
327 Infantry Veterans

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Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on October 5, 2009 at 9:25 pm
Name: Kevin D Byrd
Hometown: Huntington, WV
Date: October 05, 2009 - 01:42 PM (pacific)
Dco. 2/327th 89-92, 11H, served during Desert Storm.

No slack
Name: Candace D. Lokey
Hometown: ,
Date: October 05, 2009 - 11:13 AM (pacific)
On September 17th, I posted a request for information about Udon Parker. I have since been in contact with his family. His mother is 91 years old. It was a comfort to them to know that Udon was remembered by those he served with.

I thank you all for sharing your memories and for caring.

Name: Rob Lindquist
Hometown: ,
Date: October 04, 2009 - 09:42 PM (pacific)
I was 2/327 Scout. Sniper Squad, Gun Devil 2
Name: Stephen P Phillips
Hometown: Grand Prairie, Tx
Date: October 01, 2009 - 11:01 PM (pacific)
Charlie Company No Slack - Ward Was Roomate. Nate was closest brother. Powell was Nates Roomate, Ward from biloxi Ms, Powell from detroit. Contact please 817.675.7795
Name: James W Evans
Hometown: Angel Fire, NM
Date: September 30, 2009 - 08:17 PM (pacific)
Served with A Co 1/327 from Feb 67 to Feb 68. Top was 1St Sgt Joe Dayou. Have large photo album being put on CD. Contact me. Remember, Starr, Crowell, Slavik, Zero, Bridgewater,Berch,. Evans
Name: Ernest Marquez Salinas
Hometown: houston, Texas
Date: September 29, 2009 - 05:36 PM (pacific)
Arrived in country the end of July 1967, hooked up C co. 1st/327 in Chu Lai. Went on several ops. I was in sergant Jesse Taylors squad. Volunteered for lrrps. Went to Macv recondo school in Na Thrang, then to plakeu (mispelled) E company 20th infantry lrrps. There were two platoons from 101st and two from 173rd.
Name: Antoine Edward Roy
Hometown: Jaffrey, N H
Date: September 28, 2009 - 03:05 PM (pacific)
I served with D/1st/327th from 1/69 to 6/69 as a grunt. This was my third tour. I was a grunt with the 173rd Abn from 4/67 to 5/68 and as a door gunner with C/227th/1st Cav from 6/68 to 12/68 and then went to the 101st.
The memories remain and am in contact with several who were with me in D Co. 1st 327th. I'd like to contact as many who served with me in D as I possibly can. Buddies all.

Name: Gregg Granado
Hometown: ,
Date: September 27, 2009 - 11:02 PM (pacific)
Just read the "More from Tiffany" blog in which she arbitrarily decided to omit Infantry from the 327th Infantry Regiment. I am annoyed by this action. I am still very proud to have have served with the 1st Battalion of the 327th Infantry July 11,'67 to July 11,'68 as a "boony rat". I feel she has broken the link between the past and the present by this omission. She should have studied the storied past of the 327th Infantry Regiment during WW11 and the Vietnam War instead of falling for political correctness. God Bless our brave men and women in harm's way. I thank you for your service.
Name: David Owen Williamson
Hometown: Malvern, Arkansas
Date: September 24, 2009 - 10:06 PM (pacific)
Just checking in. Been awhile since I talked to "Heavy". Since being a member of this site for 9 or 10 years I have made contact with 4 out of several squad members. This is a good site and I am a proud Vietnam veteran. in fact I was a Vietnam Veteran before it was cool to be one. Enjoyed the WOE very much and enjoyed meeting many of you. Keep this site moving forward. "Blue" AKA David Williamson 1st Plt. 1st Squad,Company C 2nd Battalion 327th Infantry 101st Airborne Vietnam 1-1-69 to 1-8-71.
Name: Walt Jackson
Hometown: Boise, Idaho
Date: September 24, 2009 - 12:42 PM (pacific)
Lee Studdard was Buried today (24 Sept)in the Alabama State Veterans Cemetery. Lee served with Cco 1/327 from the 18th of January 1968 until he was wounded in the assault on LZ Veghel in April 1968. He did attend the WOE last month at Ft Campbell and passed away on Saturday the 19th of September. RIP!
Name: Roger M John
Hometown: Englewood, FL
Date: September 24, 2009 - 09:24 AM (pacific)
The new web site is really superb, and the hard work in properly maintaining it for the 327th troopers evident. Thank you for your successful project for us.Co C 1st Bn 327th(ABN) Inf, 1st Bde (SEP) 101st
Name: Yankee Jim Simchera
Hometown: ,
Date: September 23, 2009 - 07:28 AM (pacific)
Had a great time at the Week of the Eagles... It was good to see old friends and meet new ones.
Also want to thank everyone wearing "The Club" today for rolling out the red carpet for us old timers.
Yankee Jim
2nd Plt A Co. No Slack!
Name: Lionel H. Strong IV
Hometown: Arlington, VA
Date: September 22, 2009 - 08:48 AM (pacific)
I served with C 1st Bn Airborne 327th Infantry "Cold Steel Cobras", 1975 to 1978.

