharge paper to prove it. It was funny to see them not say another word when I mentioned the valor symbol daddy had on his star etc. Funny daddy was humble but I was proud. I miss him . I just wanted to share .
Name: Michael George
Hometown: Lakeland, FL
Date: May 16, 2016 - 07:37 PM (pacific)

My uncle, PFC Larry F. Herrin was killed in the battle at Trung Luong on June 20th, 1966.
Is there anyone who was assigned to B Co that knew my uncle?
It is coming up on 50 years since Uncle Larry was killed. I have not forgotten him and I am sure all who were involved in the battle have not forgotten their fallen comrades.
Name: Ed Worman
Hometown: Whitesville, NY
Date: May 16, 2016 - 10:09 AM (pacific)

Was Army photographer out with 101st in 1967. Have photo(s) I would like to donate to Doc Norman Bagley and Nick Gerismof (sic?) and others. Could email them. Outside Tuy Hoa mid 1967----Ed Worman
Name: Marion "Mouse" Hammond
Hometown: , Indiana
Date: May 14, 2016 - 12:03 PM (pacific)

Bruce T.M. Edelberg

I saw your entry in the guest book and tried to respond, but your e-mail address didn't work. Contact me at Maybe we can connect you with some of your buddies. We just had a reunion of Alpha No Slack vets at the end of April. You need to get on the list to get the info on next year's get together.
No Slack & Welcome Home.
Name: Edward Lohmann
Hometown: Altoona, IA
Date: May 08, 2016 - 02:39 PM (pacific)

Looking for anyone in C-btry 1/321st Arty from Jan 70-Dec 70.
Name: David S Johnson
Hometown: ,
Date: May 04, 2016 - 09:38 PM (pacific)

Thanks to all who keep this website up and running. Dave Johnson, Supply, Co. B, 1/327th, 1969 and, again, 1970.
Name: william michael timlin
Hometown: ,
Date: April 28, 2016 - 05:43 PM (pacific)

i was in 2nd of 327th co D jan-april 1971 wounded around border of laos.
Name: P J Windfelder
Hometown: , PA
Date: April 26, 2016 - 08:49 PM (pacific)

I thought you all would find this interesting.
This is from a contact I made in VN while working on the 866 project.He was in the 196th

Hello Paco,
I pleasured to read your email this early morning at my small room.
Thanks to your email also. My favorite is opening the internet page after waking up in the morning.
At first I am responding your question about my trip to US in 1975. As you have known that I was in Da nang with my family when NVAs occupied the city in late March 1975. One NVA platoon came to my house with many questions that what I am doing with South Vietnam Government , I told them that I was not working with ARVN , I was just a civilian to work in free jobs for taking care my family but NVA platoon leader did not believe me too much and then he questioned me many other questions to find out about my activities with South Government ... I moved my family back to my old country in DMZ at night time with a rental truck, I left most my stuffs in my plenty house in Da nang...
I lived in a small house in DMZ with my wife and 3 sons , local VC cadres came to take me to the village chief 's house and I had to write down what they wanted me to respond their questions, I think they knew what I worked with ARVN but they didn't say nothing about US forces where I have worked with in the war.
a young VC cadre brought some documents in English and asked me what documents talking about . I was very afraid to tell them that I did not understand too much about those documents because my English was broken . The guy smiled and walking out the houch quickly , I cannot know what will be happened to me next . very worry. They let me for home at 12 O'clock and said that I had to stay home . not leaving there to anywhere without their permissions . I said Ok.
They came to take me back the village chief's house 2 days later and told me that I had to take a reeducations course in couple months near Highway#1. I had to bring food for myself they had nothing for myself and many another guys.
I studied the Communism and worked very hard under sunshine in 3 months.
i was hungry and thirsty and had no cloths , I used the old sand bags as my cloths every day.They let me going home after 3 months in changing the mind but I had to become a farmer to work on the dry field with nothing , my wife and our children got nothing for eat.I understand that our lives will go down to the hell.
we stayed there from April 1975 to September 1979. We escaped DMZ at night time and walking to Dong ha city to catch a bus to Chu lai where I am living now.
They VC local cadres in Chu lai got me much troubles also . they said my past life story is very and very bad because I had worked with US Army to kill Vietnamese and their comrades therefore I couldn't find jobs until today, that is a reason why I didn't leave home for US in 1975. I am getting old.and my wife too , all my children didn;t have much times for their schools so they are not working well , no one can help us caused they are all poor. My US combat friends helped me some times , they sent me money to the bank and I picked them out to buy everything I needed.
You can come here to visit Vietnam , nothing gets you troubles because the Government needs USD from foreign visitors, you will be welcome here however they don't like you just needs your money but they don't make you getting angry
I will answer what your questions , we are friends , nothing can stop our friendships Patrick event Communist security agency.
Will talk with you more .
Best regards
xxxxredacted end statement....

