
327 Infantry Veterans

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Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on June 30, 2009 at 9:33 pm
Hometown: Birmingham, AL
Date: June 30, 2009 - 09:42 AM (pacific)
Name: ted larson
Hometown: ,
Date: June 26, 2009 - 04:40 AM (pacific)
I SALUTE ALL of the vets who have served before and after me in the military, but a extra salute goes out to all my brothers in the 327th Infantry and the 101st Airborne. I was in D. Co. 2-327th from 93-95 1st platoon the Rat Bastards
Name: Karen Brenning
Hometown: ,
Date: June 25, 2009 - 01:07 PM (pacific)
My brother-in-law is Randy Lundys brother, Roger Lundy. Precious picture of Randy!!

Thank-you for serving to protect our freedom!!
Name: M. H. Skillern
Hometown: ,
Date: June 25, 2009 - 12:06 PM (pacific)
I was co. E 327th Inf. 1960-1963
If anyone remembers please E-Mail me.
Name: Edmund T. Charlesworth, Jr.
Hometown: Boyertown, PA
Date: June 25, 2009 - 09:29 AM (pacific)
Vietnam from July 1966 - March 1968

Co A, 2/327 PIR, 101st Airborne Division
Long Range Recon Patrol

Looking for guys who served with me; Walter Flash (Salt Lake City, UT), Joe Caliendo (Bayonne NJ), ? Spolek (Chicago IL). Did Dave Taylor (Swamp Rat) from Florida make it?
Name: Adam T. Dunaway
Hometown: Kailua Kona, Hiwaii
Date: June 24, 2009 - 08:06 PM (pacific)
Its been some time since I check into the Guest Book. I do this in hopes that those who owe me $$$$ will contact me. But with my luck, Ill only here from those whom I owe $$$$.

HHQ 1st 327 ABG 61-63
HHQ 2/327 ABN 64-67
Nam 65-66
HHQ 1/506 66-67
Name: Godfrey w hendrickson
Hometown: pto. vallarta, jalisco
Date: June 23, 2009 - 09:55 PM (pacific)
Depravation could have been the worst thing. Sleeping rough, banana leaves stuck under helmet bands to keep the rain off while it pounds your body. The insects crawling into the dry area, investigating, probing, biting. The mud as slick and thick as petroleum jelly. The only break from the misery are the intrusive thoughts of Death waiting in the next heartbeat to carry another comrade Home. Who will Death take. The brain slaming that door shut with locks, chains, and nails that is wont be you. You who must raise up and bark death to the others. Yelling, Screaming, Charging. Hoping the madness stops before your heart does. And always the rain falling; pelting the earth and everything in its path. As tiny hammers reshaping the world from sunshine and flowers to mud, blood, crushed plants and humans. Reshaping minds with memories not intended for people. 1/327 Cold Steel Cobras 66-67 ATR
Name: Herman Knight Jr.
Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama
Date: June 20, 2009 - 07:31 AM (pacific)
I served in Vietnam from Oct 1966 to Sep 1967 Charlie Company 2/327 Infantry 1st BDE 101st Airborne Div. 4th Platoon Squad Leader. I would like to hear from anyone who served with me thank you.