I will never forget 1SG Everett Pace! He's been gone now for many years, but NEVER Forgotten.
Name: larry fuller
Hometown: ,
Date: September 22, 2009 - 05:11 AM (pacific)
I just saw a blog by Big Mac who stated he doesn't see many 67-68 "boatpeople" signing into the 327th website. I think that this goes along with what I said earlier. Pre-69 (or 68) members just don't seem to be interested in re-living the past. What a shame.
Name: James Paul Wainscoat
Hometown: Viborg, South Dakota
Date: September 19, 2009 - 09:01 PM (pacific)
Dear Miss Lokey; Imagine how surprised I was to see your posting when I realized I was standing about twenty feet from Parker when we lost him. He was a tall friendly young man who's wide smile always made one grin inside.

That morning was so surreal. We were working our way up a steep canyon. Very narrow at the base where the river was. We were close to the top of the ridge which was the source of the river we were following. We were moving towards a platoon size ambush position. We were the 1st platoon of B Co. 1st 327 Inf.

Being at the headwaters of the this river made us feel like Alice in wonderland. The vegetation was humongous. The wild elephant trails turned into giant steps when they headed up the mountain. You had to climb up one step at a time. The steps being about 30 inches high, and any number of inches deep depending on the incline of the mountain. The headwaters came gushing out of a solid rock wall as though a giant had turned on a spicket. The water cascaded down in monstrous leaps from one pool to another.

The Platoon Sgt. Passed the word on to take a break and fill your canteens because we would be in the ambush position for as many as three days without water resupply. You had to practically put your mouth right on another man's ear to be heard. The word was past on. I was standing behind three guys where it was easy and safe to dip our canteens. I looked to my left, looking over where Parker was. The further you were away from the water, the greater the incline so I was about half as high as the falls where Parker was. We were filling canteens from the third pool below the head waters. Right next to the third falls Parker being held by another trooper with one hand on his LBE (Low Bearing Equipment) as he leaned over into the falls. The sound of the seven falls within a quarter mile; was thunderous. I could see the arms of those half way between Parker and I waving in the air in alarm. I kept watching in Parker's direction thinking; what going on? They were trying to warn Parker of the danger in the falls.

Everything seem to shift into slow motion as though you know something terrible is about to happen, and there is nothing you can do about it. Parker put his hand holding the canteen into the foam of the falls and it was as though it began to pull him in. The trooper holding him let go and broke his fall at the last second, nearly following Parker into the falls. Parker was spun over on his back on top of the foam as though the water was solid and now he was riding the foamy torrent down the falls. Parker had a canteen in one hand and his rifle in the other. His out stretched arms as he went over the falls gave him the sacrificial and resigned look of a martyr. Parker plunged disappearing into the pool below.

The tranquil look of the pool with leaves slowly floating around seem to say Parker will suddenly pop up and we will all have a good laugh. After several minutes nothing surfaced. Then Parker's canteen pop up on the far side of the pool. Several men started to twist commo wire together, and then tied it around the waste of the trooper who had been holding on to Parker. The Lt. stepped forward and had to forcibly stopped the men trying to go after Parker. The Lt. then threw a log the size of a man into the pool. It disappeared immediately. We waited until we began to doubt that a log had been thrown in. Suddenly the log shot up like a submarine surfacing, and careened over the next falls. All attempts to jump into the pool after Parker ceased.

The Lt. broke radio silence and reported the loss. The mission was put on hold for two days while ropes and equipment were sent out and all attempts were made to recover Parker. There was a twenty four hour watch on the falls and down stream for his body. It never happened. It was a hard day when we had to leave Parker behind. His canteen bobbled in the little cove where it had popped up when Parker did not surface. A sad marker that we not only loss a brother; but had to leave him behind.

Every conversation about Parker after that was always punctuated with "Can you believe they have listed him as MIA as though he may still be alive out there somewhere".