I found this email Heartbreaking.This should give Clear Reason for the VN war.
THIS IS WHY IT it again if you still dont understand.ZOOM IN and get a good look.
His words are Priceless to me.
You can not buy this stuff.Real Deal Here
866 has taken me to some dark places but I have always come out with the goods You cannot understand 866 without understanding why.Its just not that easy....
Im Proud to be Johnny's nephew.Just as proud of all of you.My work is a gift to you all.
Thanks for having my back..
2016-04-26 3:5
Name: kevin fleming
Hometown: Concord, NC
Date: April 21, 2016 - 09:57 AM (pacific)

i spent most of my 9 mos. 71-72 in the 506 and 327 yet can find no mention of ever being in either 491 58 24763
Name: Jeff Gordon
Hometown: ,
Date: April 14, 2016 - 03:07 PM (pacific)

Went over on the boat in 65 ,came home in June of 66 ,1/327 Abu was my home in nam ,I was with the 1/502 in Campbell .i remember lt Godwin was my platoon leader ,great Lt good leader!
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admin admin wrote on April 11, 2016 at 11:29 pm
Name: Steve Brogdon
Hometown: Wilmington, Nc
Date: April 11, 2016 - 10:19 AM (pacific)

With B/2/2/2/327th from May 10,68 until May 9,69
Called "Corp"
Would like to see all of you in Branson mo, in sept for our annual re-Union
No slack
Corp out
Name: Ranger Tom Keith Carpenter
Hometown: Carrollton, Missouri
Date: April 11, 2016 - 10:11 AM (pacific)

Rest in Peace Wayne Gaskins
Wayne passed on 10 April 2016. He served in Delta, No Slack, RVN, 1968-69 as an infantryman. Our tours over lapped but we were is separate platoons and we didn't link up until one of the 327th reunions at Crossville, TN, probably 2003 and beyond. He had lost his health but was lovingly cared for by his wife Sierra. They lived on Roan Mountain, TN. I was able to visit them there a few times. a On this website, Wayne has a poem, "She Didn't Want to Play" and a story "The Train Station". Also on this site's gallery are two photos of Wayne Gaskins, one with his wife Sierra titled "Thanksgiving" and "NoSlackers" of Yankee Jim Simchera, Wayne Gaskins, and myself, taken in 2011. I knew him to be a good man and fellow airborne infantry friend. RangerTom Carpenter, Delta No Slack, 101st Abn, RVN 1968-69
Name: Randy LaFaver
Hometown: ,
Date: April 09, 2016 - 02:03 PM (pacific)

Looking for anyone who might have information on a member of Co. C 1/327 Inf. His name is Evans, he carried the M60. He was wounded during a night ambush late '69 or early '70. He was choppered out and I think he went to a navy ship off the coast. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks
Name: Joe Walter
Hometown: Toledo, Oh
Date: April 05, 2016 - 12:57 PM (pacific)

I was with Co. E 2/327 when then Captain Finnegan was the CO. In January 1970 I was in charge of the FDC for the mortar platoon that was in the CP at FSB Tomahawk. Dennis was a damn good officer. He constantly worked to improve the security of the Firebase. I remember that he was not sure if he was going to stay in the Army. On New Year's eve he broke out a few bottles of booze (the small ones) that you got on the airplane for us to bring in the New Year. So sorry to hear that he paid the ultimate sacrifice. May he rest in peace.
Hometown: Abingdon, VA
Date: April 01, 2016 - 03:10 PM (pacific)

I was assigned to Alpha Company, 2/327th NO SLACK May 1969 - April 1970 Squad Leader / Platoon Sargent in the field and Duty Officer. What a great group of comrades I served with.
Name: Terry James Schroeder
Hometown: chicago, il
Date: March 27, 2016 - 11:21 AM (pacific)

1962 to 1965 1stbn Dco 4th plt 2nd squad
Hometown: ,
Date: March 26, 2016 - 04:09 PM (pacific)




1/327TH 101ST AIRBORNE 1968-1969
Name: Ronald Wayne Tressel
Hometown: Casa Grande, Arizona
Date: March 26, 2016 - 02:19 PM (pacific)

