Vietnam 2nd battalion Ronald J. White A Company 1965 - 1966 Survivor of Trung Luong 2/327 A Co. Oct 65-Oct 66 A-Co. 1/505 82nd Oct 66 April 68 Back to the Troopers
Vietnam 2nd battalion Robert G. Whisnant A Company 1971 I was a draftee Sept 1970. Basic and AIT at Ft. Jackson, SC. Home of the well known "Tank Hill". From there I went home for a 15 day leave and then to Vietnam. Flew into Ben Hoa AFB and trucked to 90th placement and [...]
Vietnam 2nd battalion John Wekerle A Company 1966 - 1967 I served with 1st plt., A/2/327, 1st Bde. 101st Airborne in '66-'67. John in Jump School click on images A Company Business Card Back to the Troopers
Vietnam 2nd battalion Billy F. Weldon A Company 1967 - 1968 Went to Jump school in May 1967, graduated on June 20, 1967, after that went directly to Viet Nam. Got CIB, awarded 15th day Aug. 1967. Awarded Purple Heart Oct. 8th, 1967. Spent 1 year with 101st Airborne, Went to Fort Bragg for [...]
Vietnam 2nd battalion Richard (aka Scott) S. Webster A Company 1968 - 1969 I have a CIB, Bronze Star, Air Medal, 2 Army Coms (The standard crap.) Started skydiving after discharge; Hold Gold Wings from USPA for 1000 free falls, (1293 total jumps) 12 Hour Freefall Badge from USPA. Have moved to warmer climate [...]