
327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War

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Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on November 17, 2003 at 9:54 pm
Name: Lee O'Neill
Hometown: Blackheath, New South Wales
Date: November 17, 2003 - 09:37 PM (pacific)
G'day blokes, just want to say I feel very honoured that you decided to post my poem to your site.
Your Aussie mate and brother
Name: Holly Lynn Stone
Hometown: ,
Date: November 17, 2003 - 05:04 PM (pacific)
Hey guys n gals past and present I found the website and am wondering if anyone can help me in locating a friend whom i used to write too but lost contact with about 7 years ago.
The man was a fellow Eagle served Viet Nam 67-68 name Eugene Paiz Jr (Geno) 101st 2/327.
The last address I have for him is Grand Rapids Michigan. I have since moved so he no longer has my current address, and I am unable to find him. Would like to renew the friendship we had for almost ten years so any help would be appreciated.
Can anyone help??
The website is cool and so are all of you past and present Eagles keep up the good work WELCOME HOME and God Bless Love Holly Lynn
Name: Robert Cox
Hometown: Panama city, Fl
Date: November 16, 2003 - 09:16 AM (pacific)
I am looking for anyone that served with 2/327th Jul 69 -Jul 70, specifically Delta Company. Also would like to find anyone that was on FSB Tomahawk during the attack on 10 Jun 70.
Name: samuel k cobb
Hometown: columbus, ga
Date: November 15, 2003 - 06:21 AM (pacific)
hi my name is sam im a proud son of a veitnam vet im also with the 101st airborne div
im trying to locate anyone who might have seved or knew my father we his children are trying locate any of his buddys he doesnt talk much of his exp in vietnam the only thing i can add is his name is
george mitchell cobb he served with the 101st I-corp region 68-69 ashau valley with a infantry unit were just kids who appreciate their father service in veitnam as of all of you who served there please if any one has any info on this please contact me im at thank you
Name: Erick W. Miller
Hometown: Salem,Wi/Chicago,Il,
Date: November 14, 2003 - 06:48 PM (pacific)
I'm always looking for friends from my past. I was in 1st Plt-B-Co/1st 327th Inf/101stABN Nam-69-70
Sgt Baldwin, Lt Schultz, Kevin McLaughlin, SSG Coley, Mississippi, Deek, Theodore Jones, Popcorn, Essie Johnson, Chuck Armstrong,Wally Berry, John Albro, Where are you guys? I'm in touch w/ a bunch of the company. Erick
Hometown: HILLSVILLE, Va
Date: November 13, 2003 - 06:54 PM (pacific)
Just found the site. Saw Ted whats his name on Night Line last night and was very very upset over the bad PI on TIGER FORCE & 1/327TH.iI was platoon leader,3rd platoon ABU from jun66-Dec66,and XO of A company till DEROS in May 67. Hello to all you from the 1/327th, I don't care what ABC says about us,WE KNOW WHAT WE DID AND KNOW WHY..... Proud to have served in 101st and to know so many great & brave troopers. Thom Gauger, above the rest
Name: paul doane caramella
Hometown: long beach, california
Date: November 13, 2003 - 07:52 AM (pacific)
Name: Andrew Havlik
Hometown: ,
Date: November 12, 2003 - 09:57 AM (pacific)
This is s great website! Ifound it looking up info about my uncle Richard Havlik D 1/327 101st airborn KIA 7-19-1969. If any one new him give me an e-mail! Im proud of every one that served our country! Keep up the awsome website!
Name: CPT Lance Hill
Hometown: APO, AE
Date: November 12, 2003 - 12:12 AM (pacific)
Great website. As a former "Above the Rest" officer, I can say that this site is truly great. I was a PL in D Co. for 2 years, and the HHC XO for 1 year, from 99-02. I can tell you all that the 1st BN and all the soldiers of the Bastogne Brigade are doing great things up in Northern Iraq. I am currently stationed in Kuwait as an Intelligence officer, but I am in contact with the Bastogne Bulldogs to this day. The soldiers, NCOs, and officers are still exceeding the standards, and in some cases, sacrificing all for their fellow soldiers. We have lost some soldiers in ABU and HHC in the past couple of months, and they will be remembered fondly. If anyone wishes to send well-wishes or anything to the Bulldogs, let me know via email and I will send along the address. The soldiers love to know that the people home remember them, especially in this time of separation. - Above the Rest!!
