Vietnam 2nd battalion
Charlie Cato
H & H, A, C Companies 1967
Yep.. HHC 2nd 327.. assigned to A Co most of the time. Spent a little time over there at C Co with Zorba the Greek.
Joined up on October 8th 1965 here in Atlanta. Signed up for Aviation Electronics School.
Had a real dumb one I got into basic at Benning to go SF. Got reassigned to a 111 mos and ended up going through advanced infantry at Jackson in the winter of 1966.
Went to the 3/325 at Bragg from there. Most of the 82nd was just coming home from Dom Rep at that time. The 82nd need medics so they lined 8 of us up and asked us if we would like to go to Paradise (Ft. Sam Houston). We all though that was a great idea.
Went to Nam in July 67 HHQ 2/327 Medic w/A&C 2/327 JUL – OCT ’67. I was one of the only Buck Sgt Medics most people ever saw. There is only one slot for those per battalion. Ended up working as the head medic for A 2/327.
Got WIA by a grenade on October 3, 67, hospital in Japan for two months, hospital in Denver two months and then spent most of my last year in the service as a leg at Ft. McPherson here in Atlanta.
Married for 32 years, two grown children and been working here at Delta Airlines in the computer business since 1976.