Troopers Category: H&HC

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War

Schonberger, Richard C.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Richard C. Schonberger H & H Company 1966 - 1967 Served as Platoon Leader in the Co. E "Roadrunners", 1st ABG, 327th Infantry at Ft. Campbell 59-61. Served as a battalion staff officer in 2/502 Inf (Abn) and 2/327 Inf (Abn), then as CO, HHC 2/327 Inf, 1st Bde, 101st Abn [...]

Robert, John

Vietnam 2nd battalion John Robert H & H, E Companies 1967 - 1968 As far as a short bio goes, I grew up in California in a culture quite contrary to my duties in Viet Nam. I 'joined' the Army in '66, took 11B AIT, Jump School, Pathfinder School and then got to Viet [...]

Pratt, Terence

Vietnam 2nd battalion Terence Pratt H & H Company 1967 - 1968 I took jump training at Ft Bragg in 1965, Was in the 2/504th Airborne Battle Group, Company "C" MSGT Randleman was the Plat Daddy at that time. Cpt Stovall was the Co Cmdr. I was a Corporal at the time, got the [...]

Pinaud, Leonard

Vietnam 2nd battalion Leonard Pinaud H & H Company 1966 - 1967 I was a PFC than a Spec 4 with HHC 2/327 from July 1966 to November of 1967 most of that time with the Hawk Platoon. Back to the Troopers