Looking for anyone who knew Harold B. Barton PFC, Co C 1 Bn 2327 Inf 101ABN KIA August 1967
Name: ewing miller
Hometown: clinton, iowa
Date: March 22, 2016 - 03:36 PM (pacific)

3/24/68 Thua Thien Province South Vietnam A 1/327 101st Troy Hayden, Joseph Artavia David Wilkerson KIA and Paul Williams WIA and casualty 3/29/68. May God rest your souls we may meet again.
Hometown: ,
Date: March 19, 2016 - 11:19 AM (pacific)



KEITH SHIRRELL 1/327TH 1O1ST 1968-1969
Name: Heather Owen
Hometown: Tipton, IN
Date: March 16, 2016 - 07:56 PM (pacific)

Hello my name is Heather and I am the daughter of a Vietnam Vet. My Dad , Karl Ritter (Anderson, IN.) served in the Amry's 101st Airborne during the years of 1962 - 1965. My Dad never told us kids much about the Army or Vietnam. Dad used to say; that was way before you kids were ever even thought of. My Dad passed away in 2008 of a heart attack at the age of 64. When planning his funeral all we could find of his military past was a copy of his DD 214 which is what we needed for his military funeral. Anyhoot I am curious about what all my Dad did in the Army. What his rank was and meant, (SP-4 ,E-4 (T) , I would also love to meet anyone who served with my Dad. I don't know what all information to include in this message other than the information I've included so far. That's about all I have. I'm hoping someone out there knew him, served with him, maybe has some stories or photos of him. i've included all of my information for anyone who might have information about my Dad. Oh I almost forgot ... according to his DD 214 his last duty was ... CO C 2ND BN 327 INF 1st BDE , 101st ABN DIV.

Thank you for your time and God bless you for your service to our country! Much love & respect to you all !!!

Heather Owen
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admin admin wrote on March 10, 2016 at 12:37 am
Name: Karl Swenson
Hometown: Bloomington, Indiana
Date: March 09, 2016 - 09:39 AM (pacific)

Greetings my friends and fellow soldiers! I'm looking for information about Charlie Reberg. He was a member of A Co, 1st Bn, 327th Infantry from Dec 1967 until April 1968, when he was KIA. If any of you have information about his death, please contact me. Thanks so much for your service, and welcome home.......
Name: Ranger Tom Carpenter
Hometown: ,
Date: March 09, 2016 - 09:03 AM (pacific)

Many of you 101st VN veterans know David O. Williamson (C company, No Slack 1969-1971). He and his family are in need of prayer. Last Sunday evening, David and Vickie's daughter Sarah, was hit by train, killing her seven year old son David and she is in a comma in an Arkansas hospital. Sarah's young daughter survived the accident and is with Vickie. Thoughts and prayers have been requested.
Name: Franklin Jones
Hometown: ,
Date: March 08, 2016 - 11:31 AM (pacific)

Looking for comrades of Cpl Herman D. Young of E company, 2nd bn 327th. He was KIA April 1970.
Name: Mary Rapp
Hometown: ,
Date: March 07, 2016 - 12:34 PM (pacific)

Hello all. I am a huge history buff abd one of my favorite wars to learn about I'd the Vietnam War. My uncle served one year in the Vietnam War before he was tragically killed mere days before his 21st birthday. I have found the military information on him (which company and where he was located at time of death, etc.) and his death. I am looking for anyone who served with him and can tell me more about him and what on in Quang Ngai Province South Vietnam in the years 1966-1967. His name was Thomas Hoeniges, but was often called Moose. Any information would be greatly appreciated considering I never got to meet the man due to the fact I was born 11 years(1988) after he died. I have heard stories from my family, but I am wanting to hear from the men and or women who served with him to help fill in holes and answer questions as to who he was and what happened over there.
Thank you so much in advance for helping a young girl find her family.
If you wish to get ahold of me please use my email. ... if you can not see it is
Thanks again and hope to hear anything at all no matter how small of a detail
Name: Patrick Joseph Finnegan
Hometown: Middle Grove, NY
Date: March 04, 2016 - 07:38 AM (pacific)

