
327 Infantry Veterans

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Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on September 28, 2014 at 6:37 pm
Hometown: BOSTON, MASS
Date: September 28, 2014 - 10:31 AM (pacific)
Name: Richard Bosworth
Hometown: WINTER PARK, Florida
Date: September 24, 2014 - 04:57 PM (pacific)
I was the medic that was lowered onto the mountain top and treated and evacuated 32 members of the 101st. This action took place near Duc Pho on 8 June 1967. I would really appreciate hearing from any platoon member that was there.
Name: iaiah matthew kidwell
Hometown: ,
Date: September 17, 2014 - 12:30 AM (pacific)
I served in country 7/21/69 - 2/19/70 I was AG to Cowboy on the MM - 60 I carried the MM-60 on and off. One time on the good old (UP-and OVER) that 60 beat my A__ all the up and all the down that mountain .Heading back to Noch Nock Bridge the CO I think it was Capt Little put me on his hood of his jeep and road me all the way back. Cowboy received all kinds of medals all thou I was right he side him I got nothing ,I didn't want any thing. There was a West Point officer (Kelly ?} I liked . But the rest I really didn't care for, Except Capt Little . One LT sent Miller and I on a suicide mission we went the other way he sent us and came back the next day. I would really like to talk to Cowboy (Lenard Adams ) or a guy with the last name Blood or Cororan
Name: ted sucholbiak
Hometown: bayonne, nj
Date: September 14, 2014 - 10:28 PM (pacific)
Was with 2/327 Charlie Co. from 1/71 to 8/71. Nick name was alphabet. Same platoon Angel, JC, Jitterbug, "Major" Bob.
Name: David Willett
Hometown: Bowie, Maryland
Date: September 13, 2014 - 03:33 PM (pacific)
I have a picture of my uncles plt from B Co 2/325 He served in Vietnam from 67Oct till 68Feb.
Name: Paul D Nichols
Hometown: Delhi, New York
Date: September 12, 2014 - 10:51 PM (pacific)
I served 1986-1987 in 3rd of 327 Infantry Battle force My Captain was CochranFirst Sargent Lynch LT Reed would love to hear from other members I was at Fort Campbell KY
Name: K Mishler
Hometown: ,
Date: September 11, 2014 - 01:46 PM (pacific)
On the hunt for a 327th,101st ABN glider infantryman named John Connor or John O'Connor. A friend of mine's father was good buddies with him, and they served together during the Bulge. Connor or O'Connor was from the Niagara area New York. I believe they were "C" company. My friend's father would like to find his buddy or his buddy's family if he is already passed. Perhaps a unit roster?
Name: james wayne malone
Hometown: ,
Date: September 03, 2014 - 06:48 PM (pacific)
Looking for any HAWK RECON 1971
Name: Blas DeLeon
Hometown: Eastvale, CA
Date: September 03, 2014 - 03:31 AM (pacific)
Looking for anyone that was in B co. 1/327 March to Dec. 1971
Name: John Lescher
Hometown: Grafton, Ohio
Date: August 27, 2014 - 10:54 PM (pacific)
James "Top" Clark will turn 90 on 2-5-2015. ABU troopers are planning a reunion in NC at his location during that time. Contact me or Mike Bertell. Just spoke to "Big Ed" Thompson and Tom "Oldpap" Oldfather.
Name: Chris Ray
Hometown: , Iowa
Date: August 27, 2014 - 05:01 PM (pacific)
Chris would like to add his father to the 327 web site. Please contact him at the above email address for info.

David Lucher
Name: Charles W"Doc" Campbell
Hometown: ,
Date: August 22, 2014 - 06:52 PM (pacific)
2/502 made jumps at Kontum December 1966. Was a Hollywood jump. Can not remember what dates. We jumped with Vietnamese Paratroopers. Remember taking off and hearing the 6 minute warning just as the wheels were off the runway. Jump itself was uneventful. The rice paddies we jumped in were like jumping on concrete. For myself the landing was alright. I do remember the ensuing days winds did pick up and a few people did get injured. "Welcome Home to All"

Charles "Doc" Campbell 2/66-2/67 Recondo Platoon
Name: David owen williamson
Hometown: Hot Springs , Arkansas
Date: August 21, 2014 - 07:46 PM (pacific)
Oh wow, Now I have made another contact through these pages of the guest book. William Johnston (page 49) We have made contact!!!!! Billy Brignac and now William Johnston. Thanks to all for the posts. I have been reunited with 2 Platoon mates now...............its good. I now am in touch with 4 of my squad......its a great feeling to know "THE REST OF THE STORY"
Name: David O Williamson
Hometown: Hot Springs, Arkansas
Date: August 20, 2014 - 02:57 PM (pacific)
I just made contact with William Rudolph Brignac, or he made contact with me. We were in the same squad and platoon of No Slack C company. This guest book is a good thing. I have not laid eyes on Rudy since leaving the Nam. Its great, thanks for the input.
