Troopers Category: D Company

327 Infantry Veterans

Huffines, Ron

Vietnam 2nd battalion Ron Huffines D Company 1969 - 1970 I served with 2nd Bat. D Co. July 69 to July 70. No Jump or Ranger School. Made E-5 April 70. Joined OK Nat. Guard Mar. 86. Served in Afghanistan in 04. I was an E-7 but they made me an acting Plt. Leader. [...]

Herring, David L.

Vietnam 2nd battalion David L. Herring D Company 1968 - 1969 Great to find this site. Lots of memories. Christmas 69 what a day. I can still pickup a slicks sound and run out to see it. God bless all who were there and stiil are. Back to the Troopers

Castillo, Ruben G.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Ruben G. Castillo D Company 1968 - 1969 I found this website quite by accident. I was a squad leader in 1st Platoon, D Co. 2/327th from May 68 to May 69. Seeing Lt. Farr's photo's brought back a lot of memories. Our fallen brothers of 8/10/68 are always remembered in [...]
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