Troopers Category: A Company

327 Infantry Veterans

Egli, Harlan

Vietnam 2nd battalion Harlan Egli A Company 1965 - 1966 RTO Harlan Egli, was medivaced out in March 1966 at Happy Valley. He was with first platoon. His service was from 10/65 - 3/66. Pat, Little and myself went up to Portland looking for him, but just missed him. His last address was at his [...]

Dubose, Robert “Bookie” S.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Robert ``Bookie`` S. Dubose A Compan7 1970 - 1971 DAIRBORNE101@AOL.COM I served with "A" Company 2nd Bn 327th Infantry from 9 April 70 to 17 March 71. I would like to be placed on your roster and hear from old friends. "NO SLACK" BOOKIE DUBOSE Back to the Troopers

Dresser, Dave

Vietnam 2nd battalion Dave Dresser A, E Companies 1967 - 1968 I am very impressed by the 2/327 web site! I was there in '67 - '68 with Alpha, 1st platoon for a while and then with Echo in HQ. I spent about three months on the line with the 1st platoon, Alpha Co., [...]
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