Name: Arthur Green
Hometown: Dinwiddie, VA
Date: June 20, 2009 - 12:52 AM (pacific)
Looking for fellow ABU soldiers who served in A Co 1/327th from 67-68.
Name: Marselles Lamont Coe
Hometown: San Antonio, TX
Date: June 19, 2009 - 04:31 PM (pacific)
My father, Donald Lafayette Coe served in this unit in Vietnam. He never went into much detail about his time in Vietnam, which I understand. I knew he was a door gunner and was deaf in one ear because of it. I can confirm he was in country in 1970-1971 and another earlier tour which I do not have the time frames on. I am sad to say that he passed away on June 13th, 2009 at the age of 61. He stayed in the Army after Vietnam and served 23 years with pride, retiring as a 1st. Sgt. I just would like to get the word out that he is going to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery on July 15th at 10am. He wanted this so very much and considered it an honor above all others to be buried with his fallen comrades and friends. If anyone remembers Donald Coe and can make the funeral, then you will be welcomed as family. Any friend of my fathers is a friend of mine. I am very proud of his service and others who have sacrificed so much for our freedoms. I respect what he gave and loved him very much. Thank you for your time, Marselles L. Coe
Name: Steven Myers
Hometown: Bardstown, Kentucky
Date: June 19, 2009 - 09:06 AM (pacific)
Today in my local paper I read an article on FSB Tomahawk. So naturally I search google for more information. That brought me here. For those of you that were there in June of 69, you might want to read the article. You might even know some of the people mentioned. You can find it online at The article was on June 19, 2009 refered to as [ 40 years ago today ].
Name: Yankee Jim Simchera
Hometown: ,
Date: June 19, 2009 - 08:22 AM (pacific)
Patti and I are looking forward to meeting our friends at Ft Campbell this August during the Week of the Eagles.
I look forward to shaking you hand again or for the first time.
Honor & Country!
Yankee Jim
A Co. No Slack! 1969-70
Name: Dan Schwandt
Hometown: Moorhead, MN
Date: June 18, 2009 - 03:35 PM (pacific)
Greetings: Very interested to find this website. I was searching for information on David Barduson. I am from Davids hometown of Appleton, MN. I was still in high school when David was killed in Vietnam. I played taps at his funeral. David was the hero I never knew. I remember reading about him in our local paper about his activities in Vietnam. I so wanted to be like him, join the military and go to Vietnam. I was just sick when I read he was killed. I was very honored to play taps at his funeral. He was the hero I never knew. I ended up joining the Marines in the summer of 1971 and although I volunteered for duty in Vietnam, I never did get shipped there. My MOS was that of a Field Radio Operator. A few years back I wrote to his parents. I told them I had a rubbing of Davids name from the Vietnam Wall under the glass on my office desk and that I think of David daily. They did not remember me or that I played taps at Davids funeral. But, they did know my parents and ate at their small cafe in Appleton often. They wanted to meet me, but unfortunately both died before I ever got the chance. They were so appreciative that I wrote them a letter. I wanted you, his former comrades, to know that David is not forgotten. Thank you for your service! Best, Dan Schwandt