My brother Dennis served tours with the 2/327 from July of 66 thru July of 70. He started as a Plt.Ld in the 2.327th and ended as a CO. Dennis was the replacement CO for the Bardstown Kentucky Unit that got overran in the summer of 69.
I was in Vietnam at the time, assigned as an 11B in the 173rd Abn. Thru connections of Dennis from his previous tours, I could pull the strings and get a week to go see Dennis.
I bought a camera at the "Big PX in Danang,for the friend of Dennis's that made it all happen. I messed it up trying to get the film out of the camera and lost all those shots.
Maybe someone from Bardstown remembers my brother, or even me going to visit Dennis.
Dennis got killed on 10/31/72. It was the last day of his 4th tour..His name is at the bottom of the last panel on the Wall in Washington. He had been assigned to a leg unit somewhere in Saigon. His HOR is listed wrong.
Name: Charles Louis Littnan
Hometown: Saint Francis, Minnesota
Date: March 02, 2016 - 10:55 PM (pacific)

Platoon leader
Name: Richy Hammitt
Hometown: Kingsport, Tennessee
Date: February 28, 2016 - 06:14 AM (pacific)

If anyone remembers Johnny L. Hammitt, message me at my email please. He was a member of the 2nd Medical Battalion and I can't remember the name of the other group he was in. Email=
Name: Mike Dalton
Hometown: Cleveland , Ohio
Date: February 26, 2016 - 01:01 PM (pacific)

Does anyone know or remember SGT Edmund Pieczatowski 327th Gliders WW2 101st Airborne,
fought at Normandy and the Bulge 1944, owned Brookpark Plating ,12208 Sprecher Ave ,Cleveland ohio till 1981, I cannot find a Obituary, He would be about 100 Years old,
Hometown: ,
Date: February 26, 2016 - 12:06 PM (pacific)

Was attached to 2/327 with Demolition Team from A Co 326EN. 1967-1967. Mostly with C/237
Name: william keenan
Hometown: Albany, New York
Date: February 20, 2016 - 05:45 PM (pacific)

081 56 6719-jotc-DD 214.2MI.
Name: Dewitt Battles
Hometown: ,
Date: February 17, 2016 - 12:34 PM (pacific)

We were ambushed on June 8, 1967 and I was the medic at that time. I was injured during this operation and received awards for my actions.
Name: Obie Patrick Moore
Hometown: Hoschton, Georgia
Date: February 16, 2016 - 08:15 PM (pacific)

CoA 1st Bn 327th Inf 1st Bde 101st Abn Div, looking for those that share some of the same memories.
Name: Bruce T.M. Edelberg
Hometown: Benton Harbor, Michigan
Date: February 13, 2016 - 10:29 AM (pacific)

Just looking for brothers that served with me 70-71 coA 2d Bn 327th Inf
Name: Danny Petroski
Hometown: ,
Date: February 12, 2016 - 02:34 PM (pacific)

Wonderful information. I visit here often and find the information very helpful. Thank you so much for having such a great site. Another site I visit often is U.S. Veteran Compensation Programs. It's a great site to learn about benefits for veterans, spouses, and dependents. I've learned so much from U.S. Veteran Compensation Programs that I started teaching classes around town to veterans groups, teaching them how to gather the right information for benefits, how to get an increase in benefits, who they need to talk to in the VA, and I make sure they visit U.S. Veteran Compensation Programs ( to get free stuff.

Danny Petroski
Navy Veteran
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Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on January 28, 2016 at 7:06 pm
Name: Keith Young
Hometown: ,
Date: January 28, 2016 - 02:30 PM (pacific)
Just a heads up to all the 327th brothers and our fellow 101st Airborne Division Vets who served in Desert Storm.
This year is the 25th Anniversary of our war and the 101st Airborne Division Association, The Fort Campbell Historical Foundation and Clarksville are partnering with the 101st Airborne Division for a Persian Gulf War Reunion from February 23rd to February 25th, 2016. If your interested, go to the 101st ABN Association website, look under the Events tab and click the Gulf War Reunion. Or you can call 877-487-4837 for additional information.
Hope all are well and this heads up helps someone.


