
327 Infantry Veterans

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Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on January 4, 2004 at 9:50 pm
Name: John Barry Morehouse
Hometown: Mesa,, AZ.
Date: January 04, 2004 - 01:13 PM (pacific)
Anyone out there from the Hawks. I served from
June 66-June 67. Chuck Mc Iver was there at
the same time. Also Henry Beck. I was known
as JB, pointman & Team Leader at the end of
my tour. Hawk 1-2
Name: David O Williamson
Hometown: Malvern, Arkansas
Date: January 02, 2004 - 11:15 PM (pacific)
Grunts, boots, airtroops, groundpounders, Infantrymen.Listen up. The men in the rear echolon jobs we owe our lives to. They kept us supplied, sent us mail, logostics, troop movements, equipment repair. keep us in ammo, artillary, airstrikes. Got us water, medivaced out our wounded under intense fire, keep us running like a smooth green machine. Those who would call you REMF's or other names are not brothers in the true sense of the calling. I for one appreciate you. When we needed you , you answered our calls. Most men in Vietnam never saw close quarter combat, firefights, sustained battles but you were there, you worried and cared about us. You did not let us down. Thank You rear echolon Troops, for without you no infantryman would have or could have survived. Vietnam Veterans and Brothers All.
Name: Dave Kenyon
Hometown: Paso Robles, Ca
Date: December 31, 2003 - 07:06 AM (pacific)
Happy New Year to all grants and even the REMFS. Great new look on the website. I can still recall what we went thru and am proud of another generation tough enough to be Above the Rest. May God bless you all in another year. Son of San Mateo.
Name: Tom Murray
Hometown: ,
Date: December 29, 2003 - 01:05 PM (pacific)
Yankee Jim, your comment of Christmas at Nouc Ngot, immediately brought back my memory of Christmas 68 on Los Banos. I had just taken over 3rd platoon, one of the men's mother had sent an 18"-24" christmas tree with lights. We set it up in the platoon command bunker, used a claymore wire buried in the dirt and ran it to the artillery generator and spliced it in. What a thrill for the members of the platoon. That mother made a lot of guys happy. I'll never forget the rats jumping across my stomach when I was trying to get some zzz's in that bunker, one of the things you get used to. We had a visit from Santa and some Playboy bunnies? on the landing pad. What a Christmas.
I pray for all that are over seas now and wish them all a safe tour and return.
Happy New Year!
Airborne, No Slack and Above The Rest.
Tom Murray
Name: Erick Walker Miller
Hometown: ,
Date: December 27, 2003 - 07:14 AM (pacific)
Renee, Go back to the 327th Eagles site and click on the PX link. It might be under "Inside the Wire" . There are Medallions for sale there. I think one of them may be what you're looking for. Tell your dad Welcome Home. LRRPS and Rangers were brave men. You can be real proud of your father. Erick
Date: December 26, 2003 - 08:51 PM (pacific)
I would like to hear from any of you guys I served with, it has been a long time. I think about you guys all the time. Served in I CORPS 1970-1971 1st Brigade 2nd 327th Company C 3rd Platoon catch you later. SGT SUDS
