
327 Infantry Veterans

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admin admin wrote on March 30, 2003 at 7:44 pm
Name: Dianne Larios Williams
Hometown: Nashville, TN
Sent: 9.16 pm - sun 30 mar 2003

All of our brave military men & women deserve so much for being the foundation of our freedom! First & above all, our constant prayers for their safety, their families & God speed home; but also they deserve our support! I am so proud of my sister, Linda, a California resident, who not only recognized this, but put it into action during the Vietnam War. Her dedication & untiring energy is an incentive to all of us & I hope to do whatever I can to support the troops from my State of Tennessee. God Bless Our Troops and God Bless America!
Name: Debbie Tindall
Hometown: Mount Airy, NC
Sent: 7.22 pm - sun 30 mar 2003

Hi Chris Orgg,
Hope that you do the job and get it done safely. We all miss you and pray for your safety. Look for the package we sent real soon.
Name: Jen Waller
Hometown: Columbus, Ohio
Sent: 1.43 pm - sun 30 mar 2003

My prayers and thoughts are for peace and safety for everyone fighting for freedom. For my friend Michael S Ross I wish godspeed and soon return home. May the whole troop be blessed and return safe to family and loved ones. Very proud of everyone there all troops! and thanks for everyone doing their part in their mission.
Name: Mike Ross
Hometown: Warsaw Ohio
Sent: 11.54 am - sun 30 mar 2003

to all the troops of the 101st, we are behind all of you !! my son MICHAEL S ROSS with the 1/327 unit 96021,
lookout for yhe ragheads! shoot fast& shoot stairght!
keep your eyes open& ass down!
you are a brave son that i' m very proud of, i think of you every minute of the day & dream of you at night !
let your training carry you through this mission and come home soon !!



Name: Chris Martin
Hometown: Florence NJ
Sent: 8.36 am - sun 30 mar 2003

I'm proud of all our troops- for you make America a safe,strong country! THANK YOU!!! I love my freedom.
Name: Camy Worden
Hometown: Grass Vallley CA
Sent: 9.48 pm - sat 29 mar 2003

I am so proud of all our troops. My big brother is in the 101st 1st birgade 2/327 infantry division (delta company)serving in iraq at the time being. I want everyone to know that i am proud of him and that i love him to death. I miss him dearly and cant wait to see him again. Thank you to all the our service men and women in the armed forces. God Bless!
Name: jerry wilson
Hometown: coldwater mi.
Sent: 2.55 pm - sat 29 mar 2003

give theme hell shoot first and talk later
Name: Jeff Bowman
Hometown: Portland, OR
Sent: 1.39 pm - sat 29 mar 2003

I am former soldier with B co. 1/327th inf. I served from 1997-2000. I would just like to say thanks to all who have gave their lives for our country and continue to give all. Thanky to all of you who are in Iraq protecting the world. Air Assault!!
Name: Mickey Allums
Hometown: Gainesville, Florida
Sent: 11.20 am - sat 29 mar 2003

May the Spirit and Focus of Tiger Force be present with your Day to Day Mission. Mick
Name: Tonia Cleveland
Sent: 11.03 pm - fri 28 mar 2003

Hi Eli,
I stopped in to check out your site. Its amazing. Now i have lots of questions for you on the next bus trip home.
Name: Selena Taylor
Hometown: Russellville
Sent: 9.19 pm - fri 28 mar 2003

Dewey, hope everything is cool. write and let me know youre ok once in a while. xoxo
Name: Nita Dunn
Hometown: Denver, Colorado
Sent: 6.30 pm - fri 28 mar 2003

We're keeping all of you in our prayers. Please come home safely to those who love you.
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