
327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War

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Kerrin Einrem Kerrin Einrem from Sioux Falls , SD wrote on August 7, 2023 at 8:38 am
Hi Everyone,
I am in need of some help for James Einrem. He served in the Army 1966-67 in Viet Nam with the Tiger s. Upon returning he had his service belongings lost in a fire. Unfortunately upon returning he didnโ€™t register. He was a medic while there was injured and sent home. He has been trying for years to get some VA help but no one can find anything. He doesnโ€™t remember any other number except his SS number as his. His DD214 they say isnโ€™t that. Please if someone wants more info about Jim and his service. Please contact me. His PTSD is bad as is his health. Thank you.
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