Name: Wilburn Renee
Hometown: ,
Date: December 26, 2003 - 07:35 PM (pacific)
I just found your site and I am hoping someone can help me find a medallion my dad had in Vietnam, he called it the jumping marry- the virgin Mary with a parachute. It would be great if I could find one for him.
He served 2 tours in vietnam 69-71 or 2, the last unit was L co LRRP or something like that and his first address was D Co 1st Bde 327th Inf , 1st Platoon, 101st.
HIs name is William "Larry" Howell.
If someone knows anything of this medallion please let me know!
Name: eric kenyon
Hometown: oakland, ca
Date: December 26, 2003 - 03:23 AM (pacific)
i found this page through the tiger force site. these sites are vital to our understanding of our history. we can never forget the courage of these brave men. these sites remind me to be proud to have served in the 101st and the 327.
Name: Robert A. Downie
Hometown: Harrisburg, PA
Date: December 24, 2003 - 04:24 PM (pacific)
If anyone has information about David Allen Dixon, please e-mail me or call. I went to highschool with him and am gathering information from home as well as from anyone who knew or served with him. Merry Christmas to all who read this. For all vets, from one who served in-country for 18 months, thank you.
Name: Chris Warwick
Hometown: , TN
Date: December 24, 2003 - 10:10 AM (pacific)
Merry Christmas everyone! I just found your site and wanted a little info on my Uncle, if anyone knew him. His name is Joseph Merel Thorn and was killed May 31, 1968. I don't know very much about him as his death affected my so much, that I don't want to upset her with questions. If anyone knows anything or can share stories, please email me at Thank you.
Name: Yankee Jim Simchera
Hometown: , NW FL Panhandle
Date: December 24, 2003 - 05:27 AM (pacific)
327th Family,
Wishing you and yours a very Blessed Christmas and Holiday Season. Looking forward to welcoming our younger 327th Brothers back to Ft. Campbell this spring and seeing all of you at Cobra Lake this coming June. May you be Blessed with Health, Happiness & Prosperity in the New Year. Pray for our troops and may God Bless the U.S.A.!
No Slack & Above The Rest!
Yankee Jim & Patti
PS: I'll never forget Christmas '69 with my 2nd PLT Brothers at Nouc Ngot Bridge...
Name: Welby Schrader
Hometown: Tucson, AZ
Date: December 22, 2003 - 11:52 PM (pacific)
It's hard to believe that almost a year has passed since I first heard from many of the guys of the 327th. You have helped me with putting the pieces together of what happened on 24, Dec., 1970, just outside of Firebase Bastogne. Many of you have shared your memories of my cousin, SP4 Steve ("Stevie") Pohancek, who was K I A on that Christmas eve day. Mostly, you all reached out to me, and treated me as your "lil' Bro' "; and that will always mean so very much to me, I can't describe it in words. But, best of all, some of you have become very close friends (Y'all know who you are!), and that means the most of all. Another 24, Dec. is almost on us; so if you are awake at 04h15, Time Zone ROMEO (Eastern Standard), on the morning of Christmas Eve day, remember the guys who were killed that day.

