Troopers Category: H&HC

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War

Dahlgren, Steve

Vietnam 2nd battalion Steve Dahlgren H & H, A, D, E Companies 1970 - 1971 101st Abn Div (Ambl) RVN Tour: Aug '70-Jul '71 Assignments/Units: Plt Ldr 1/A/2-327; S2 HHC/2-237; Plt Ldr Recon E/2-327; Cdr D/2-327 Military Service: Infantry; LTC (Ret.); 23 years Active Duty (6 Jun '69 - 30 Jun '92) Occupation: JROTC [...]

Crowder, Ronald G.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Ronald G. Crowder H & H, C Companies 1971 - 1972 The picture is of (from left to right) LTC Jarold (Jerry) L. Hutchison, CDR 2/327 IN; CPT Ron Crowder, Artillery LNO; MAJ Al Griffith, S-3; CPT Cunningham, Charlie CO CDR. This was taken in 1972 at Cam Rahn Bay (background). [...]

Crosby, Robert (Bob) W.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Robert (Bob) W. Crosby H & H, C Companies 1967 Robert (Bob) W. Crosby, LTC (Ret). Mortar Plat Ldr, HHC/2/327 and XO, C/2/327 - 1967. Back to the Troopers

Cox, Robert E.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Robert E. Cox H & H, D Companies 1969 - 1970 HHC 2/327th Jul 69 - Dec 69 Delta 2/327th Dec 69 - Jul 70 Back to the Troopers

Conway, Patrick

Vietnam 2nd battalion Patrick Conway H & H, C Companies 1968 - 1969 I served with C-2/327 and HHQ-2/327 from October 68 to October 69 as 11Bravo. Back to the Troopers

Christofferson, Scott Andrew

Vietnam 2nd battalion Scott Andrew Christofferson H & H Company 1967 In Memory of Scott My brother Scott A. Christofferson got assigned to the PIO section of HQ Co. 1st Bde, 101 ABN soon after he got sent to Vietnam. (they had an ad out for combat reporters, he went to the tent............and got the [...]

Christensen, Allen R.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Allen R. Christensen H & H, C Companies 1965 - 1966 Allen Christensen grew up as an Army brat living at various military posts in the U.S. and in post-war Austria. His father, Arthur, was a Bataan Death March survivor and career Infantry officer. Allen joined the Army after high school, [...]