Name: Benjamin Trevino
Hometown: Mission, Texas
Date: November 11, 2003 - 12:07 PM (pacific)
I served in vietnam 69-70 "The Widow Makers" 502 C -company 101st airborn we were near PhuBai if you know anyone who served during that time please contact me I would like to catch up on old times.
Name: Thomas Camargo Villanueva
Hometown: Arlington, Texas
Date: November 11, 2003 - 05:43 AM (pacific)
Happy Veterans Day.
Name: thomas j parenteau
Hometown: yoncalla, or.
Date: November 10, 2003 - 03:39 PM (pacific)
I would like some info. about may 68 i know we were in the asha valley
Name: Raymond George Capwell
Hometown: Ann Arbor, Mi
Date: November 05, 2003 - 06:02 PM (pacific)
I would like to update my status.I just retired from the USAR in May this year.
I made it from E-1-LTC/AN.
I treasure my time with 2/327inf/VN the most.
Even though they got me to Saudia Arabia.
Name: Glenn Monroe Jackson
Hometown: Davenport, Oklahoma
Date: November 05, 2003 - 10:28 AM (pacific)
Dear soldier friend;
As americans, we must be willing to support,from the head & heart each other. We are the ones who paid THE price for who we are and for where we are! Please don't You forget! We can't lose us!
Sincerely, G.M.Jackson,66-68,p.trooper,Screaming
Eagles,/327Inf,would love to hear from other S.Eagels.To your Health & Happiness;
Name: Avelino Jay Calabaza
Hometown: Santo Domingo Pueblo, New Mexico
Date: November 05, 2003 - 08:20 AM (pacific)
"No Slack" Keep Me Updated on all Issues of 327th Infantry . Thanks.
Name: chuck e marshall
Hometown: lake worth, fl
Date: November 05, 2003 - 06:14 AM (pacific)
i am proud to have been with this unit
Name: Kimberly Elizabeth Tregaskes
Hometown: Templeton, PA
Date: November 04, 2003 - 03:30 PM (pacific)
This is my hero:
Frederick Tregaskes Sr. is my grandfather as I have mentioned in a few posts on this guestboard. I wrote a paper for school on him. He has made me so proud and thank you to David and Larry for contacting me. My email address is if you want to email me and I can print it out and give it to Pap.

Okay here is my paper; Sorry if it is really long.

Every time I venture up the road a few miles I pass my grandfather's farm and think to myself" One day I hope to be like him." When I say him, I mean my hero, the person in my life who has never let his injuries get him down or stop him from doing anything he sets his mind to.
The things that get my Pap down usually are when we pick on him when we say we heard him kill a deer with two shots. Most of you know that probably wouldn't happen because of his good aim and target range. Sickness doesn't seem to have stopped Pap either. Once in awhile I see him out rolling around in his wheelchair.
There was a newspaper article on Fred Tregaskes Sr. in the Leader Times over the Veteran Day holiday a few years ago. He is a highly decorated man, was recently indicted into the Soldiers and Sailors Hall of Valor in Pittsburgh, PA. Very few people know of the awards he has been given, I won't brag about that.
Pap has never let his disabilities get him down. He usually has a smile on his face, or is yelling about something that just isn't right. He is a good listener and you could tell that just by looking at him. He is a proud man and he loves his country. He loves America so much, he went to war for it and will pay for that for the rest of his life.
Every time I pass that farm and I think of the years Pap spent on the tractor, bailing hay, plowing the hard and dusty earth to make something of his farm, I see pride in his eyes. When I look at him, when I look into his blue eyes I see something I don't in most people, he doesn't let obstacles stand in his way. I have never heard him say " I can't do that, I won't even try." He has always tried.
Pap when you read this I love you a lot. I hope that no matter what life throws at you, you keep on going like you have taught me to do. You are my hero.
