Troopers Category: Cobra Troops

327 Infantry Veterans

Murphy, Pat “Doc”

Vietnam 1st Battalion Pat ``Doc`` Murphy H & H, C Companies 1966 - 1967 I served as a medic with the weapons platoon and then the 1st platoon of "C" company. Arrived in Vietnam Oct 66 to Oct 67. Back to the Troopers

Mitchell, Pete

Vietnam 1st Battalion Pete Mitchell C, H & H, A Companies 1966 - 1967 As for my 1/327th assignments in Vietnam, I arrived in-country and reported to Phan Rang 1 May 66 and went thru "P" training, joining C Co 1/327th on the Cambodian border at Nhon Cho, as 1st Plt Ldr. We moved to [...]

Mears, Bill

Vietnam 1st Battalion Bill Mears C, H & H Companies 1969 - 1970 I served with C Co & HHC 1/327inf. June 1969 to June 1970. A Shau Valley, Fire Base Bastogne, FB Roy, LZ Saber among others. Back to the Troopers

Layne, Lonnie “Doc”

Vietnam 1st Battalion Lonnie ``Doc`` Layne H & H, C Companies 1967 Doc Layne passed away 3-15-21   Everyone just called me Doc Layne in C Co. 1st 327 . I was the Medic for the first platoon from May 67 until around Nov. or Dec. 67. After that I was medic for the TAC [...]

Irzyk, Andrew L.

Vietnam 1st Battalion Andrew L. Irzyk H & H, C Companies 1966 - 1967 Colonel Andrew Lech Irzyk was commissioned an Infantry Officer upon graduation from Officer Candidate School class 9-64 on 27 October 1964. His first duty assignment was as Commander Operational Detachment Alpha 27, Company C, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne). His [...]

Heyn, Charles

Vietnam 1st Battalion Charles Heyn H & H (TF), C Companies Chuck was a Medic assigned to "Cobra" Company from Headquarters Company. Chuck was also with the Tigers. Chuck is married to Andrea and has two daughters Melanie, and Emma. Carpenter/plumber/electrician Chuck Heyn Back to the Troopers

Ackerman, Don “Doc Magoo”

Vietnam 1st Battalion Don ``Doc Magoo`` Ackerman H & H, A, B, C, D, TF Companies 1968 - 1970 I was assigned to HHC in 5/68 to 1/70. Served with Tigers for about 6 wks (to 6/19 wounded), when I came back from the hospital went to ABU Company till sometime in June or [...]

Jackson, Walter

Vietnam 2nd battalion Walter Jackson C, E (TF) Companies 1967 - 1969 E 2/327 1969 I was in C Co 1/327 from July 67 thru July 68. Quite a Year. Tiger Force from November of 68 thru Feb 69 and with the Hawks from May of 69 thru August 1969. Superb units each! Went [...]
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