
327 Infantry Veterans

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Cindy Lieu Cindy Lieu wrote on March 15, 2004 at 9:47 pm
Name: Michael L Moreno
Hometown: Reno, Nv
Date: March 15, 2004 - 02:57 PM (pacific)
Greetings to one and all, got back from visiting the soldiers at Delta Co 1-327th In in Ft Campbell Ky. Spent a few hours with them, these are bunch of good kids, they are professional in every sense of the word. Have looked into their eyes and saw the tiger and the compassion in their hearts. We should all be proud of the way they handle themselves and all they could say to me was that they were following in our footsteps. They are our pride and our warriors of the 21st century. They are true to their beliefs and they knew what they were fighting for, each other and for you and me. A big hearty Airborne and Air Assualt Sir!
Name: Kimberly Elizabeth Tregaskes
Hometown: Templeton, PA
Date: March 14, 2004 - 08:55 PM (pacific)
Hello to all of you wonderful veterans. Thank you so much for fighting for American freedom. I stand proud each and every day that I say the pledge of allegiance. You men are a bunch that you just don't see anymore. I am the granddaughter of SSG Frederick J. Tregaskes and he was in Vietnam in 1966 until around October of 1967 I think.

I would like some information about Vietnam, any thing you would like to share with me, please do. I am in 10th grade at West Shamokin High School in PA, and my social studies class will be studying the Vietnam war pretty soon. If you want to send me anything, please do. My email address is .

I want to say thank you for fighting for me. Thank you for helping my grandfather out of that jungle in Vietnam. If you know him, please send me an email. I want to know what happened to him in Vietnam.

Pap, SSG Frederick J. Tregaskes is still alive, he is well. He was inducted into the Soldiers and Sailors Hall of Valor in Pittsburgh Pa a few years ago.

Please send me some information.

And once again, thank you for my freedom.

Name: Ronald S Deal
Hometown: Cleveland, tennessee
Date: March 14, 2004 - 04:36 PM (pacific)
Hope everyone is doing fine .i am trying to find doc that gave me a call in 1988 0r 89 talk aboutnam but never got back to one another since he was retiring from fort cambell at that time would like to get back in touch sorry but do not remember his last name may god speed be with you all Ronald Deal.
Name: Thomas Vincent Nakashima
Hometown: ,
Date: March 13, 2004 - 09:31 PM (pacific)
I was in Mortar Battery of the 327th and got out just before Viet Nam in March of 1963. I can't find anything about Mortar Batter on this site. Did they disolve it for Viet Nam? Does anybody know?

Tom Nakashima
Name: Jim Drachmann
Hometown: silkeborg, Denmark
Date: March 13, 2004 - 09:20 PM (pacific)
I am a Danish collector who collect para wings from World Wide.
I have seen your website and I must say that is a very good job
you have done. If you will you can sign in my guestbook if
you like. Here is a link to my website.

Best Regard.
Jim Drachmann.
Para world.
Name: Refugio Art(Arturo) Sias
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Date: March 12, 2004 - 06:39 PM (pacific)
Have gone all through the guest book, anybody from B Co. 70-71
Name: Dan McIsaac
Hometown: Wrentham, MA
Date: March 12, 2004 - 06:18 PM (pacific)
I am trying to contact Christine Norris Sellback listed on page 5 of this guest book.

She wanted to contact people who knew her dad, Ssg. Gerry Norris KIA May 14, 1967.

I served with Gerry from the rank of Pvt to Sgt with B 506 Airborne Battlegroup at Campbell, and saw him later in VN, when I commanded the Lurps. Our last meeing was just a few days before he died. Her dad is mentioned in Rey Martinez's book Six Silent Men Book 1. If someone can foward this info to her it would be helpful, please feel free to contact at any time to gather more info about me before you pass my name and number on to her.

Thank You,
Dan McIsaac
Name: Daniel F. McIsaac
Hometown: Wrentham, Ma
Date: March 12, 2004 - 06:01 PM (pacific)
I was attempting to contact Christine Norris Seelback. She want to talk with people who new her das Ssg. Gerry Norris, kia May 14, 1967.

