
327 Infantry Veterans

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333 entries.
William William from kaunakakai wrote on January 1, 2022 at 3:46 pm
"Hawk Recon A Shau Valley Headhunters"
Is being sold, pre publishing sale, still time to include stories, and photos!
The book covers A company and the Hawk Recon from 68-69 mainly but also all line company's, HHC .Eagle Dust Off and co.D 3/187th: I served with all of them!
Hairy New Year...Doc Osgood

Ps. Shows a very close look at jungle life and combat!
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William Doc Osgood William Doc Osgood from kaunakakai wrote on December 25, 2021 at 7:07 pm
Hawk Recon and company A 68-69 will be glad to know your book is available for pre orders now! See Amazon, Barnesnoble, and more!
"Hawk Recon, A Shau Valley Headhunters" is on the internet and will be mailed around March 2022. Lots of photos,combat art, gunship stories and more.
Thanks, Hairy Christmas...Doc Osgood.
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Dewright Dewright from West Palm beach wrote on December 23, 2021 at 3:02 pm
I'm one of those Arty dudes that was on Fire base Bastogne, When unfortunately OUR-- 155's Shot Out- hitting your troops in the field. I've Not Ever been able to Forget. This December 24, 1970 Christmas Eve Event has destroyed my life, as well as many others.
You had this article listed on your web page for- ever, I would look at it every Christmas Eve. Gave me help, knowing you all had mentioned in that article that you forgave us, as " a part of a WAR, gone SO BAD. Like to see that article one more time if possible..

April 24, 1970- April 27,1971.
Vietnam Service- 16 Sept 70- 8 Nov 7 Drafted!
Co B- 2d Bn (Ambl) 11th Arty 155 Howitzers ( Co- C )-Laos & Cambodia
MOS 13A10 SP4-Rank
โ€œ Screaming Eaglesโ€ ( Fought 2: wars ) ..
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harry J. fletcher harry J. fletcher wrote on September 4, 2021 at 8:26 am
I served with the 1st Brigade 101st ABN B Co 1/327 Infantry from January 1966 until the middle of August 1966. I joined this organization sometime in the middle 1980's when it was for the 1st Brigade members but then it expanded to include those who came afterward when the rest of the division was sent over. Most the people have died off or grown old I guess as I have but I never liked the 101st ABN Association although was briefly a member. The 327 site listed a lot of the members I knew and those who had died as well. Sadly, all our names were deleted when the site "crashed" and all their names were lost. I don't this business of join the 101st ABN Assoc of else your name won't be listed. I do not like this forced crap and the fact that many good men are being forgotten. I felt pride when my name came up on the computer search screen as a 327 infantry Vietnam veteran. You guys and your site can go to hell because you deliberately obliterated a truly great site.
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Gary Griess Gary Griess from Olympia , Washington wrote on September 2, 2021 at 3:21 am
I served with 327th from end of jun3 67 thru JUNE 68, as a medic arrived in country as a PFC left as a SP5 was with 3rd plt Aco up until December then was with Motar plt until mid Jan 68 after that i was alternating between Cco and Aco.. Was with A co when the company cdr got 2 plts overrun. i escaped with 2 pvts when we realized that the plts that crossed the rice paddy were overrun . C co came up and chased Charlie of . the cdr's rto hid in a grave mound and called for helpwe cirld back at that time only the 4 of us came out on our own 2 feet. hoping to contact someone who i served with.
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K. K. from Austin, TX wrote on August 28, 2021 at 7:43 am
To: E-5 RPH/A Co. 1-327th/VN 66-68

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Dutchey Lane Dutchey Lane from Church Hill wrote on August 22, 2021 at 4:40 pm
Hello everyone. I served with HHC 1/ 327th in Vietnam I was the CIF NCO in S4. I am looking for buddy Merrill Smyril who worked in the Commo Shed. We were the last to bring 101st out of Vietnam in 72. With a stop off for a parade in San Mateo CA.
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Stephen Carr Stephen Carr from Tampa wrote on August 12, 2021 at 3:10 pm
Hello Everyone,

I am writing in hopes of finding all veterans that may have known and served with my Uncle. My Uncle served in Vietnam as part of the 101st Airborne Division, 1/327th infantry, B Company, 3rd Platoon from 1965 to 1968 and was the recipient of two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star. My Uncle passed away in 2014 due to complications from injuries suffered in May 1967. I was never able to speak with him about his war experience.

If anyone recalls serving with my Uncle, SGT. Stephen Wood, I would highly appreciate a message to let me know!

Thank you to everyone that has been so helpful already and a huge thank you to everyone that has served this great nation.
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Mark Petersen Mark Petersen from Minnesota wrote on July 25, 2021 at 7:41 pm
I hope this newly designed web site is still being updated with ALL the old entries such as stories and photos. Also the memorial pages. This site does nothing for those, as myself, that fought in Vietnam.
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Jim Hart Jim Hart from St Augustine, FL wrote on July 21, 2021 at 5:40 pm
This is sad. I agree with the other posts I see dated 07/12/2021. You got stuff to sell on here but all the old information is gone, the communications, the stories, the memories, the connections from, for and about these soldiers - the valuable stuff. Selling stuff don't matter; these soldiers matter. This is a slap in the face to the veterans here. January 25, 1968, eve of Tet. This site no longer represents what Phillip Eugene Garver, Robert Candler Langford, and Earl Adelbert Mailloux gave the last full measure of devotion for.
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