Name: William Rudolph "Rudy" Brignac
Hometown: Franklinton, Louisiana
Date: August 19, 2014 - 01:46 PM (pacific)
I was in 1st Platoon, 1st Squad Leader in Company C 2nd Battalion 327th from May 1970 - March 1971. We mostly worked around Phu Bai and Phu Loc and fire support bases Tomahawk and Los Banos. I remember others in my platoon: Harold Webb,, "KK" Kerry K. Larsen, Lt. Creiger(Crash), TX., Paul Carrado, Phil, Max, Chicago, aand Doc "Figgie". My nickname was Rudy. If anyone else was in this unit please contact me. I haven't spoken to anyone since coming home from Viet Nam.
Name: Herbert Wayne Hammond
Hometown: Myrtle Beach, SC - South Carolina
Date: August 17, 2014 - 07:01 PM (pacific)
Charlie Co/1st 327th/101st Airborne/
1966-1967 Vietnam/Thomas Joseph Kinane/
Platoon Leader
Name: Larry B Ellis
Hometown: White Bluff, Tenn
Date: August 13, 2014 - 09:09 AM (pacific)
I was in Bravo Co 2/327 2nd plt 2 squad rto for a while looking for those I served with
Name: Alonzo Martinez
Hometown: San Antonio , TX
Date: August 12, 2014 - 07:26 PM (pacific)
I served 1967-68 in 4th platoon, ABU Company, 1st battalion, 327 regiment infantry, in Vietnam. Looking for group photo before Mothers Day Hill battle.
Name: Patrick "John" Windfelder
Hometown: Quakertown, pa
Date: August 12, 2014 - 01:08 AM (pacific)
Hello 1/327
My Name is P.John Windfelder.I am the nephew of
John,E Windfelder SP5/mos94 Tiger Force Who was attached to the 1/327th from late 67-71.
Johnny was KIA along with 33 other men (Mostly Tigers) Nov 28 1971 in Chinook ch47 (Playtex) Crash.The A/C was heading To or From LZ401?
Some reports say they got Tagged by VNA SAF some say Not.The report I tend to believe is from SAR 501 unit who took 3 days to reach the site (Under Fire) Lead by Mr J.L Hodges Only to find a Heart Braking Site.I would like to Thank The 501 Men for braking in and finding my Uncle John and the others lost that day from the 1/327th. Words cannot Express how grate full I am to the 501 Men!!
Now that the Thank you Bullchet is out of the way I have a few ?? to ask and would like the Truth if at all possible.
1) Did anybody know John Windfelder? His MOS/was a cook as well as Heavy Weapons Spl.Tiger Force
2) Can you be a So called "Cook" and also be a Tiger?
3) Anywhere I can find any pix of Tigers from Late 1971.The Tiger Force page stops at 1970 as for pix. Any pix taking by the investigators that doc the sight? Did the Army take pix as part of the investigation?I see many pix of Military Crashes in Vietnam but none of this crash.Why? Hiding something maybe? I'm sniffing around and so far this don't add-up.I have a hard time believing any thing those Criminals have to say in Washington. For good reason I feel this way.
4) Call me nuts if you like but I would like to make the trip to the A/C crash site. Taking the same walk the 501/sar Lead by a Mr J.L Hodges did.I want to see the site for myself and place a cross in honor of the 34 men who died that day.This is the only way I can come up with to show the respect I have to these 34 men as well as all who served in Vietnam.
With this in mind.
I cannot make a trip like this without some help.I would like to know if there is anyway to pin-point the site? Any maps? Any GPS numbers? Even Loran-c Numbers will do? By Mr Hodges Acct,His unit was dropped in 2 Clicks from the site.That's a long walk under fire but not to bad a walk in peace.I should be able to make contact with the site in half the time they did (My thinking anyway) Other than my ability and others (I do not see that as a problem) is there any reason this is not do-able? Any of your thoughts on this trip would be great.I have tried to locate Mr Hodges about this.He seems to be the only one with Knowledge about this crash, with no luck as of today's date. Anybody got any contact info for him? He posted on this site awhile back and express he was going to make a video concerning this crash. So if its a video the man wants to make I would like to help him make this happen.
