Troopers Category: H&HC

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War

Cato, Charlie

Vietnam 2nd battalion Charlie Cato H & H, A, C Companies 1967 Yep.. HHC 2nd 327.. assigned to A Co most of the time. Spent a little time over there at C Co with Zorba the Greek. Joined up on October 8th 1965 here in Atlanta. Signed up for Aviation Electronics School. Had a [...]

Capwell, Raymond

Vietnam 2nd battalion Raymond Capwell H & H Company 1965 - 1966 I went to Nam on the El Tinge with HHC 2/327 as a welder, but had a medic MOS. In Ah Khe medics were in short supply so I went back into the medical field. I humped the bush from there to [...]

Bossi, Joseph M.

Vietnam 2nd battalion CSM (R) Joseph M. Bossi H & H Company "Bastogne" Brigade Honorary Regimental CSM CSM (R) Joseph M. Bossi Command Sergeant Major (R) Joseph M. Bossi entered the U.S. Army in 1956. While in the Army he has served four tours in Germany, three combat tours in Vietnam and one tour each [...]

Bond, James D.

Vietnam 2nd battalion James D. Bond B & H Companies 1969 - 1970 I was in Company B, served 8 and one-half months in the field before getting a Battalion rear job managing crypto stuff----delivering codes and secure equipment to the field. And drinking lots of cold beer. HHQ Company, 2/327th mid-April 1970 until [...]

Berry, Joe K.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Joe K. Berry H & H, A Companies 1967 - 1969 Came into country at Long Binh Repo Depo on December 27, 1967. Ten days later I was assigned to the 2/327th which then was at Song Be. Arrived at A-2/327 on January 14, 1968 in the field outside on Song [...]

Bergman, Douglas R.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Douglas R. Bergman H & H, A, D & E Companies 1969 - 1970 Doug, I trust that your last Rendezvous was a soft landing and your personal demons have been laid to rest. Rest in Peace Brother. No Slack! Yankee Jim Plt Ldr A,D,E (Radar) 2/327 & HHC 101 [...]

Bennington, Ed

Vietnam 2nd battalion Ed Bennington H & H Company 1966 - 1967 I was in just about everything Airborne. 327 "Above the Rest" at Ft Campbell until 6-yr reup for Germany 1958, and 327 "No Slack" in Vietnam. Also 11th, 82nd, 187 ARCT, 505/8th Inf Div, and 6th SFG. SSG, Ret. Back to the [...]