No Slack
Name: Ritzii Rosalin
Hometown: ,
Date: January 21, 2016 - 12:34 AM (pacific)
I have been trying to locate SP/4 James (Jim) W Robertson Jr who served at 101st Division (Screaming Eagle) Co E 2/327th. He was in Khe Sanh in March of 1971. That was the last time I heard from him. If anyone knew him then or knows him now, please contact me at 1-905-890-3627. Please leave a message if I'm not home to pick up the phone. Thank you so much.
Name: David Wayne Priest
Hometown: tulsa, Oklahoma
Date: January 18, 2016 - 04:16 PM (pacific)
Looking for a commet medic or anyone that traveled to Iran in 1964 on operation Delaware. Where we had to jump at 22 knot winds and equipment torn up and lot of people Hurt.
Any information is greatly appreciated.
I have been trying to get disability for 20 plus years and they keep saying didn't happen. I need someone who was on those jumps. The 2/327 made 2 different jumps.
Thanks all I appreciate all the help I can get. I just need a letter from someone who was on the jumps and knows what went on
David Priest
6137 with 42 st
Tulsa, OK. 74107

I have had 5 back surgeries and one neck surgery since 1968
Name: teresa lynn cardon
Hometown: norton , Virginia
Date: January 18, 2016 - 05:54 AM (pacific)
My dad Tony Cardon is in one of the photos. I am so proud of him for his service and thank you to each of you for all you have done.
Name: Haili Wilhite
Hometown: Sparks, Nevada
Date: January 11, 2016 - 07:34 PM (pacific)
I was looking through some old pictures and saw some unknown people with my uncle, Kippley "Kip" Kern. He was in service, on his first and only tour from 8-11-69 to 11-20-70. He was in Vietnam and he was an "Aircraft Mechanic" and a door gunner in the 101'st Airborne. We are looking for some of his platoon mates and friends to share memories and pictures.

Please contact my mom, Kip's sister, if you have any information at:
Name: Patrick Joseph Finnegan
Hometown: Middle Grove, NY
Date: January 10, 2016 - 09:19 AM (pacific)
My name is Patrick Finnegan. My brother Dennis was the replacement Company Commander after the overrun in June-Jul 1969.
Name: Flip Heilig
Hometown: Norton, VT
Date: January 09, 2016 - 04:24 PM (pacific)
Looking for anyone who may remember SP/4 Stephen Ely Feistner, Pathfinder, KIA 10/8/67, while serving w/2nd platoon, A CO. 2/327 Inf. He had previously served w/the 25th Infantry Pathfinder Unit from 12/65-12/66. he was reassigned to Germany w/the 509 Inf. (Abn) and then volunteered for a 2nd tour in VN. He arrived in 2nd Plt, A CO., 2/327 in 8/67. Thanks!!! AATW
Name: Ray Smith
Hometown: Apple Valley, CA
Date: January 08, 2016 - 11:09 AM (pacific)
Looking for anyone who knew or has pictures of my Uncle Donald Ray Smith KIA 6/20/66 on Hill 258 Trung Luong. He was with B-Co 2/327 , any pictures or stories would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
Ray Smith
Hometown: TREVOSE, PA
Date: January 07, 2016 - 10:12 AM (pacific)

