
327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War

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Dewright Dewright from West Palm beach wrote on December 23, 2021 at 3:02 pm
I'm one of those Arty dudes that was on Fire base Bastogne, When unfortunately OUR-- 155's Shot Out- hitting your troops in the field. I've Not Ever been able to Forget. This December 24, 1970 Christmas Eve Event has destroyed my life, as well as many others.
You had this article listed on your web page for- ever, I would look at it every Christmas Eve. Gave me help, knowing you all had mentioned in that article that you forgave us, as " a part of a WAR, gone SO BAD. Like to see that article one more time if possible..

April 24, 1970- April 27,1971.
Vietnam Service- 16 Sept 70- 8 Nov 7 Drafted!
Co B- 2d Bn (Ambl) 11th Arty 155 Howitzers ( Co- C )-Laos & Cambodia
MOS 13A10 SP4-Rank
โ€œ Screaming Eaglesโ€ ( Fought 2: wars ) ..
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