Vietnam 2nd battalion
John L. Wolfgang Jr.
A, C, E Companies 1968 – 1969

My name is Mark Wolfgang, the 2nd oldest son of John L. Wolfgang Jr. who was a member of the 2/327 Hawks Recon in 68-69. I checked all over your fantastic website and I can’t find my Dad’s name anywhere on it nor on the roster. He served with a guy called Lurch. How do I go about getting my Dad added to the roster? He passed away almost 15 years ago this month (Sep ’06).
Attached is a pic of my hardass, no slack Dad. Not sure the exact dates he got to Nam, but I suspect it was August or so. He graduated NCO Academy March of 68, then pushed troops at Ft. Polk before taking 30 days leave.
His first company was “A”, then he spent Dec 68 – Feb 69 in “C” Co. He was also in the Hawks recon and LRRPs. He fought in the battle of Hamburger Hill where he was wounded and sent to Walter Reed.
Thanks for posting info on your site. He is my hero and the site wouldn’t be complete without him.