
327 Infantry Veterans

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Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on September 13, 2009 at 9:27 pm
Name: Ric Smith
Hometown: Glendale, Arizona
Date: September 13, 2009 - 05:31 PM (pacific)
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the 327th.

My Best Friend, My Brother is Gone !!!
Jim Grainger ( Jungle Jim )
Brother Jim may You Soar with All Our Eagle Brothers who have Gone on , Before us.

Jim you Never, Ever hesitated to get up and Get Out to The Front.

Never hesitated to take "The PoinT".
Know matter how Bad things were!

Why would Jungle Jim be any different Today.

Brother Jim once again you have Jumped Up, Jumped to the Front, Taken the Point ; and moved out ahead of those of us that remain behind for now.

To Clear that Trail We All must Walk someday !
To secure the LZ we will need .
To secure the Perimeter.
To set up the Base Camp for Our Arrival.

Brother Shout Out " ABU" to All there you have joined.

Be Vigilante my Brother, and Please listen for my "ABU" Shout Out when I too will Step Out onto that Trail traveled by All Our Fallen Brothers.

Listen for My "ABU" , as I Too will Desire to be with you and our " Band of Brothers "at that Final " Base Camp".

Until that Day, " Walk In Peace" Brother with Our Brothers.

None of You Are Forgotten !

We were Young.
We were Warriors.
We are Brothers, Forever !

We Few
We Damn Lucky Few !

"We Band of Brothers ".

Wild Bill

A-Co. 1st 327th Infantry Regiment
101st Airborne Division
Name: Thomas H Ingram
Hometown: ,
Date: September 12, 2009 - 08:53 PM (pacific)
1st Platoon/C Company/1st/327th Inf. July 1968 thru June 1969. I served under MG Basonti and Pearson,
LTC Raymond C. (BigDaddy) Smith and LTC Casper. CPT Kinane was my company commander until I got hit. Freddy Cahoon was my RTO...and a friend.
Name: Bob Savanich
Hometown: San Juan Capistrano, CA
Date: September 11, 2009 - 06:23 PM (pacific)
My high school buddy Alfred Saturn "Butch" Najar, Jr. was killed in action on February 24th, 1968. I know he was with the 101st Airborne, 327 Infantry Regiment, C Company or at least I am pretty sure that was his outfit. My question is WHERE was Butch killed while in country? Butch and I were very close friends at Ball High School in Galveston, Texas. We joined the service the same time. He went Army, I went Marine Corp. If anyone could help me with this info I would deeply appreciate it. Go Army - and Semper Fi
Name: joe r peterson
Hometown: marion, ia
Date: September 10, 2009 - 10:13 PM (pacific)
my respects.
Name: Ronald James Roloff
Hometown: Portland, Oregon
Date: September 07, 2009 - 11:28 PM (pacific)
Sorry to hear about the passing of my 2nd cousen in Tucson , Jim Granger. Also very sorry I did not know about his condition untill this year. As an Marine I have a lot of respect for all those who gave so much for this ungrateful nation. Love to all of Jims pal in the 101 Ron Roloff
Name: Patrick Tierney
Hometown: Torrance, CA.
Date: September 07, 2009 - 05:21 PM (pacific)
I'm the son of John "Jack" Tierney, a deceased (1979) wounded veteren of D-Day in the 101st Airborne, 327th Glider Division. I'm trying to locate any living veterens of that unit who may've known him or was in the unit to hear stories(as my father never shared them).
Thank you very much for any help!
Patrick Tierney
Name: Dan Holden
Hometown: ,
Date: September 06, 2009 - 05:55 PM (pacific)
Thx for all

Name: SMSgt Larry S Brooks
Hometown: Las Vegas, NV
Date: September 06, 2009 - 01:15 AM (pacific)
Working on a history book of A Battery 2.320th Arty and the firebases it was attached to....if you can provide any info, please email me....was a draftee with A Battery in 68-69. Retired from the USAF in 1997.
Name: Barry Wayne McCleary
Hometown: Gulf breeze, Florida
Date: September 03, 2009 - 12:11 PM (pacific)
Servied may 68-69 With E company at one time best damn gunner.Wife pasted away 4yr. Been an attorny for past 25 yr,Proud to have been Sgt,paratrooperin the best unit in the NAM.2/327NO f--KIN SLACK.
Name: Michael Edward Nacey
Hometown: Humble, Texas
Date: September 03, 2009 - 11:35 AM (pacific)
My brother Donnie and I both served with D 1/327th
(70/71)Both were grunts.
Anybody still out there? Served with a medic named Runkle.
Name: Rebecca Schartiger
Hometown: , PA
Date: September 02, 2009 - 09:59 PM (pacific)
My uncle Daniel Allum served in the A 1/327 unit. Although I never met him, I would love to know more about him. If anyone remembers serving with him, please contact me.
Name: Stephen Ray McGrew
Hometown: Katy, Tx
Date: September 02, 2009 - 07:17 AM (pacific)
I served in Vietnam with D 1/327th Infantry
From May to Sept 1968..Wounded Aug 29, 1968
I like to here from someone who was with Delta
Name: Tom Cowan
Hometown: Chino Hills, CA
Date: September 01, 2009 - 12:30 AM (pacific)
I was with the HHT 3rd Sqdn 5th Cav and provided support to the 101st. We went through Bastogne on May 9 and we arrived at Blaze on May 10. My command track originally settled at the top where the 18th Surg Med Tent was set up. Myself and the guys on my track helped offload some of the worst of the wounded during the first couple of days of HH. Then we were moved down closer to the river where a hole was dug out and we parked our track until we pulled out in Sept. I left for rear support at Evans in late August. Our "A" Troop entered the valley in late June and a few of my friends ended up wounded. Anyway, my hat is off to all who served in the 101st.
Name: Norm Ream
Hometown: ,
Date: August 31, 2009 - 04:23 PM (pacific)
Worked with both 1st and 2nd/327 numerous times great to work with.
Cherokee 38X7
Norm Ream
42nd Scout Dogs
Name: Erick Walker Miller
Hometown: Dover, Tennessee
Date: August 30, 2009 - 06:45 PM (pacific)
It's official...I'm finally a resident of Dover, Tennessee now. My trailer arrived Friday at dark and I finished unloading today at noon. Travis Shattle got here too late to help. I'm told that it was an accident.
I'm in a dry county in the Bible Belt. We have deer, turkey, Black Snakes and Box Turtles. What more does a man need besides a garden? It looks like the end of the rainbow to Mikki and me. I hope to see many of you in Crossville next year. I haven't made a reunion since 2006.
Ya'all need to check out Linda Brooks' site 'Digital Beauty Designs'. She posted a lot of the Welcome Home Vietnam Vets pics. Her guest book entry is a couple prior to this message.
If you haven't already read it, get a copy of R. C. Morris' book "Ether Zone" about the clandestine but very real SF Delta Force. It was advertised inside the last 101st Screaming Eagle Magazine. That book is hard to put down.
Ray (R. C.)Morris is 327th alumni Roger Morris' brother.
Erick W. Miller
B-Co 1st Plt 1st 327th Inf RVN '69-'70
Name: Michael C. Brousseau
Hometown: Safety Harbor, FL
Date: August 30, 2009 - 10:32 AM (pacific)
Hit this link to support the DAV. Please pass it along to as many troopers as you can.
Name: Justin Smith
Hometown: ,
Date: August 29, 2009 - 07:42 PM (pacific)
I am looking for any information about the operations of the 1/327 during August 1969. Available sources show very little during this time period. Please contact me at

