
327 Infantry Veterans

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Frank Dunlevy Frank Dunlevy from Washington DC wrote on September 7, 2022 at 10:09 pm
Just discovered this Web Site, and congrats to Dale and the Team for rebooting it the best they Could.
I was in C Company , 1/327th from June 66 to June 67, then went on to the 82nd at Ft Bragg. I was in Second Platoon, humped ammo for Kobs and Eastler on the M-60’s, then an M-79, then 6 weeks on Point,. I then became the RTO for Lt Hill of 2nd Platoon, CAPT Northquest the CO and then joined the Recon Squad (Cobras) carrying the Radio for Sgt Phillips before he went to SOG, I became the Squad Leader in April 67 and DEROSed last Day of May 67. May was a terrible month for C Company as we lost 20 guys KIA including my best Friend.
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