Troopers Category: Tiger Troops

327 Infantry Veterans

Willard, Tommie

Vietnam 1st Battalion Tommie Willard H & H (TF) Company 1965 I was the Medic for Recon/Tiger Force 1/327. Went over with the Brigade on the 'big boat' from Campbell in '65. Terry DeVine column: N.D. oral history project reunites veterans who served in combat The Forum - 03/07/2004 It was a bloody day back [...]

Mc Pherson, Jackie

Vietnam 1st Battalion Jackie Mc Pherson H & H (TF) Company This is Jackie in Viet Nam when he was 19. The picture with the tiger is from Ashau Valley. The patch on his left arm is one of the 5 times he was shot. All but 7 of his men were killed. He crawled [...]

Trent, George William

Vietnam 1st Battalion George William Trent B, E (TF) Companies 1969 - 1970 George William Trent (Gomer). I live in Lafayette, TN. I served with B Company, Sept.'69-Oct.'70 and also with the Tigers. I was with Garry Berry, Ed White, Travis Shattle, Erick Miller, Michael Birmingham, "Mississippi", Dave Kulman and other names that escape [...]

Tomolonis, Jim

Vietnam 1st Battalion Jim Tomolonis E (TF) Company 1970 - 1971 Picture of Jim Tomolonis's Team Team Leader, Pajerski Front Center Jim is 1st on left 1st row Derle Walter far right 1st row. Jim says Derle had been to Recondo School and was good at what he did. Email Jim through his brother RICH [...]
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