Name: Linda Brooks
Hometown: Crossville, Tennessee
Date: August 27, 2009 - 11:04 AM (pacific)
You can see an assortment of photographs from the Week of the Eagle Vietnam Vets ceremony held at Ft. Campbell, August 16, 2009 on my blog

It is my understanding that so many vets registered that they had to hold the same ceremony 3 times to accommodate all of them. My hat is off to the Commander and Staff who made this event possible
Name: Linda Brooks
Hometown: Crossville, Tennessee
Date: August 27, 2009 - 10:19 AM (pacific)
I went to High School with Erik Miller and have recently found his page on this site. My husband Bobby Brooks, was an Army Medic with the 15th Medical Battalion, 1st Cav Division, Airmobile, An Khe 65-66. We recently attended the moving ceremony at Ft Campbell's week of the Eagle held to honor all Vietnam Veterans. I was moved to tears as were most of the attendees, vets and family alike. How proud and grateful we are for Ft. Campbell giving these men the Dignity and Honor they so rightly deserve. It was a true healing mission for those involved.
Name: Charles Thomas Burton
Hometown: Smyrna, Tn
Date: August 25, 2009 - 03:01 PM (pacific)
Talked to Donnie Ulmer Jr who e-mailed me from Iraq and stated that his Dad Donnie Sr. was taken by Agent Orange a few years ago. Donnie Sr. served with me in C 2/327th 1969 and part of 1970. Donnie ran the beer garden after getting a rear job for a couple of months there at Phu Bai. I saw where Doc Art Erickson has checked in with us. Good to hear from you. Have been off line a good while but am back and have made contact with Erick Miller who lives here in Tennessee now. Hope to Hook up with Erick. Take care and sorry I missed the Ft. Campbell deal due to health reasons but will be back on line now to see and hear from my brothers.No Slack Doc Tom Burton VN 2/327th 69-70 HHq, C and D companies
Name: Philip Goode
Hometown: ,
Date: August 22, 2009 - 04:54 PM (pacific)
Would like to join and contact my brothers.
C 2/327th 70-71 Phu Bai & Quang Tri + Lam Song 719, Rock Pile, Rt. 1. FB Vegal, Birmingham...
Name: Darrin Johnson
Hometown: ,
Date: August 21, 2009 - 05:31 PM (pacific)
I see a lot of VN vets on here, so I thought I would add a blog from a Desert Storm vet. I just wanted to say "Hooah!" to all former "Above the Rest" brothers. I served with B 1-327 from 90 thru 95 & was deployed during Desert Sheild/Storm with them. If there are any Bushmasters out there who remember me, give me a shout.

Darrin Johnson
Name: CSM Kevin Robert Benson
Hometown: Ft Campbell, Kentucky
Date: August 21, 2009 - 09:51 AM (pacific)
As the BDE CSM I want to thank all the supporters and attendees to this years weak of the Eagles and a special thanks to all that attended our 327th Regimental DOMR ceremony and Bastogne Day!
Name: David J. Markham
Hometown: ,
Date: August 20, 2009 - 08:45 AM (pacific)
Im back home from Fort Campbell, had a wonderful time, met a lot of todays troops. Man, those guys are sharp, glad they are on our side. Saw a lot of old friends, and met some new old friends. The "Welcome Home" on Sunday 16 August 2009 was absolutely fantastic. Well, there seems to be some work piled up in my absence so I need to get at it.
David J.
Name: John Patrick Dorgan
Hometown: Columbus, Ohio
Date: August 18, 2009 - 04:49 PM (pacific)
Hey Troopers, how are those Blackhawks holding up.I(we) tested them back in 76-77, but I never had a chance to crew one. It was called the UTAAS (I believe) back then....who ended up with the contract to build em ? Why is this important to me ? Well, when your M-16 was a Remington-Rand...
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