Name: Steven W Harder
Hometown: Reedsport, OR
Date: January 03, 2016 - 11:42 PM (pacific)
CSC, 6th BN, 327th Inf Regt "Wolverines" - 1st BN Mortars PLT LDR of the "Wolverines" Brimfrost '83
Name: Greg Paul Bennett
Hometown: Andrews, SC
Date: December 31, 2015 - 12:37 PM (pacific)
We are doing research so we can honor SP4 Paul Roger Browder of Delta 1/327th here in Andrews,SC. The Andrews Veterans Association is planning a Veterans Memorial Park and we are forming a Mayor's Veterans Advisory Committee. We thank our brother and sister veterans for their service and honor our Fallen Heroes. Thanking you. Anuyone who served with Paul can contact us anytime at
Name: Lee J Baldwin
Hometown: Peoria, IL
Date: December 27, 2015 - 03:28 PM (pacific)
I had fun restoring a 1967 M151A1. I picked the 327th as the reference and tried to closely match what one looked like in Vietnam. Thank you all for serving, this is dedicated to you.
Name: Joseph Sperduto
Hometown: ,
Date: December 25, 2015 - 09:50 PM (pacific)
Looking for anybody that serviced in Delta 2/327 No Slack 69 July to 70 July. 101st airborne Airmoble AKA JO JO .
Name: Tom Kinane
Hometown: ,
Date: December 25, 2015 - 09:37 AM (pacific)
Does anyone know the map coordinates of a LRRP mission which was out near the Cambodian border from Song Be over Xmas 1967?
Name: Bob Slavik
Hometown: ,
Date: December 23, 2015 - 06:18 PM (pacific)
Bob Slavik ABU June 67-68
Name: A.J. Moore Sr.
Hometown: Norton Shores, Michigan
Date: December 21, 2015 - 01:32 PM (pacific)
I would like to wish all of you guys a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ... Thank You for your Service!! My brother was with Bco 2/327 from July 69 until April 70 then was tranfered to Bco 3/506 ... KIA ... May 10 1970 ... Cambodia
Name: Dave Cook
Hometown: ,
Date: December 21, 2015 - 12:47 PM (pacific)
Hi Dave, Thanks for the birthday note you sent. I do not have Face Book but did see the message. I hope you and yours have a great Christmas and New Year. ATR! DC.
Name: Ritzii Rosalin
Hometown: , Ontario, Canada
Date: December 17, 2015 - 01:06 AM (pacific)
I am looking for SP/4 James W Robertson Jr of 101st Airborne Division, Co.E 2/327th. I lost contact with him in 1971 while he was in Vietnam. If anyone knew him then or now, please contact me. Thank you.
Name: john jacobson
Hometown: bigfork, Minnesota
Date: December 12, 2015 - 06:37 PM (pacific)
2nd 327th Co E. 71/72 Apollo.Birmingham
Name: Rick Wallace Christian
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
Date: December 11, 2015 - 07:39 PM (pacific)
Medic Charlie Company second platoon 71
Name: Patrick Joseph Finnegan
Hometown: Middle Grove, NY
Date: December 05, 2015 - 07:31 AM (pacific)
My Brother Dennis served many tours with the 2/327th, starting in July 1966.I enlisted to serve with the 2/327th and my brother. I never got the 101st. I got the 82nd and the 173rd.
My brother was killed on the last day of his last tour, on Oct. 31st 1972. That was the only tour where he wasn't with the 101st. He died a captain and they buried him as a major. He's on the last panel near the bottom. I have some pictures you may be interested in. Also you may have picture , that I would be interested in. We were both in country in 1969. I went up to visit Dennis at LZ Tomahawk in Aug/Sept 1969. Dennis had just taken over as CO of the Bardstown Ky. company that had just been overran. I ran into a lot of people that had served with Dennis in 66-68 101st VN.It always helped me.I see a picture that has my brother sitting in the first row of all the officers of the 2/327th. Also in the first row is an officer named Rafferty. He wrote my parents after my brother got killed . He was a Lt.Col at that time. Back when he was a major he helped me get assigned to VN.. Please get back to me and we will see what we can do. Tom Clarke. Benjamin O'Donnel Taylor III. Other 2/327th people that served with Dennis, that had an influence on my military life. Thank you.,
Name: Pauleta Davies
Hometown: ,
Date: December 02, 2015 - 07:30 AM (pacific)
In memory of Louis Toby Broussard, "C" company 1/237 101st. 65-66 , who passed away Nov 27th, I would like to extend an offer to others: If you are looking for a military buddy I will be glad to try and help find him for you. Of course, this is a FREE offer. I work adoptions and a little skip tracing so can offer a little help to some of you all. Send what information you may have to me via email: God Bless.
Name: Chuck--Chuckie D Koenig
Hometown: Elmwood Park, Illinois
Date: November 27, 2015 - 08:28 AM (pacific)
Searching for Cruz Ramirez (Chabasco)- served 101st-2nd/327th Inf. Most /all 1969-- he's from S. Calif- I think
Name: Bruce L. Trego
Hometown: Vacaville, CA
Date: November 25, 2015 - 11:25 AM (pacific)
I'm just checking in with a sitrep. I was with Echo Co. 2/327th from July 1969 until July 1970. I started out with mortars but was trained and switched to ground surveillance radar when the National Guard went home in November 1969. Spent time on every bridge, ridge, and FB between FB Roy and Lang Co Bridge. I was at Phu Loc Dist. HQ when we got hit on June 10, 1970. I don't remember many of my brothers there but they were some brave guys.
Name: Rev. John F. Moriarty
Hometown: Springfield, MA
Date: November 16, 2015 - 12:18 AM (pacific)
Hello. I suppose the Guestbook is not the proper means to communicate the following, but I searched and could find no other way to message you through this website. I'm very glad to have found this website. I was spending some time to see if there were any references or mentions online about my grandfather. He served in the Meuse-Argonne campaign in October of 1918. I DO see his name listed on your roster. It's lovely just to see his name actually recorded. However, I see that other soldiers who were gassed are noted with green highlight. In fact, my grandfather was gassed, and was awarded a citation for bravery during the Meuse-Argonne offensive. Allow me to offer you some particulars:

Sgt. James Moriarty
Company F
327th Infantry

The item originated from Headquarters, 164th Infantry Brigade of the AEF in France, and dated 6th of May, 1919.