She is listed on page 4 or 5 of the guest book, no number or address was noted.
Name: Jim Schildknecht
Hometown: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Date: March 10, 2004 - 11:32 PM (pacific)
My umpteenth visit to the site...great job, guys. Recently moved to Santa Fe, NM, from Washington State, and have visited with ex-Tiger and friend Dan Clint and his wonderful wife Terresa. Dan is one of my favorite "unaffiliated" writer's on the VN experience. He speaks of our experiences from his heart and soul. Ran into Gary Epperley, my point-man, and talked with Randy LaFaver, best-ever RTO, from '69/'70. Our world is so full of many brave and great people such as these. I was PL for 2nd/C/1/327th (Sept 69 - March 70) and then Tigers (March 70 - July 70). Best wishes to all.
Name: Erick W. Miller
Hometown: Salem, Wi
Date: March 09, 2004 - 12:39 PM (pacific)
I hope everyone watched "The Siege of Fire Base Ripcord" on War Stories. They said that the media wasn't allowed to cover the battles in 1970. That's why there was so little footage and so few photographs. I said it before, nobody cared about Vietnam in 1970. We were an annoyance. The ARVN and war protestors got more coverage. Jane Fonda and John Kerry got more coverage. The war in I Corps was far from over in 1968. It didn't end in 1970 when I left either. 1971 was statistically the most dangerous year to be a chopper pilot. What must those men have gone through? Erick
Name: Gentle Culpepper
Hometown: ,
Date: March 03, 2004 - 10:49 PM (pacific)
Chubasco, i think i know you do you remember me? My name is Culpepper
Name: Lonnie DOC Layne
Hometown: Murfreesboro, TN
Date: March 02, 2004 - 08:28 PM (pacific)
I was medic for 1st plt. C Co.1/327 From May 67 to around Nov. 67. Would like to hear from any and all the guys I served with. 37 years seams like yesterday sometimes.
Name: john robert carter
Hometown: ,
Date: February 23, 2004 - 08:05 AM (pacific)
My name is John Carter and I served from October 68 to October 69. I was called "JC". I am from Chicago Illinios. I was in Delta Company. If any one remembers me please send me an E-mail.
Name: Roger L Huffman
Hometown: Shady Spring, WV
Date: February 20, 2004 - 03:57 PM (pacific)
Keep up the Great work on this sight. It has helped me find some lost buddies and last night I put another piece of my puzzle together.I talked to Steve(ie) Pohancek (kia Dec 70) cousin. I have had a picture of him and could not remember his name until I saw his picture listed and got in touch with Welby Schrader. Hearing him pronounce his name and telling me he grew up in Chicago made things click. I am still looking for buddies I was with 1/327th A co 3rd plt RTO Jan 70 to Feb 71. Welcome "HOME ALL VETS".
Name: Don (Doc Magoo) Ackerman
Hometown: , Il
Date: February 19, 2004 - 05:12 PM (pacific)
Been in contact with Albee, Doc Trip, LT Cook would like to hear from Doc Nance,Chuck Phelps, Doc Speedy, Doc WF(Ranger Rick) Walker, Sgt "smitty" Smith. Served frm 5/68 to 1/70
Hometown: PELL CITY, AL
Date: February 18, 2004 - 12:20 PM (pacific)
Name: Joseph C. Behm
Hometown: Harrisburg, NC
Date: February 17, 2004 - 03:05 PM (pacific)
I was a medic/OR Tech that helped your guys after the Bastogne shelling in December 1970. I had been playing Santa Claus for the patients and medics and was called to the intake/emergency room to help with a large number of your guys that had been torn up pretty bad. I saw lots of young healthy men with their limbs blown off, many internal injuries from head to toe. We helped save many lives but were unable to save some. I promise you we all did our best for each and every one of you. For those of you who have survived 30 +years , well done. Keep up the good work!
Name: Bob Howard Mumblow
Hometown: Chadbourn, NC
Date: February 16, 2004 - 11:47 PM (pacific)
I was assigned on a FO team with the Tigers in May 67 for about three months, then to A 1/327. Never seen any atrocities being committed. Just returned for a short vacation from Kosovo where I am with the International Police Force. I always counted my stay with the 1/327 as the best. I also returned for a second tour in 70-71. ATR
Name: Lynn M Clark
Hometown: Holly, Michigan
Date: February 15, 2004 - 09:33 PM (pacific)
I am sure you remember when we found some of your letters home when sifting through things Ma had saved. We laughed till we cried...then we just cried. One thing I do feel I should tell you now is that we DID NOT tell the cows that you missed them.
Name: Roger Lee Beach
Hometown: Salina, Ks
Date: February 15, 2004 - 02:00 PM (pacific)
Just found your site and think is great, was in VN 68-69, Well home.
Name: Stephen D Purnell
Hometown: Alpharetta, Ga
Date: February 13, 2004 - 09:57 PM (pacific)
Would like to here from anyone who was in C Co. that went over from Ft. Cambell in 65. AIRBORNE!
Name: Steve Black
Hometown: new harmony, utah
Date: February 13, 2004 - 12:49 PM (pacific)
Was a member of a company 1/327 for jan 67-oct 67
was with abu in duc pho in may 67, survived mothers day hill along w 2 other members of my platoon. knew sgt norris. regards to all from abu
who may have been with me and all the troops that
spent a night in the boonies. AIRBORNE
Name: David O Williamson
Hometown: Malvern, Arkansas
Date: February 10, 2004 - 05:49 PM (pacific)
Great site band proud to bre a part. Charles Cotton. Nashville Tennessee, thump gunner, 1st Platoon 69-70-71. Where are you? I would love to talk. "Blue"
Name: Tom Kilbride
Hometown: Murphys, CA
Date: February 09, 2004 - 03:15 PM (pacific)
I came in as a replacement medic at Dak To and I went into the field assigned to Abu & Cobra Co's. I remember a guy named Killian getting killed and because of the similarity of our names people thought it was me. I recall Sgt. Fields getting shot in the arm and Joe Sumler and I both worked on treating his wound and he died inspite of our efforts from what seemed to be a very superficial wound. I recall some action in Phan Thiet, when two guys on a M-60 machine gun were both wounded, one was Peavey, but I forget the other's name. Both recovered and returned to action. I would like to get in touch with Jim Echols of Atlanta.
Name: Pamela Jayne (Meador)Henderson
Hometown: Crawfordsville, Indiana
Date: February 08, 2004 - 10:01 AM (pacific)
I want to say thanks to everyone who has reached me and told me about my Uncle Billy Jay Meador and letting me know what a wonderful man he was.He was killed in Vietnam when I was only 5 yrs old.I knew he served with the 101st airbourne division and he is very missed by me.Please whoever knew him keep e-mailing me I love knowing all I can about him.I carry his middle name and am very proud of him.I only remember bits and pieces of him and how much he made me laugh,and enjoy what his fellow brother's know about him. Thank you all again.
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