All of you are "ABOVE THE REST!"

Name: Wade Hansen
Hometown: ,
Date: December 22, 2003 - 07:44 PM (pacific)
Merry Christmas to all my Airborne Brothers.Be safe and Stay alert Stay Alive You all are in our thoughts and prayers. Nam 67-68 Bco 2/327th
No Slack....Wade
Name: Wayne Smith
Hometown: Lake Worth, FL
Date: December 22, 2003 - 06:46 PM (pacific)
Nice page. Was transferred from the 25th Division in March of 1971 to Delta Co. 1/327. DEROS in September of 1971. Worked out of Bastogne, Birmingham and Veghl. Was in Lamson 719
Name: Valorie Moats
Hometown: Lantana, Florida
Date: December 22, 2003 - 08:40 AM (pacific)
Happy Holidays! Hope you are home soon. Stay safe. We are so proud of you all!
Name: Terry Whitpan
Hometown: ,
Date: December 21, 2003 - 10:27 AM (pacific)

Name: Michael Francis Wilson
Hometown: Jax., Fl.
Date: December 21, 2003 - 06:46 AM (pacific)
I started out with C co. in june 67 with Jungle Jim as CO And ended up in A co with Larry Reddman in th Ashu valley in mar. 68
Name: Bobby D. Laney
Hometown: no cities, New Mexico
Date: December 19, 2003 - 10:57 AM (pacific)
Finally got moved from va., sure have missed you guys, took 4 months to get electric, that held me up , getting back on here, oh yeah had to get puter fixed, 5 miles back in bonnies, to a marine, he put chip in mother board in 20 mins. here i am Bobbyredhawk
Name: Robert Keller
Hometown: ,
Date: December 16, 2003 - 12:00 PM (pacific)
I was honored to be the Platoon Leader of 2nd Platoon, C Company, 2/327 the second half of 1969 and XO of C Company until July 1970. The men I served with were the finest I have ever met. I appreciate this site and the service it provides to present and past members of the 101st.
Name: Ronald Eugene MATUSKA
Hometown: Moreno Valley,, CA
Date: December 15, 2003 - 08:00 AM (pacific)
I served with B Battery, 2nd Bn, 320th FA, 1st Bde, 101st Abn in Vietnam from 1966 thru 1967.
As I watch the performance of the 1st Brigade in Iraq, I am once again brought back to my time as a member of the Screaming Eagles. It is with great pride that my heart goes out to all those who have lost their lives in this struggle. I am forever humbled and in debt to these brave men and women who now serve.
I just completed a triangular case for my flag, and as I did so, I realized how many have died for what it represents: A beacon of hope for the oppressed, a talisman for all freedom loving people, and a hallowed symbol of Liberty.

Ronald E. Matuska, SP4,
B Battery, 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade,
101st Airborne, Vietnam 66-67
Name: Roger James Morris
Hometown: Offenbach, Germany
Date: December 12, 2003 - 06:43 AM (pacific)
It's been awhile since I visited the web site and just wanted to wish everyone out there a safe and happy holiday season.

As always, a great web site.

Roger Morris C 1/327 67 - 68

Name: Linda Gail Ellithorpe Curray
Hometown: Murfreesboro, TN
Date: December 11, 2003 - 12:29 PM (pacific)
I am trying to locate my brother Rea Ellithorpe, he was born in Nashville, Tennessee on August 1, 1955. He was in the 101st from 11/72 - 7/74. He made a career of the military and traveled all over the country. Our mother passed away in 2000 and now my dad is in poor health. My dad has been in the hospital and I need to get in touch with my brother. My dad has talked to my brother over the years but he did not have an address and the telephone number he had is not correct. I would really appreciate any information regarding my brother's location. Thank you
Name: David J. Markham
Hometown: ,
Date: December 08, 2003 - 06:23 AM (pacific)
This is an e-mail that was sent to me, I hope someone in ABU can help these fine people out.

Dear Company A, 1st Battalion (Airborne) 327th Infantry Veterans:
Can you help me (a very elderly lady) locate a living witness to the enemy action that resulted in the death of my beloved nephew, David Lee Wilkerson, when he was the 3rd platoon's machine gunner on March 24, 1968?
I have been told that if a living witness can be located, a request to Congress may be made to have his award upgraded to the Medal of Honor - as that would have initially been awarded had there been less political pressure by protesters to limit the Medal of Honors given in Vietnam.
Two enemy engagements are listed on is Silver Star citation that was awarded in 1968. The following quotation is from last paragraph citing his final act of heroism on March 24, 1968:
"On the following day, 24 March 1968, the third platoon was moving west through very thick undergrowth. As the company moved along the second platoon, which was the middle element, was ambushed by an u undetermined size enemy force. The initial enemy burst wounded the second platoons' machine gunner and immediately the call came for another machine gun. Almost simultaneously Specialist Wilkerson picked up his machine gun and made his way through an intense hail of enemy automatic weapons fire to the point where the initial contact was made. He immediately began laying down a base of fire covering the entire area so the second platoon would pull back their wounded personnel. Specialist Wilkerson kept firing and moving, remaining alone and exposed, covering the second platoon's withdrawal until he himself was killed by enemy fire. His actions are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit and the United States Army.

Thank you for your help,
JoAnn Wilkerson
(Mrs. Conley Wilkerson)

P.S. My husband is veteran of World War Two.
Date: December 06, 2003 - 01:47 PM (pacific)
Date: December 04, 2003 - 10:39 AM (pacific)
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