"This order will be read to all organizations at the first formation after its receipt."
By command of Brigadier General Lindsey.

"During the Meuse-Argonne Offensive for twenty-four days when the 327th Regiment was in the lines, Sgt. Moriarty was on active duty with his company in the advances, particularly on the morning of October 11th, 1918, his work in directing the men under his command was excellent. Altho (sic) suffering from the effects of gas Sgt. Moriarty remained with his paltoon. (sic.) His coolness and bravery was an inspiration to the men of the company."
I only want to bring this to your attention. It's an opportunity to give my grandfather some credit where it is due. I am in possession of a COPY of a certified copy of this GENERAL ORDER No. 1, dated 6th of May, 1919.

Thank you for your time and attention.
-----Rev. John F. Moriarty
Presbyterian Church (USA,) retired.
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Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on November 14, 2015 at 7:12 pm
Name: Blas DeLeon
Hometown: Eastvale, California
Date: November 14, 2015 - 03:08 PM (pacific)
Looking for anyone that served with the B Co. 2/327 101st March 71- Dec 71
Name: Pearlie Alston, Jr
Hometown: Fayetteville, NC
Date: November 12, 2015 - 06:38 AM (pacific)
served in Vietnam with C company 502nd Abn Inf 1o1 st Abn Div, December 1962- July 1965, SERVED IN "ABOVE THE REST" C co 1st Battalion (ABN)327th inf, MaR 1970- Feb. 1971. GREAT GUYS, LOTS OF SUPPORT, GOD WAS IN CHARGE!!
Name: Stanley Clark
Hometown: ,
Date: November 11, 2015 - 02:53 PM (pacific)
I work for Mr Clark. Would like to find some of his Vietnam brothers
Name: Ric Patterson
Hometown: BUFFALO, ny
Date: November 10, 2015 - 11:32 AM (pacific)
B co 2/327, No Slack vet, Sinai Peacekeeping force. cant find much on B 2/327 Pres Unit Citation.
Name: Kagel Ensign Smith
Hometown: Yacolt, Wa.
Date: November 08, 2015 - 07:47 PM (pacific)
SP/4 Kagel Smith, Recon Platoon, Headquarters Co. 1/327 Inf.
Ft. Campbell, Ky. 1960-1963
Name: Jerry Harrison
Hometown: ,
Date: November 04, 2015 - 07:41 PM (pacific)
I am looking for the soldier in the 2/327(67-68) that found my West Point class ring on a hill in RVN and returned it to me(Then Cpt Harrison). Would really like to get his name and any information available.
Name: Nancy Norton
Hometown: ,
Date: November 03, 2015 - 05:37 PM (pacific)
I left a previous message, however I forgot to tell you that Arnold Ray Norton saved a soldier from drowning off of the beach at Tuy Hoa on May 30, 1966 and he received a Soldier's Medal for his heroism.
Name: Nancy Norton
Hometown: ,
Date: November 03, 2015 - 05:28 PM (pacific)
My husband, Arnold Ray Norton was with CoA2BnAbn327Inf in Viet Nam in 1965-66. I saw his picture in the Recon but you don't have his name listed. He is bottom row, second from right.
Name: Donald McKinley
Hometown: Nanaimo, BC
Date: November 03, 2015 - 12:40 PM (pacific)
I looking for any one that remembers a Canadian Bob "Snowball" Vietnam 1966-wounded in 1968 and returned to the world...Made the assault Apr. 19, 1968...He is fighting cancer and I would like to put you in touch with him ...Contact me
Name: Robert Meager
Hometown: South Padre Island, Texas
Date: October 30, 2015 - 12:12 PM (pacific)
I recently had a book about Trung Luong published and would like to send a copy to the 2/327 Memorial site/Museum at Fort Campbell. I would appreciate information on where or to whom to send it to. Thank you