Miss Lokey, thank you for doing what should have been done forty-three years ago. PS. Did I mention he was a handsome Black man.
Hometown: Pompano Beach, FL
Date: September 18, 2009 - 11:05 AM (pacific)
I would first like to add my condolences at the passing of the other Jungle Jim who was a good soldier, a good man and a brother!! He was frequently confused with me several times on the 327th Web Site as we had the same handle JUNGLE JIM, mine came from my call sign as company commander in Vietnam.
NEXT I would like to address the entry from Larry Fuller. He did not enjoy the 64th Reunion as none of his buddies were there. I am truly sorry to hear that. Larry let me explain about the reunion this year. It is generally twice as big, but there were special circumstances this year. We had to change the date from the usual August date because of the Division Sponsored WOE at Ft. Campbell. As far as those folks that looked like they were still in the field, I will apologize, but every group that has VN Vets has those that believe that the crudier they look the more Vietnam Vet they look. Our next reunion in 2010 is in Indiananpolis, IN and we should have 500 to 600. By the way you didn,t identify what unit and period you served so we can see if we can get you hooked-up. My dates with the 1st Bde Abn.(Sep)2/327 B and C Co also Commanded the Phang Rang Repo/In-Country Training.
I am currently the Chairman of the Board for the 101st Airborne Division Association and if you would like to address your concerns to me I will be glad to reply.
Name: Shirley Hayes
Hometown: Phoenix, AZ
Date: September 17, 2009 - 02:48 PM (pacific)
Reading Rick Smith's tribute to Jimmy Grainger, I remembered how those traits were evident even as a teen in high school where he participated in the ROTC program at Roseville, Hi. My condolences to his family and friends in the A-Co 1st 327th. I am grieving with you.
Name: Candace D. Lokey
Hometown: Freeport, PA
Date: September 17, 2009 - 01:59 PM (pacific)
The Nat'l League of POW/MIA Families is atttempting to locate photos of the 1,731 Americans still unaccounted for in Southeast Asia.

Udon Parker was lost on 13 Mar 66. Approximately 10 kilometers northwest of Phouc Thanh and 15 kilometers west of Tuy Hoa Airbase in the Phu Yen province; he fell into a fast moving river with full pack and gear when filling his canteen. He was swept downstream. His body was not recovered.

He was assigned to Company B, 1st BAttalion, 327th Infantry, 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne at the time of his loss. He had only been incountry 5 1/2 months. Does anyone remember this man? Does anyone remember this incident? Does anyone have a photo of him? Any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

To all that read this message - Thank you for your service to our Country.
Name: Harold Eugene Gaither
Hometown: Mason, Tn.
Date: September 17, 2009 - 09:32 AM (pacific)
I was an e4 in FDC with about 6 months in country when Hit at Tomahawk june 10,1970. We were a split battery of 155's towed of "C" 2/11th..I have recollections to share if any of you guys are interested...
Name: Steven W Thull
Hometown: Clarksville, TN
Date: September 16, 2009 - 08:47 PM (pacific)
Hello, I am an Air Defense Warrant Officer Assigned to the 1 BCT 101st Airborne (AASLT). I enjoyed working with all of the Vets for WOE that occured in Aug 09.
Thanks for the support and help.
Name: Jennifer Manes
Hometown: ,
Date: September 16, 2009 - 04:18 PM (pacific)
I would like to know if anyone remembers my dad, Samuel Lee Manes.He served in 1969-70 in the 101 st.Im looking for anyone that might know him.
Name: John Aventuna
Hometown: ,
Date: September 16, 2009 - 01:45 PM (pacific)
I served with C Co 3/327 who was attach to task force 121 to eliminate HVT number 2 and 3 on Operation Tapeworm 22 july 2003, Mosul Iraq SSG Kennon I named my son after you God Bless
Name: Melanie Cook
Hometown: ,
Date: September 15, 2009 - 09:46 PM (pacific)
My great uncle, Harley "Lee" Forbes, was killed in action on April 9, 1945. My understanding is that he drowned in the Rhine River while transporting prisoners across. I am looking for anyone who might have known him and who knows what happened on that day. He was from North Carolina... enlisted through Fort Bragg... had been in a little less than a year when he died... and was in Co. A 327th Glider Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division.
Hometown: ,
Date: September 14, 2009 - 08:10 PM (pacific)
Name: larry fuller
Hometown: ,
Date: September 13, 2009 - 09:46 PM (pacific)
Just came back from the 64th reunion. It was a disappointing event. Few fellow persons from the time I served in VN and many are still looking like they are in the field. One guy was even smoking marijuana. Last time I'll attend unless I can find old friends
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