FSB Binh Dinh

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War


Fire Support Base Binh Dinh

Built by the 326th Engineers, it is listed in the book “Where We Were in Vietnam”. Close to the “Valley” and Hot. We occupied it for about 8 days and left under pressure from NVA Reg.

In July 1971 on FSB Binh Dinh my unit (B Btry 2/11) and a platoon from the 327th occupied this bald hill about 3km from Veghel. The unit had their mortar platoon with them and one of the tubes exploded killing several soldiers, two which were leaving the next few days going home. I have pictures of the platoon (before the explosion), and several members of the unit, they flew a Texas Flag above their Fire Direction Center.

If anyone knows of any surviving family members who would like pictures I would consider it an honor to send them the pictures that I have. If it’s any help we got hit by a Typhoon the night before the incident and it rained like it was going to turn the entire valley into a lake.

I have approximately 20 pictures of the area around the small fire base, and many of those pictures include the great infantry soldiers from the 327th that provided us security.

I remain, a Redleg, tried and true. But there is nothing like “No Slack”. They saved my gun sections bacon, on more than one occasion.

Command Sergeant Major (Retired) H.E. Lewis
Field Artillery


Update 6-1-13:

The 2/327 soldier that I talked about that was killed on FB Binh Dinh was Sp5 Samuel McDaniel. When the mortar exploded I took our medic from my battery (B 2/11 FA) and ran to help. We worked on Samuel, but he was hit and was gone shortly after we got to him. We helped with the others, then I returned to my howitzer to shoot illumination for the dust off. Those pictures show the mortar fire direction AND the pits, along with some of the soldiers. I cried when I found out the names of those soldier we worked on. I have been trying to find out his name since that time. I held him and prayed for him. IF you or anyone who wants to know the events of that night or pictures, let know.


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