
327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War

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admin admin wrote on March 12, 2003 at 8:00 pm
Name: bill fehlhaber (chief)
Hometown: san diego
Sent: 10.48 am - wed 12 mar 2003

to Roger Huffman/ref ur msg 2/26...wes byrd in st louis, johnny johnson in cincinnati, mike carrasco in san francisco, as of last known locations. So how ya doing? Hope that all is well. I just found this site last week. billf
Sent: 7.19 am - wed 12 mar 2003

Hometown: saratoga nc
Sent: 11.24 pm - tue 11 mar 2003

looking for anybody from 1st 327 inf ABU 2nd plt. from 1965-1966. ABOVE THE REST. looking for DAVID ELDRIDGE, CURTIS TAYLOR, GENE LAHAIE. WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE REUNION. EMAIL ME AT
Name: Donna Douglas
Hometown: Santa Rosa, CA
Sent: 7.32 pm - tue 11 mar 2003

I want to let you all know how proud I am to have you out there for me and my family. My prayers are with you every day for a safe return.
Name: mike cline
Hometown: Rockford, Illinois
Sent: 11.09 pm - mon 10 mar 2003

1968 1969 remember ?
Name: Russ McDonald
Sent: 10.37 pm - mon 10 mar 2003

Markham, you are doing a great job putting the Leaf Chronicle columns on the website, that way the troops who have access to a computer can keep up with what the reporters are saying about them. We just read Harriet's account of her trip to Ft Campbell and we are sorry that we did not know that she was there or having problems with Motels/Hotels we live less than 45 minutes from Ft. Campbell and would have been happy to have her stay with us.
Name: Chris Bayless
Hometown: Sylmar, CA
Sent: 4.42 pm - sun 9 mar 2003

I was in C Company/327th from June 66 till June 67. I was wounded near Tuy Hoa on Sept. 3 1966.(Spent 4 months in hospital in Japan the returned.)I would like to hear from anyone around that time. Sonny Hendrickson, George Lyons(met in hospital) L.C. Harris or anyone else!
Hometown: Cleveland Tn.
Sent: 11.00 am - sun 9 mar 2003

god bless our soldiers an keepthem safe an strong.. don;t let the hollywood bunch get you down the real americans will always be there for you and support you Ron ABOVE THE REST
Name: Robert Mumblow SFC-Ret
Hometown: Chadbourn, NC
Sent: 10.48 pm - sat 8 mar 2003

I served with TF and A Co 1/327 as FO during the peeriod of 67-68. Went to Phan Thiet to join the 506 when they came in Country in Jan 68. I enjoyed my stay with the 1/327 and will never forget the experiance that I gained. Returned back to the 101st in 70-71. ATR
Name: Paul Ferrante
Hometown: Clifton, NJ
Sent: 2.47 pm - sat 8 mar 2003

Bill Hall, I just read your message about Song Be. I was the 60 gunner in the 4th plt, the little Italian stallion. I just wanted to say hi. My recollection si that the 3rd plt suffered the most casualties. I spent that day Harland Wineland (Wine-o). God Bless
Name: Mike Ainsworth
Hometown: Benicia, California
Sent: 1.52 pm - fri 7 mar 2003

Sorry to report that JAMES WATSON has passed away from a heart attack this past week.
Jim really loved the 101st and most of all the 1/327. I will miss him and the personel talks we have had from time to time.

ABOVE THE REST your at peace now brother.
Name: james j. brese
Hometown: blasdell, n.y.
Sent: 9.56 am - thu 6 mar 2003

on dec.25,1970,traveling to grandparents by car we heard of the "christmas eve accident"over the car radio.i was 15yrs old then..... dad followed moms death oct of 02,to join my eldest brother tony; i would love to converse with those who knew or knew of tony or can share with me any information of the accident. lovinly,brother jim
Name: Jim McElroy
Hometown: Palm Harbor FL
Sent: 10.19 pm - mon 3 mar 2003

Godspeed and good luck to the brave warriors of the 101st enroute to their new AO. After a tour with MACV, I served in the 1-327 (ATR!)from Feb-Oct as S-2, S-1 and CO, B/1-327 (Song Mao, Duc Pho, Chu Lai,etc).Did another split tour in 69 w/3d Bde (Hue-Phu Bai).As the 1st Bde (Sep), we still have bi-annual re-unions to keep the spirit of the Airborne alive!
Name: Debbie
Hometown: Tyler, Texas
Sent: 1.36 pm - mon 3 mar 2003

To all the 327th but most of all to our nephew SPC Phillip Rorex. Be safe and God Bless each and every one of you that you may all return home to your families safe.
Name: H. C. 'Steve' Stevenson
Hometown: San Antonio, TX
Sent: 9.55 am - mon 3 mar 2003

I served as Platoon Leader, 2nd platoon C-1/327 from April - August 17, 1967. After being wounded, I was Co C XO, Bn S-3 (Air) and finally commander B-1/327 in late 1968. Above The Rest.
Name: homer grimes
Hometown: round mountain tx.pobox 89 78663
Sent: 5.59 am - mon 3 mar 2003

i was with abu co.1\327 jan.66 i was with 2nd pltoon
wepons sqd was at doc to abu hill. need to talk to some
one who was there bad place also at tuy hue my phu
on machinggun with richard thomas a souix indian.
was wonded in june left to go to headqordes co in p. start pee training instruter in light weapons
Name: Lew Legat
Hometown: Coupeville, WA
Sent: 12.23 am - mon 3 mar 2003

I have a partial copy of the 1/327 unit history. In it there are coordinates given to where units were located from day to day. the corrdinates read YD 682124, YC 564929 and whatever. Anyone out there know what the grid system was so these points can be located on a map?
Lew Legat
B Company 3/68-8/68
Tiger Force 8/68-2/69
Name: Kevin J Gaughan
Hometown: Boston Mass
Sent: 11.19 pm - sun 2 mar 2003

Hey brothers in arms long time no see. I was in Charlie company from May 77-June 84. I am retired and work for Microsoft in Seattle WA. I spent 22 years in total time. My time with the Screaming Eagles was my best and at that time I was snot nosed kid who just turned 18 years old in 77. My brother died in Vietnam during the Tet offensive and I joined to honor him but I ended up staying in longer than expected. I am so proud I served with that division and especially that unit. Most of my squad leaders fought in Vietnam. I myslef fought in the Gulf, and Soamlia. Send me a note if you can.
Hometown: Minneapolis
Sent: 10.50 pm - sun 2 mar 2003

What a great website...
Name: ken angie ihle
Hometown: crossville, tn,
Sent: 6.36 pm - sun 2 mar 2003

Hey guys we are in AL, visiting our son Nick and Sly. Nick and I just walked across FRYERJUMP ZONE at FT. Benning. Wooo 38 years ago I did the same thing. only without the chute. GOD BLESS MEN 1/GUNNER KEN
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