Troopers Category: A Company

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War

Mc Clellan, Hugh

Vietnam 2nd battalion Hugh Mc Clellan A , H & H Companies 1965 - 1967 Broke my hand in a helliborne assualt but no medal. Sgt. Cheny said there has to be blood to get the medal. I was in "A" Company, in the beginning, then I was Col. Joseph Wasco's bodyguard. After he [...]

Zallar, Butch

Vietnam 2nd battalion Butch Zallar A Company 1966 I was with A Company, 2nd/327th Infantry, second platoon, first squad on the 28th of August, 1966 when I was wounded and medivaced out, never to return. I was at the 85th Evac Hospital in Qui Nhon, the 36th Evac Hospital in Vung Tau and the [...]

Young, Shelton

Vietnam 2nd battalion Shelton Young A Company 1967 - 1968 Tour of Duty: 6/20/67 - 3/21/68 Unit: A Co., 2nd Plt., 2 Battalion, 327rh Inf. (2nd Plt) Citation: Purple Heart, CIB The picture of me was taken at a hospital in Cam Ranh Bay where I was recovering from Malaria back in August 1967. [...]

Wren, Terry

Vietnam 2nd battalion Terry Wren A Company 1967 - 1968 Bishop on the left, and Terry click on images below Radioman Gets His Outfit Out of a Jam Back to the Troopers

Wolfgang Jr., John L.

Vietnam 2nd battalion John L. Wolfgang Jr. A, C, E Companies 1968 - 1969 My name is Mark Wolfgang, the 2nd oldest son of John L. Wolfgang Jr. who was a member of the 2/327 Hawks Recon in 68-69. I checked all over your fantastic website and I can't find my Dad's name anywhere on [...]