Date: November 04, 2003 - 12:01 PM (pacific)
Name: Dick Deam
Hometown: Boise, ID
Date: October 29, 2003 - 09:27 AM (pacific)
Great to have access to a site like this. I sure wish it (and the technology) had been around 30 years ago. I served with No Slack in 71-72. Took command of B co at FSB Birmingham 10 Dec 71. Moved down to Cam Rahn after that and DROS in Apr. I would like to hear from any one who was there at that time.
Dick Deam
Name: Paul E. Grimes
Hometown: Verona, NJ
Date: October 29, 2003 - 08:52 AM (pacific)
Hey, I hope you guys go to the Always First Brigade's web sight occasionally. On it now there is a posting by "Christine" who is looking for anyone who knew her Dad, Sgt. Jerry A. Norris/ CO A/ 1st Bn. 327th, KIA May 14, '67. NOW her note sent me to THE WALL's web sight and I find you guys lost total of 7 guys on May 14, as follows: Sp. 4 Michael Bost (think I knew him)/ Sgt. Elton Buef/ PFC Dennis Molese/ Sgt. Norris/ PFC Michael Peterson/ Sp 4 Pat Phillips/ Cpl E-4 Crawford Snow. GOD BLESS THEM ALL. NOW I was patient in our Bde. hospital @ Duc Pho (HHC, 2/502nd), in May, when one evening well after dark, many medivac helicopters came in with many WIA and KIA. Seems an element, maybe company size was ambushed, fought one hell of a fight but many guys were banged up. We came out of hospital tents to help the guys get out of choppers and YES, we sadly carried some KIA's to where we were instructed. JUST WONDERING if that "horrible night" could have been this fight on May 14. We're all brothers and I have THE utmost respect for you guys! Hopefully one or more of you guys will respond to Christine's request for info on her Dad! Her email address is ! All the best, and AIRBORNE! Sincerely, Paul Grimes/ was Sgt. w/ 2.502nd S-4 at Bde. TAC CP Jan-July '67)
Name: Joseph Lee Ford
Hometown: Apopka, Fla
Date: October 28, 2003 - 05:18 PM (pacific)
I have been looking for a long time for my buddies from my plotoon 101 Airborn1st327th 2nd Plotoon 69-70 I finley am ready to see these guys again and i am despertley looking for them Sgt.Rip- Smoke- Big John or any Brothers from my plotoon.Thanks
Name: Reynel Martinez
Hometown: McCammon, Idaho
Date: October 28, 2003 - 06:16 AM (pacific)
I was sickened to read the allegations from the Toledo Blade on Tiger Force. I knew Sam Yabarra and some of the other guys over in Nam. I had good friend Ernie Winston get killed with Tiger Force in 1968, also Johnson. We pulled a lot of LRRP missions in the Song Ve Valley after it was declared a free-fire zone. We shadowed Tiger Force in the valley, (we worked the west mountain ridgelines) in their so called rampage down the valley. We were in radio contact and would monitor the gooks after the Tigers went through. These "Farmers" would turn into VC as the sun got lower in the west, some of them as soon as the last tiger was out of sight. There were NO FARMERS IN THE SONG VE after the brigade evacuated the valley. If they were, I personally killed over 100 farmers on July 4th with arty. They were carrying packs and weapons. We are all in this together and we were not murderers or rapists. The latest in The Blade is they were assigning a colonel to investigate these so called war crimes. While he is at it maybe he can look into the 3000 people buried in mass graves outside of Hue. The Lurps found them during Tet 68.
Name: kim elizabeth tregaskes
Hometown: templeton, pa
Date: October 27, 2003 - 06:32 AM (pacific)
My grandfather was Fred Tregaskes Sr. I have been looking for this picture for months. Thank you all so much for having it on here.
Name: sammy r washburn
Hometown: indianapolis, IN
Date: October 26, 2003 - 03:17 PM (pacific)
Good site guys above the rest, old tiger, Sammy
Name: Ann Walker
Hometown: ,
Date: October 25, 2003 - 12:48 PM (pacific)
Dad, John Walker, was (I believe) in 1/327 in Vietnam (one of two tours) then later in 2/327 at Ft. Campbell. This is an 'outstanding' site; provides a lot of information about part of his life that he spoke little of and much that, as only an Army brat, not a veteran, is hard to truly understand. Also super to know where the 'NO SLACK' of my childhood came from.
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