Troopers Category: A Company

327 Infantry Veterans

Spaulding, Fred L.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Fred L. Spaulding A Company 1969 - 1970 Lt. Col. Spaulding entered in the service in June of 1958 and spent the next 9 as an enlisted man before being commissioned. He retired from service in June 1987 as a Lt. Col. Throughout his career he exemplified the finest spirit of the [...]

Sparks, Arvest L.

Vietnam 2nd battalion Arvest L. Sparks A Company 1969 - 1970 Spouse Christine, married 32 years. Welder/pipe fitter/store mgr/bike shop. Retired 32 miles from Yosemite Nat'l Park. Arvest L. Sparks Back to the Troopers

Snyder, Richard

Vietnam 2nd battalion Richard Snyder A Company 1966 - 1967 Richard Snyder was also a survivor of Trung Luong and was at the Campbell reunion with Kranig. Rick Salazar Back to the Troopers

Sims, William

Vietnam 2nd battalion William Sims A Company 1965 - 1966 Another trooper and survivor of Trung Luong was William (Bill) Sims, who term of service was 10/65 - 10/66. Bill was at the Campbell reunion and we stayed in contact for a while after that. He established a VN veteran program in Milwaukee after his [...]

Simchera, “Yankee Jim”

Vietnam 2nd battalion ``Yankee Jim`` Simchera A Company 1969 - 1970 "Yankee Jim" Simchera. Spouse, Patti.  Served with 2nd Platoon, A Co. 2/327th Sept. 69-70. Yankee Jim on FB Los Banos 1970 Back to the Troopers

Shirley, Alva

Vietnam 2nd battalion Alva Shirley A Company 1968 - 1969 Got out of the Army in '71 after a year with the 3rd ID in Germany and returned to school. After getting my degree in '75 I went back into the Army as a grunt. 17 years later I retired as a SFC. Although [...]

Sheridan, Dennis

Vietnam 2nd battalion Dennis Sheridan B, A, H & H Companies 1969 - 1970 Nam Oct '69 to December 14th '70 - 2/327th. Oct '69 to Dec '69 3d platoon leader B Co. and Dec '69 to Mar '70 2nd platoon leader A Co. Co A CO (a story in itself) and XO, Bn [...]
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