Bond, James D.

327 Infantry Veterans
Project Name
Bond, James D.
2nd Battalion,B Company,H&HC

Vietnam 2nd battalion

James D. Bond

B & H Companies 1969 – 1970

I was in Company B, served 8 and one-half months in the field before getting a Battalion rear job managing crypto stuff—-delivering codes and secure equipment to the field. And drinking lots of cold beer.

HHQ Company, 2/327th mid-April 1970 until October of 1970.

In the field we operated all along Hwy 1, including time at Tomahawk and Roy. I’ve been back several times on behalf of a humanitarian organization—Viet Nam Assistance for the Handicapped. On one of those trips my wife and I walked up onto Tomahawk—still can see some of the remnants of the place.

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