There is also one more reason I would like to make this trip happen.
SP5 John Windfelder had 1 child (Jenny) my cuz.She grew up without her Dad.She has no Memories of her dad.Her comments on her dads page rips my guts out to read.It really gives clear insight to how painful this can be on the kids of KIA's.I cant bring her dad back But I CAN bring her something back from were her dad last was. She has nothing and anything from this site would be the center piece of her life and maybe the best gift anybody can give a person like herself. If I can make this happen I'm going to.I cant stand to read her words of pain.She grew up to be a fine lady. She's a medic that works in a small hospital in S.E.PA. SP/5 John would be proud of her.
My connection to SP/5 John is not anything like her's except for the fact my dad (THE KOREAN WAR VET who took copper to his legs in 1959) had changed my name at 2yrs old in honor of him.The same week he got the bad news.SP5/ John lived with my family in So Jersey for awhile. While I was growing up I was always told how much I looked like him. The whole family changed my name for this reason. Dad did the legal part on B/C to make it final.The funny part is as a 3yr old little man I did not now what the hell my name was.But I knew what tone of voice I should respect.As I got older the need to know this man I looked so much alike got more intense.The more I learned about this man,The more honored I was to have his name.Wow Dad named me after a member of the 1/327 Heavy Weapon's/Tiger Force member/Cook.All I can say is that gave this boy growing up one hell of a Big Head.Playing Army was the game I was best at.None Better.Playmates got "No Slack" you could say. My tactics got me in trouble with the old man a few times. All the element was laid out on the lawn do to your tactics, you little sob he would say. Anyway here are a few facts about SP/5 John Edward Windfelder.
1) He was the youngest of 13 kids. My grandmother was 49yrs old when she gave birth to him.49yrs old!!
2) HE was 1/2 Delaware Indian (unami) 1/2 German.
3) His nick-name was "JEW" John Edward Windfelder and had a plate made for the front bumper of his car that read "JEW".So maybe this Nick-Name will ring a bell for some?
I would like to thank you all who spent there time reading my post and please contact me at Farmallpat at Yahoo dot com if you have anything to add or info to my ??'S
P JOHN windfelder
Name: Ronald (doc) Funderburg
Hometown: Payson, az
Date: August 05, 2014 - 08:04 PM (pacific)
I was with Aco. and HHC as a medic !/327 67-68
Have been trying to find an Indian blood brother who was in A co.& Tigerforce. All I remember is his Indian name So Happy Can anyone help me find him? I would also like to get in touch with Mike Gouchner and Russel Alison. Would like to hear from anyone that was in A co. or HHC that remembers me.
Name: Joseph A Perry
Hometown: ,
Date: August 03, 2014 - 03:32 PM (pacific)
God bless all
Name: warren william tafford-jones
Hometown: Mechanicsburg, PA
Date: July 25, 2014 - 08:35 AM (pacific)
As a former O3 I'm looking for anyone who knew my closest friend WO1 Jack Fincher flying a UH-1B in 1967,he was hit by ground fire and went in while flying a close support gun run with the 120th AHC.I never found out what really happened.
Name: Sp4 Ray Wynn
Hometown: Barbeau, mi
Date: July 24, 2014 - 04:55 PM (pacific)
Hi I was in Vietnam in A Shaw Valley. Was there 1967-1969 I was with B com 1/327 and tiger force
I am looking and wanting to communicate with anyone that was there with me in either 1/327 B com or tiger force I would like to stay in touch with you I was a machinegunner m60 and a radio operator Ray
Name: John E McPhillips
Hometown: ,
Date: July 19, 2014 - 09:08 AM (pacific)
Served with B Co 2/327th, 71-72. Have been looking for Alan Estep or Gary Petrie. Life member of VVA Chapter 99. "No Slack"
Name: Ronald s Deal
Hometown: Cleveland, TN
Date: July 16, 2014 - 03:28 PM (pacific)
When I met John Russell he gave me the M-60 machine gun because I was from Tennessee very heavy gun I doubt he remembers me he had just got out the jungle.
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