Robert C. Meager
LTC Ret)
B Company 1966
Name: gary stackhouse
Hometown: ,
Date: October 30, 2015 - 10:06 AM (pacific)
i was a member of ABU company 1/327 65-66. participated and was wounded at Dak To June 66
Hometown: JUPITER, FL
Date: October 28, 2015 - 07:08 AM (pacific)
Name: Robert Keck
Hometown: St Petersburg, Fl
Date: October 27, 2015 - 01:21 PM (pacific)
Was a medic with the platoon the television special (same blood same mud) was about, Was in hospital in Saigon when the filming was done. I just viewed the show a few days ago and would like to get back in touch with any one the was in the 1st plt of C co at the time.
Name: James Scott Evans
Hometown: Knoxville, TN
Date: October 23, 2015 - 05:05 PM (pacific)
1990-1992 Bravo Co 3/327th under Lt Col Dan Lynn
I served during Operation Desert Shield/Storm. I was attached to Aviation Unit and was a Door Gunner for UH60 Blackhawk Helicopter where we inserted troops up inside Iraq to cut off supply routes to Kuwait.
Pilots Phil Kennedy from AirForce, CW2 Lucky Mertes and Aircrew Member Charles Kull.
My 11Bravo brothers with the 3/327th
Joe Bates, Steve Miller, Rodney Hopkins, Peter Garcia
Name: Josef Eugene Gray
Hometown: Tremont, Illinois
Date: October 17, 2015 - 06:44 PM (pacific)
Desert Shield/Desert Storm. HHC 1/327th. Under Col. James Hill.
Name: Glenn Bateman
Hometown: The Villages, FLORIDA
Date: October 16, 2015 - 09:08 PM (pacific)
My brother, Neil Bateman was in Company B, 1st Battalion (Airborne), 327th Infantry and was killed in action 15 May 1967 on a search and destroy mission in the Duc Oho vicinity. He received the Silver Star and Bronze Star. I am trying to gather information and submit his name for the Medal of Honor. Neil saved many lives that day by running at the enemy while his ambushed comrades were pulled to safety. I need to find at least one witness who he saved or witnessed the event that day. My Senator's office will help me with the application, however a witness would go a long way in having the application approved. If you can help me with this mission please contact me at my email or phone number listed in this posting. Neil deserves this recognition. Please help if you can. Thank you and God bless.
Name: Michael Fuller
Hometown: Perrysville, Ohio
Date: October 07, 2015 - 10:34 PM (pacific)
Served with C 2/327th 3rd Plt Some names I remember is Sgt Burns Spec Gardener Cpl Deal went AWOL Scully from NY 74-75 Anyone remember the fight with the transportation co running thru our co area singing wanting to be a airborne ranger while we were in morn formation? we were ordered by the Top to fight. Went to Panama shortly after. Go charlie cougars!
Name: Bruce (juice) Jensen
Hometown: ,
Date: October 06, 2015 - 08:19 PM (pacific)
co B 1/327 3rd plt 70-71 having reunion
in 2016 email me
Name: Alex Fernwalt
Hometown: Collierville, Tennessee
Date: October 02, 2015 - 11:09 AM (pacific)
Was with the 129th Aviation Company. It was activated July 3rd 1965 at Fort Campbell. Got to Vietnam in Oct.1965. We supported the 101st on many operations from the Rubber Plantation to Dak To and everywhere in between. We flew the 327 into many LZ. At one time we had Bulldogs and Cobras on the nose of are Helicopters. Just want say Welcome Home to all of the 101st from 65 thru 67. Was proud to support you during this time.
Name: Sammy Nguyen
Hometown: ,
Date: September 29, 2015 - 09:07 PM (pacific)
Can you help me locate your sites coverage of Tiger Forces operations from May to Nov 1967 in Quang Ngai and Quang Nam? Im especially interested in William Doyles account.
Thank you,
Name: Robert Morbitzer
Hometown: ,
Date: September 29, 2015 - 10:08 AM (pacific)
The Final Inspection
Was written by a Vietnam veteran
B.J.Morbitzer Army Ranger Special OPS
Name: Franklin D. Jones
Hometown: ,
Date: September 22, 2015 - 04:15 PM (pacific)
Looking for comrades of co. c. 2nd Bn 327. I was in country August. 1969 to August 1970. Sgt. Spangenberg was my first platoon sgt.
Franklin D. Jones
Name: Ron gallant
Hometown: cocoa, Florida
Date: September 20, 2015 - 10:09 AM (pacific)
Frank Dunlevy
A friend of mine was with the Tigers. I have John
Carey`s last known address and Ph number. Email me
10 Oscar
Hometown: BOSTOM, MA
Date: September 17, 2015 - 03:17 PM (pacific)
Name: everett akers
Hometown: ,
Date: September 13, 2015 - 08:04 PM (pacific)
looking for troopers Delta Company 2/327 no slack 90-91 my dirty dozen you know who you are-- Sgt A
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