Name: Sylvester Bowman
Hometown: Cheltenhan, PA
Date: June 16, 2009 - 12:51 PM (pacific)
I served in Vietnamn from June 1966 to April 1967 with th 101st Airborne Div., Company B, 2nd Bat 327 Infantry (1st Platoon Squad Leader). I would like to hear from anyone who served with me and willing to share any orders with me. I am trying to verify my combat status and to correct my records to show my CIB. I would like to hear from John Sherwood of Montana; Neal and Ragland both from DC.
Name: Melvin L Bailey
Hometown: Soldotna, AK
Date: June 14, 2009 - 10:40 PM (pacific)
Today is Flag Day! It started out poorly for me at 2am when I drove through my home town; Soldotna, Alaska and started counting flags that were left out in the dark (Yes it does get dark here for a couple of hours). I stopped counting at five dozen, all were flags put out by the Kenai Peninsula Borough on public property. There were just as many flags left out in front of residences without illumination. This has offended me for years but the borough mayor insists that it is proper since he teaches flag protocol to the Boy Scouts (He didnt have the courage to serve his country)! If this offends you please boycott our rich fishing and tourist industry until some action is taken. The phone # for the borough is 907-262-4441. Soldotnas city offices: 907-262-9107.
The Sunday Peninsula Clarian (A leftist Gannet rag)today published a paper flag with advertising all over it. Gannet insists that even if it is against the flag code that it is not flag desecration. What a bunch of dung!
Well enough carping! I would like to give a shout of "No Slack" to my platoon buddies "Buzzard" Harry Clive, & Joe Won. Also Jack Page who set off the trip flares on the RR bridge on Hwy 1, just below Tommahawk to celebrate leaving RVN (They made him saddle up the next day and hump out to the French Bunker as punishment, and "Slick" from Cleveland.
I love this site, it is like a (past) lifeline.
MB Co B 2/327 1968
Name: Donald George Byrnes
Hometown: West Roxbury, MA
Date: June 14, 2009 - 06:23 PM (pacific)
40 years ago today (6/14/69) the NVA tried to overrun & destroy the Tactical Operations Center on FSB Berchtesgarden. Between 4 AM & 6 AM. Unofficially we lost 17 KIA & 60 wounded (official reports are lower). I wrote in 5 years ago looking for any of the 10 other survivors from my platoon (1st platoon, Co B , 2/327) who might still be around & got 2 responses plus many others from those who were there or witnessed the fight from other FSBs in the area. I have always resented the fact that every report concerning the battle never mentions the fact that we were there & suffered so many casualties from msssive enemy mortar fire. To the best of my knowledge none of the men of my platoon were ever decorated even though they suffered the brunt of the enemy ground assault. Over time I have forgotten so many of the names but I wish to single out two who deserved recognition: Connie Mack Patton of Cowpens , S.C. & Henry Rael of Alburquerque, N.M. If there are any more survivors still around Id like to hear from you. Please take a moment to remember those who were killed & wounded on that day.
Name: Jim Snyder
Hometown: ,
Date: June 13, 2009 - 10:15 PM (pacific)
D 1-327 Inf GS Motar Plt from 1972-1974
Name: William Thomas
Hometown: Commerce, GA
Date: June 11, 2009 - 07:54 PM (pacific)
Today marks the 1 year anniversary, since SFC Reed,Geralds death in Iraq. For those of us fortunate enough to have served with him, he is greatly missed. I deployed with him back in 2003. He was an outstanding leader and a very remarkable NCO. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Name: keith smith
Hometown: ,
Date: June 10, 2009 - 02:08 PM (pacific)
God bless you all from a former m-60 gunner, D-1/327 84-86. I often tell my friends and family how special you all are. Lest We Forget!
Name: Michael Fransted
Hometown: APO, AE
Date: June 09, 2009 - 09:13 AM (pacific)
Great Website! I was in 3/327th, JUL 86-MAR 02
Battle Force!
Name: Kathleen Donavon
Hometown: , Florida
Date: June 09, 2009 - 04:49 AM (pacific)
Hi everyone, I can barely read a page without choking up with emotion. First I want to say how proud I am of each and everyone of you. I love you all. My dad was in Vietnam in May 1969, Francis (NuNu) Donavon Olean NY, he was in the 9th Marine Amphibious Brigade. He was wounded badly on Hill 55. Hes a closed book, but tells me things slowly. My father is my hero... does anyone know my father? If so please contact me at thank you and God Bless you all.
Name: Santos ( Spooky ) Garcia Castillo
Hometown: Ryan, Oklahoma
Date: June 09, 2009 - 12:09 AM (pacific)
I was with the 1/327 Bravo Co. 1969-1970 I made contact with former members, love the site. "Above The Rest"
Name: david dean durham
Hometown: fowler, in
Date: June 08, 2009 - 09:31 PM (pacific)
I was in 1st 327th b co Feb 67 to 68 I was platoon sgt Utley rto would like to hear from anyone else in this company.
wounded June 17th 67
Name: Bob Slavik
Hometown: Oshkosh, Wi.
Date: June 07, 2009 - 08:54 AM (pacific)
I was in 1/327 ABU Co. from June 67 to June 68 2nd platoon. Looking for former platoon members. Nice web site!
Name: tim woodburn
Hometown: st louis, mo
Date: June 07, 2009 - 01:09 AM (pacific)
I just read my earlier posting ...incorrect.. I was with A co from june of 68 thru oct of 68 I would love to hear from any of you guys.. I owe all the Detroit guys $ from the world series that yr email me I will pay!!
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